Public Discord Bots and Servers

Unleash the full potential of your Discord experience with Discord Me, your go-to for the coolest and most useful bots. It's like uncovering hidden gems that elevate chatting, gaming, or managing your server. Find bots that add a spark of fun, utility, or both, and transform the way you interact online.

Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Maki Icon
Entertainment | Music
The only bot you'll ever need! - (Voice) Levels - Music - Moderation - Logs - Invite Tracking - Reaction Roles - 20+ Languages - Dashboard
Carbon Icon
Music | Bot
Carbon is an audio entertainment system, using Carbons wide variety of commands you're able to stream music directly into your servers voice & stage channels! Carbon allows you to queue up entire playlists worth of music and stream them into voice channels and stage channels for everyone to hear.
Upa Icon
Anime | Social
Collect over 18,000 gacha focused on anime and games as you trade, compete, and show off your favorites in our global economy!
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Buttergolem Icon
Memes | Community
Dieser Bot scheißt dir zufällige Zitate vom Arschgebirge aus der Schimmelschanze direkt in deinen Discord-Server.
Live Status Tracker Icon
A ultimate monitoring tool for your website/minecraft server! Start monitoring today!
Sword aNd Scythe Online Icon
Role-Playing | Tabletop
farming simulation Role Playing Game grand strategy
Lanayru Shop Icon
Community | Entertainment
Hello à tous ! Pourquoi rejoindre la communauté Lanayru ? • Discussion : Que tu sois passionné de jeux vidéo, de séries, de musique ou tout simplement de la vie, tu trouveras toujours quelqu'un pour discuter avec toi. • Un espace de partage : Partage tes créations, tes astuces, tes connaissances avec les autres membres. • Gaming : Discutez de vos jeux préférés et jouer ensemble. • Concours et Événements : Participez à nos concours, jeux et événements spéciaux. • Une équipe d'administration active : Nous sommes toujours là pour t'aider et répondre à tes questions. Rejoignez-nous dès maintenant ! Icon
Bot | Memes
Official Bot Instance Prefix: f. Commandos are: post ID Example: post 900 This posts a post in the respective channel in which the command is executed set time 600 Seconds, 600=10min, default is 1hr/3600 After that: set channel #your-cooler-channel This will automatically post a message in your cool channel after the specified time - completely random 🤯! If you want to see the bot in action, join's cool Discord server
Private Club Icon
Financial | Community
We are private community which gather all great traders at one place ! If you want to make money from trading, this is your place. In our server will find Forex and Indices signals providers. Good community and support team is friendly. Join and get in the world of money !
Mirastone Icon
Bot | Social
O Mirastone é um Bot que está pronto, para fazer sua Botlist decolar. Fazer que seus membros envie os bots para analise, de divertir com os comandos.
Allinone AI Icon
Community | Music
If you're looking for the best server for Discord bots, here’s a community that stands out for anyone who wants to discover, create, or enhance bots on Discord: The Best Server for Discord Bots This server is a hub for both bot creators and users looking for top-quality Discord bots. Whether you are a server owner wanting to enhance your community’s experience or a developer aiming to improve your bot-building skills, this server offers everything you need. Key Features: 1. Bot Discovery & Recommendations Explore a curated selection of the best Discord bots across different categories. From music bots and moderation bots to fun games and utility bots, this server showcases the latest and most popular bots. With categories and rankings, you can easily find bots that match your server's needs. 2. Bot Creation and Development If you're a developer or aspiring bot creator, this server provides all the resources you need to start building and improving your bots. There are dedicated c
Carbon Icon
Music | Bot
Carbon is an audio entertainment system, using Carbons wide variety of commands you're able to stream music directly into your servers voice & stage channels! Carbon allows you to queue up entire playlists worth of music and stream them into voice channels and stage channels for everyone to hear.
Carbon Discord Server Banner
Carbon Icon
Music | Bot
Carbon is an audio entertainment system, using Carbons wide variety of commands you're able to stream music directly into your servers voice & stage channels! Carbon allows you to queue up entire playlists worth of music and stream them into voice channels and stage channels for everyone to hear.
PokeSnipe Icon
Anime | Gaming
PokeSnipeBot: The Ultimate Pokémon eBay Deal Hunter 🛍️🔎 Step into the realm of unparalleled Pokémon shopping with PokeSnipeBot. Our mission? To ensure you never miss out on an eBay Pokémon deal, no matter where on the globe it originates. From Japan's unique cards to the US's rare collectibles, we fetch them all, bringing the world of Pokémon trading closer to you. Distinctive Features: 🌍 Global Scope: Our bot scours listings from every corner of the world. 🤖 Advanced Algorithm: We don't just bring deals; we bring the best! Our algorithm evaluates listings on price, Pokémon popularity, seller ratings, and much more. 🔒 User-Centric: Set custom alerts, select channels for notifications, and fine-tune your preferences. Key Commands: /config addchannel [channel-name]: To introduce a channel for the hottest deals. /config removechannel [channel-name]: To bid adieu to the alerts. With PokeSnipeBot, you're not just shopping; you're embarking on a Pokémon treasure hunt. Let's m
Protect Icon
Language | Support
The art of Protecting ! Anti Raid, Anti Selfbot, Antispam, Antiraid, Blacklist, protection roles and channels. Our Captcha is ANTIVPN / PROXY!
KOv Ponto Icon
Role-Playing | Business
O **KOv Ponto** é um bot de Discord desenvolvido para facilitar a gestão de expedientes e horas trabalhadas em servidores. Com comandos simples, os usuários podem registrar seus horários de trabalho, visualizar rankings de produtividade e acompanhar quem está trabalhando no momento. Ideal para equipes, comunidades e servidores que precisam de um controle eficiente de horas. Inicialmente desenvolvido para servidores de FiveM (GTA RP), o **KOv Ponto** é uma ferramenta versátil e personalizável, podendo ser adaptada para diferentes tipos de comunidades e servidores. Com uma interface amigável e intuitiva, o bot é fácil de usar e pode ser configurado de acordo com as necessidades de cada servidor.
Teudong Icon
Bot | Community
Hello This is Kpop Bot ! The features are below • Kpop idol pics (individual only) • Kpop Group pics • Mini Games • Utility • Reactions Join Bot Support server to suggest more features I will add , i can't think of anything right now
ArcaneBot Icon
Bot | Community
A free discord bot to help manage your channel and provide entertainment functions. (inc music) All features are free to use with no commands locked behind a premium paywall. if you need help type!help and the bot will help you.
Puro Icon
Community | Furry
**Puro** is a friendly and reliable bot designed to assist both staff and members on Discord servers. From managing tasks to enhancing the community experience, **Puro** is here to make your server run smoothly and keep everyone engaged!
Music | Bot
Music Bot hosted by THEKVLT, a french Canadian (from Québec) community based on Discord.
Asistente Clay Icon
Bot | YouTuber
Asistente Clay: "¡Hola! Soy Asistente Clay, tu compañero de confianza en este servidor. Puedo ayudarte con tareas de moderación, responder a tus preguntas, jugar contigo y mucho más. Siempre estoy aquí para asegurarte una experiencia divertida y ordenada. ¡Vamos a explorar juntos todas las posibilidades!"
Stellar Icon
Stellar is the ultimate all-in-one Discord utility bot. With it's wide selection of features, Stellar tends to stand out. Use our features to control your server with tools like server event logs, chat filter, timeouts, join verification, warnings, autoroling, giveaways, and much much more. Stellar also introduces a command that allows you to scan your server's members. Want to see if you possibly have scamming users in your Discord? Use the scanmembers command to find if anything is wrong with your server.
🐟Fish Lords EU-GR Icon
Gaming | Community
🌊 Fish Lords EU-GR 🌊 🐟 The ultimate server for fishing, trading & events! 🏆 🔥 What can you find here? 🎁 Daily Giveaways! (with proofs & goal rewards) 💰 Shop with exclusive items & vouchers 🤝 Partnerships and server promotions 🎟️ Tickets for Support & Purchases 💬 Active community with chats & trading 🚀 Exclusive Events and special rewards! 🔗 Don't miss out! Join now: 👉
Zynthir Icon
Zynthir focuses on moderation but has other functions as well. For example, the "<server_lockdown" command can stop a server raid in a matter of seconds, just with a few clicks. But the bot doesn't only react to "<" ! No, it also reactis to being mentioned and has slash commands. When talking about the info commands, System has more than just a server and user info command, it also has features like "<ip_info", "website_info" and more. The bot has no premium version and it's not going to have one in the future! All commands are for free Bot Banner:
Vexel Icon
Bot | Programming
AI-powered Discord bot. Create stunning images from text, analyze and edit images, and advanced chatbot.
Upa Icon
Anime | Social
Collect over 18,000 gacha focused on anime and games as you trade, compete, and show off your favorites in our global economy!
Upa Discord Server Banner
Upa Icon
Anime | Social
Collect over 18,000 gacha focused on anime and games as you trade, compete, and show off your favorites in our global economy!
Global Icon
Bot | Programming
🌟 Découvrez Global, le bot Discord qui transforme votre serveur Bienvenue dans l'univers de Global, le bot qui révolutionne votre expérience Discord ! 🎯 Fonctionnalités de Global 🛠️ Facile à configurer : Personnalisez votre serveur en quelques clics seulement avec Global. 🤖 Chat en temps réel : Discutez instantanément avec Chat GPT pour des conversations décontractées ou des réponses rapides. 👋 Accueil chaleureux : Accueillez vos nouveaux membres avec des messages et images personnalisés pour une première impression mémorable. 📈 Suivi de la communauté : Suivez en temps réel la croissance de votre serveur et engagez votre communauté comme jamais. ⚔️ Modération professionnelle : Maintenez un espace convivial et sûr grâce à nos outils de modération avancés. 🎫 Système de tickets : Gérez les demandes de support de manière ordonnée et efficace avec le système de tickets de Global, le plus efficace que vous
Everysync Icon
Bot | Social
Everysync is the most comprehensive cross‑servers message synchronization bot on the market! 🚀✨ Seamless Synchronization ⚡ Everysync instantly syncs messages and channels across multiple Discord servers in real time. Whether it's text channels, forum channels, discussion threads, or even pinned messages, your conversations remain perfectly consistent. 💬🔄 Advanced Cross‑Server Integration 🔧 Create custom synchronization groups and add channels effortlessly. Manage your community with intuitive commands and enjoy unified communication like never before! 🤖 Cutting‑Edge & Beta Innovation 💥 Currently in beta, Everysync is continuously evolving based on your valuable feedback – making it the only bot that supports forums, threads, and pinned messages in one integrated solution. Your input helps us innovate and improve! 🔥 Join the revolution and elevate your Discord server communication to the
HotUtils Icon
Gaming | Technology
Hotsauce's HotUtils has created HotBot, a discord interface for the HotUtils suite of products centered around providing player and guild management tools for SWGOH.
Tony Bamanaboni Icon
Bot | Support
Support server for Tony Bamanaboni
Spark Icon
Community | Bot
(En) French community waiter. Also available for other nations. (Fr) Serveur communautaire français. Disponible aussi pour les autres nations.
TheelUtil Hangout Icon
Bot | Social
The official support server for TheelUtil!
Servidor Oficial Pro5M BOT Icon
Bot | Programming
Servidor Oficial Pro5M BOT
Rabbit House Coffee ☕? Icon
Bot | Support
Bem-vindo(a) ao Rabbit House Coffee, um servidor com o foco nos fãs de GochiUsa e o servidor de suporte da Chino Kafuu, um bot cheio de funções que pode ajudar no seu servidor.
Free Game Is A Free Game Icon
Gaming | Bot
The home for the Free Game Is A Free Game bot. Get notified of free games for all kinds of platforms at your own leisure!
Beat Music Bot Icon
Music | Bot
The Official Discord Server for Beat, the simplistic but customizable music bot, without the pay-walled features!
\~Cerbère support~/ Icon
Bot | Support
Welcome to the Cerberus support server
Naolli House Icon
Bot | Music
O servidor é para manter contato com quem tiver problemas com o bot de música Naolli.
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Austin Friends! Icon
Bot | Gaming
hello,i see u have seen this ad,anyways welcome to austin friends! there are some rules i have to say before u enter this server 1)u must greet new people 2)mods ofcourse are needed 3)its alright to swear 4)NO NSFW 5)this is not a toxic server 6)this is a gaming server
Rocket Planet Icon
Gaming | Community
? Rocket League - ? Ranks, Shops, News & More | ? Giveaways | ? Trading | ? 24/7 Middlemen | ? Events
Love Giveways Icon
Bot | Community
This Is A New Giveaway bot we made If You Love Doing Giveaways Our Bot Is Here For You Faster And Easy To Use
Matax Icon
Community | Technology
Matax is a community server based around Surge, gaming, and bot development. Come join Matax for a chill environment!
MagiQ Icon
Programming | Bot
Prefix: . Send .help to get Bot Commands This bot made by MagiQ Team ( Iranian Professional Developers ) MagiQ fits your discord server needs with many moderation commands you can get some information with information commands have a good day with Fun commands Aparat & Twitch stream Notifications This bot is online 24/7 to use in your server supports 3 languages ( Persian, English, Turkish ) 1- Online 24/7 2- Quick Response 3- High Security 4- Completely Safe 5- High Quality Music Player So invite me Now :D
Lean Icon
Lean is a Brazilian bot with a style different from others, that! Lean! Developer: guizao 友#3592 for help :
Goliath Icon
Goliath is an all-use Discord bot that comes bundled with a vast amount of features for users and servers.
HidTalk GaMinG YT Icon
Gaming | YouTuber
Welcome to all members join my discord server and play with me all pubg mobile game you must like and subscribe my channel
♡????????♪ ~ パラダイス Icon
Bot of server... Come con :)) You will try? Ily Imao mao ao o Lol srry its for the required characters
Community | Role-Playing
⚇ CONFIGS FIVEM [PT] Comunidade de Configuradores FiveM ?「?????? ???」 ?「?????? ??????」 ?「?????? ?????」 ?「?????? ???」 ?「??????」 ?「????????」
YouTuber | Streaming
¡Bienvenidos al servidor de GERAMSC, esperamos y disfrutes tu estadía aquí, también podrás enterarte cuando Gera haga sus directos en Facebook!
eSports | Gaming
Bot para link do discord AGAYS, convite personalizado para as mídias sociais e para pessoas que desejam entrar no servidor
Maki Icon
Entertainment | Music
The only bot you'll ever need! - (Voice) Levels - Music - Moderation - Logs - Invite Tracking - Reaction Roles - 20+ Languages - Dashboard
Maki Discord Server Banner
Maki Icon
Entertainment | Music
The only bot you'll ever need! - (Voice) Levels - Music - Moderation - Logs - Invite Tracking - Reaction Roles - 20+ Languages - Dashboard
Vortex™ Icon
Tervetuloa Vortex Roleplaylle! Olemme suomalainen roolipeli yhteisö! Tulethan mukaamme?
BlackCityRP Icon
eSports | Gaming
Finland RolePlay Server! Tervetuloa BlackCityRP! Tervetuloa BlackCityRP! Tervetuloa BlackCityRP! Tervetuloa BlackCityRP!
General Project RP Icon
eSports | Gaming
Bem-Vindo ao General Project um servidor de RP a tua medida, onde te poderás encaixar facilmente em cada contexto do jogo
OWL Watcher Icon
eSports | Gaming
is a discord bot that will provide you all the necessary info about Overwatch League and how far your team do their, greeting
Panda Bot Icon
Bot | Gaming
Many commands, mute, warn, utility commands, everything your server needs! This bot was made for fun, and I started working on it. You will like this bot! To get started, do //help or //help ! There are secret easter eggs you can try to figure out also! But anyways, have fun with my bot, updates almost every week! List of commands: mute warn help ping clear unmute kick ban cat panda dog meme member_count
Dumbledore Support server Icon
Bot | Memes
Dumbledore Is A Multipurpose Bot Used For Things Like Moderation,Utility,MUSIC And Fun Commands It’s One Of The Best Underrated Bots Out There Feel Free To Check It Out :) We Also Provide 24/7 Support In Our Support Server So Just Contact Us If Something Goes Wrong! I’m Currently Working Hard On Growing This Bot And I’m Sure That Someday I’ll Succeed In Making This The Best Bot In The Whole Discord Community Dumbledore bot that contains many features, the most important of which are Complete protection for your server. AFK system. Listen to a music bot with style! Feature rich with high quality music from YouTube Best modération bot
Stormy Icon
Gaming | Technology
This is the improved version of my first bot which is a discord verified bot wit 200+ servers...... This bot took a lot of time to make and Is the best one I have made so far It has many features: >Moderation System >Fun commands >Roast Battles >Compliment people >Play fun games like rock paper scissors >More usefull commands such as: Userinfo , Purge , Avatar
BetterCensoring Icon
Technology | Bot
With a range of unique features that you won't find anywhere else, BetterCensoring is a great start to a safer environment for your community.
Anime Recommendator Icon
Anime | Community
You love anime. You are interested in anime. You watched a lot of anime, or you didn't, it doesn't matter, you like animes. If you don't know what to watch, then just invite this bot to your server, and use ">help", and you will get a lot of anime recommendations. ;) Note: Bot is still under development, the lists will grow. If you have any recommendations, hit me on pm "Revo#4903", I will add it to the list, changelog, and list you on credits.
Bump Reminder for Disboard Icon
A bot that pings a role reminding people to bump disboard. Commands: $setrole <role> Sets the role that will be notified Accepts: => Role Mention => Role ID (Snowflake) => Role Name $simulate Simulates a message (Tests that the bot is set up correctly)
BlueLightRP Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Suomalainen Roleplay Discord palvelin! Löydä itsellesi täältä uusi Roolipeli serveri ja tutustu uusii ihmisiin!! Tervetuloa!!
Server Guardian Icon
Support | Community
Server Guardian was created on 06/30/2021 in efforts to ensure everyone enjoys their time on discord! Server guardian has a newly built feature that prevents spamming and raiding Server Guardian also has a ban database that ensures toxic/racist/trolls don't join your server!