We are excited to introduce two formidable new Zoids to our lineup: the Saicurtis and the Cannon Spider.

Saicurtis [LV 3] Originally designed for low-altitude combat, the Saicurtis quickly became a terror for the Republic's ground troops in the mid-ZAC 2030s. Known for its strafing gunfire, it lacked dogfighting abilities but excelled at striking ground targets and escorting ground units. Modern updates have made it battle-ready with an enclosed cockpit and improved sensory and flight capabilities. While it has some armor weaknesses, its agility, firepower, and ability to fly make it a versatile asset.

Cannon Spider [LV 2] Emerging from the Ardennes forest, the origins of the Cannon Spider remain mysterious, with neither the Empire nor the Republic claiming its creation. It’s rumored to be the product of a rogue manufacturer. The Cannon Spider boasts decent durability and some unique features, Its combination of advanced technology and sturdy design makes it a valuable addition to any battle strategy.

Hopefully these new entries don’t bug you too much.

“See you on the battlefield!”