Xi Bot Icon
Art | Technology | Programming
👑 AI for research, art, coding and more. Boost productivity with an all-in-one AI assistant. Explore AI tools, use cases, review and news on our server 💎 All AI Tools in One App ⭐ Multimodal ChatGPT+ ⭐VHQ Imagine & Editing ⭐ Music & Voice ⭐ AI Agents ⭐ Use for FREE ⭐ Payment with Crypto ⭐
Xi Bot Discord Server Banner
Xi Bot Discord Server Banner
Xi Bot Icon
Art | Technology | Programming
👑 AI for research, art, coding and more. Boost productivity with an all-in-one AI assistant. Explore AI tools, use cases, review and news on our server 💎 All AI Tools in One App ⭐ Multimodal ChatGPT+ ⭐VHQ Imagine & Editing ⭐ Music & Voice ⭐ AI Agents ⭐ Use for FREE ⭐ Payment with Crypto ⭐
Kimera - Interactive Fiction Icon
Writing | Art | Gaming
Kimera lets you read and write interactive stories within Discord; solo, or collaboratively with your friends/guild. Add multiple branching choices, images, track decisions and set variables. Export your book to JSON; you're not locked-in. A permission system lets you control who can read or add onto a story. They are private by default. Wholesome corn-based economy gameifies writing and reading. Commands: /cyoa the main interface for reading and writing /harvest get corn /help open the help book/documentation
TheModBot Icon
Bot | Community
Moderation bot featuring logging and mass banning. No cooldowns & no downtime!
Private Club Icon
Financial | Community
We are private community which gather all great traders at one place ! If you want to make money from home, this is your place. In our server will find Forex and Indices signals providers. Good community and support team is friendly. Join and get in the world of money !
Narvi Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Narvi adds support for playing The One Ring via Discord, including dice rolls, character sheets, tracking of endurance/hope/etc., initiative, journey roles, tests, attacks, and lots more. Add it free to your server, or toss a dollar into the jar to help pay for the cloud hosting if you want, at https://bitbucket.org/HawthornThistleberry/narvi/ and pop by the TOR/AiME discord for support.
Panko Icon
Anime | Bot
Panko is equipped with Dungeons and Dragons generative content and a D&D database to pull information from. It's capable of rolling dice and playing high quality music. It comes with an assortment of tools to help manage a server or browse content from the web like the latest anime, movie, manga, or game. Lastly, it comes with a text translator to help communicate in multi-language servers, and a ticket reporting system to help busy moderators handle their servers.
BWords Icon
Community | Mature
Add and remove words to a banned list the bot will auto delete any message that contains words u have banned
Melpo verifier Icon
Community | Music
Do you find trolls joing your server, or people raiding your server as annoying as me? Search no longer! This verification bot makes sure trolls and raids are something from the past! You can set up your own verification questions, your own welcomemessage, and loads more! It even has more than 100 topics so you never have to get bored!
[SQ UA] Squad UKRAINE #1 Icon
Gaming | Community
Запрошуємо на сервер по грі Squad: https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/squad/3426331 Цей бот показує мапу, кількість гравців і статус сервера [SQ UA] Squad UKRAINE #1 Squad сервер спільноти Squad Ukraine. Долучайся до Discord: https://squa.games/discord
Radio X Icon
Music | Entertainment | Memes
A Discord music/radio bot that plays live streams radio, YouTube music/streams, Spotify music/streams and many more ...
Pureza Icon
Community | Gaming
Conecte-se, divirta-se e faça novas amizades. Sinta-se em casa na Pureza. Sozinho? Nunca mais! Venha conhecer uma das comunidades brasileiras mais movimentadas onde você pode jogar games em call, web-namorar e criar amizades de verdade aqui no discord!
GateKeeper Icon
Community | Furry
GateKeeper is a multi-server verification system designed to secure your server against raiders, trolls, and malcious users. It is modeled after the custom bots used in large furry servers.
Lilian Icon
Bot | Entertainment
Elite bot is a bot that specializes in social commmands but is also very useful in other fields such as Moderation, Role management, Informational Commands and much more. Elite bot is online 24/7 (except the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month for maintenance) Elite bot uses the prefix ``;`` before all her commands. Type ``;help`` to get a list of all the commands that the bot has along with some other basic instructions. **Social Commands** ``;embed ;poll ;vote ;8ball ;rate ;weather ;user`` **Moderation Commands** ``;warn ;kick ;ban ;clear ;nuke ;clone ;role ;nick``
Radio X Icon
Music | Entertainment | Memes
A Discord music/radio bot that plays live streams radio, YouTube music/streams, Spotify music/streams and many more ...
Radio X Discord Server Banner
Radio X Icon
Music | Entertainment | Memes
A Discord music/radio bot that plays live streams radio, YouTube music/streams, Spotify music/streams and many more ...
Xavier Icon
Just Chatting | Education
Xavier: Your Ultimate Discord Study Buddy! 🚀 Powerful & Fast: Get lightning-fast answers to complex questions in seconds. 📚 Study Superstar: Master subjects effortlessly with Xavier's in-depth explanations. 💬 Human-Like Conversations: Enjoy natural chats and engaging interactions.
skipped.lol Icon
Technology | Programming
The best Discord server to bypass linkvertise links (and other ad-link services), automatically. Our Discord bot, skipped.lol, is the #1 Linkvertise bypasser out right now, with insanely fast bypass times, 100% uptime and a fully working rate-limit bypass. Join up now and start bypassing! We're offering fully unrestricted services up until the 28th May! skipped.lol is a continuation of our very popular Flamez bot. All of our bypassing and method is made in-house on our own servers, meaning we can update and tweak the methods for bypassing as needed
FishWiki Icon
Education | Pet Care
Aquatic Encyclopedia on Discord
Avalon Index Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
🤖 Avalon Index is a medieval RPG combat bot featuring classes such as: 🤖 ▶️Knight ◀️ ▶️Archer ◀️ ▶️Mage (which also features a wildcard variant; 10% chance to appear in battle!)◀️ 📣The bot thus far has the following features:📣 ▶️A start command to start the game! ◀️ ▶️A pick command to choose from the three classes! ◀️ ▶️A stats command to display basic stats! ◀️ ▶️A battle command to battle anyone on the server! ◀️ ▶️A forfeit command to flee the battle! ◀️ ▶️A reset command to reset your stats and pick a new class! ◀️ ✨Invite the bot to your server, and enjoy!✨
Xeras Icon
Bot | Entertainment
Sohbet Seviye Sistemi, Gelişmiş Bilet Sistemi, Gelişmiş Çekiliş Sistemi, 50 Komutlu Eğlence Sistemi, Sunucu Yöneticisine Özel komutlar, Yapay Zeka Sohbet, 2 Çeşitli Kayıt Sistemi, Selam Verici ve Daha nice özellik ile ihtiyacınız olan bot sayısınız azaltmayı hedefleyen bir Botdur! ✨ Xeras ✨
Protect Icon
Language | Support
The art of Protecting ! Anti Raid, Anti Selfbot, Antispam, Antiraid, Blacklist, protection roles and channels. Our Captcha is ANTIVPN / PROXY!
Questo Icon
Entertainment | Memes
Add games like Truth or Dare, Would you Rather, Never have I ever, and Paranoia. Enjoy a counting game and more. Dive into fun with this bot!
[NoD]TruckerTycoon Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
🚚 TruckerTycoon Bot 2.1.0 Alpha 🚚 DE: Der TruckerTycoon Bot ist dein Begleiter im virtuellen Trucking-Universum! Registriere dich, handle mit Trucks und erfülle Aufträge, um dein Imperium zu erweitern. Die neue Version bietet verbesserte Sprachunterstützung und spannende neue Features für ein intensiveres Spielgefühl. EN: TruckerTycoon Bot is your companion in the virtual trucking universe! Register, trade trucks, and complete orders to expand your empire. The new version offers enhanced language support and exciting new features for a more intense gaming experience. 🌍 Jetzt in Version 2.1.0 Alpha - Steigere dein Trucking-Abenteuer!
FantasyMon Icon
Gaming | Anime
FantasyMon is a Discord bot that lets you collect pokémon(s)! As a trainer, you'll have the chance to catch pokémon as they randomly spawn in chat. Compete with your friends to collect the best pokémon, trade with other users to enhance your collection, and battle with other trainers to show off your skill. The possibilities are endless.
Lunar Utility Icon
Enhance your Discord server with Lunar Utility. Explore 11+ customizable features, all at no cost. Elevate your community experience today!
Cyberblox Icon
Gaming | Business
**What Is Cyberblox?** **Cyberblox** is a **Roblox-Discord Bot** with much more than the standard verification, featuring lots of commands to help your group for free. Most features provided by **Cyberblox** have never been seen on a **Roblox-Discord Bot** before! Popular Features: - Roblox - Discord Verification - Roblox Group Linkage - Roblox Lookup - Roblox Statistics - Roblox Group Management - Reaction Roles - Server Management - And Much More! With Cyberblox you can set up your whole server with just one bot, no need to have tons of bots when you can have one that does it all! Cyberblox is always changing and getting updates to give you the things you need join our Support Server to learn more about what Cyberblox can do for you! **Pro-Tip:** Use our online dashboard to easily configure Cyberblox! **Get Support!** We understand that learning new **things may be challenging** but we try our best to make simple and easy-to-use systems so you don't waste hours trying to set
Ying Icon
Community | Bot
The only economy bot you'll ever need. Ying is packed with lots of fun features that can keep your servers entertained.
Carbon Icon
Music | Bot
Carbon is an audio entertainment system, using Carbons wide variety of commands you're able to stream music directly into your servers voice & stage channels! Carbon allows you to queue up entire playlists worth of music and stream them into voice channels and stage channels for everyone to hear.
Carbon Discord Server Banner
Carbon Icon
Music | Bot
Carbon is an audio entertainment system, using Carbons wide variety of commands you're able to stream music directly into your servers voice & stage channels! Carbon allows you to queue up entire playlists worth of music and stream them into voice channels and stage channels for everyone to hear.
GilBot Icon
Bot | Community
Yet another multipurpose bot for your discord community server but with a twist of Moderation.
SemRotaRP Icon
Entertainment | Support
Se você está procurando um novo lugar para chamar de lar, venha nos conhecer. SemRotaRoleplay é um próximo servidor RP sério baseado no Canadá. Temos administradores e funcionários justos e amigáveis, ativos o tempo todo. Toneladas de carros importados e roupas para você escolher. Trabalhe legal ou ilegalmente, quer você queira fazer RP como um criminoso empedernido que busca dominar o submundo da cidade ou simplesmente queira relaxar em sua bela casa, há atividades e cenários para todos os estilos de vida. Com nossa gama de trabalhos de Mecânico, Sintonizadores, Metrô, Transporte Rodoviário, Reboque, Corretor de Imóveis e Coleta de Lixo. Ou tornar-se um chefão: comprar e vender drogas, roubar lojas e roubar veículos exóticos. Existe um potencial infinito.
Star wars Galaxis Icon
Ein einfacher Bot der noch in Entwicklung ist doch zuverlässig. Wir freuen uns über jede Einladung die dieser bot generiert. German Community Server, Dieser Server ist geeignet für jeden Star Wars fan. Wir machen Roleplay, teilen Wissen und Memes. Wir zocken auch verschiedene Games wie Star Wars Battlefront 2 , Star Wars the Old Republic oder auch Minecraft. Lego Star Wars Moc Conteste finden hier auch statt. Wir haben auch einen eigenen Discord-Bot sowie eine eigene Website. Wir schreiben auch zusammen in Aurebesh. Viel Spaß auf dem Server. Möge die Macht mit euch sein!!! Roger Roger
Anime | Just Chatting
Meet Hana, your friendly Discord bot companion! 🌸 With a heart full of kindness and a commitment to keeping the peace, Hana is here to make your server experience smooth and enjoyable. From answering questions to resolving conflicts with grace, Hana is the digital friend you can always count on. Join us in discord server and let Hana guide you to a world of positivity and community!. DigitalFriend.. KindnessMatters
Financial | Gaming
Top Serveursˢᶻ Icon
Community | Social
Top Serveursˢᶻ offre la possibilité d'obtenir les informations, statistiques et classement des votes de ton Top Serveur. Liste des commandes: 🤖・Bot > /bot-info -> Affiche les informations du bot. > /help -> Affiche la liste des commandes du bot. ⚔️・Administrateur > /config -> Configure les paramètres du bot sur le serveur. > /panel-serveur -> Affiche le panneau de configuration du bot sur le serveur. > /reset -> Réinitialise un ou plusieurs paramètres configurés sur le serveur. ・Top Serveur > /classement -> Pour connaître le classement des votes du Top Serveurs. > /informations -> Pour connaître les informations du Top Serveurs. > /liste-avis -> Pour connaître les avis du Top Serveurs. > /statistiques -> Pour connaître les statistiques du Top Serveurs.
Control Center Icon
Technology | Gaming
Serving as a moderation, utility, fun & informatically bot. Give it a try! Command (!help) has been deprecated, please head to our documentation page for the usage of commands instead!
Nyamiko Icon
Entertainment | Pet Care
Virtual pets, xp, ranks, custom pets, leveling, items, cats, pets,rewards, adventure
Kitana Icon
Gaming | Playstation
#1 discord for fighting games. ⭐️ Mortal Kombat ⭐️ Tekken ⭐️ Street Fighter ⭐️ Fortnite ⭐️ Gaming News ⭐️ Cash Prizes ⭐️ Tournaments ⭐️ Coaching ⭐️ PvP⭐️
NeoChatty | AI Chatbot GPT-4 Icon
Bot | Just Chatting
Hi there! I am your FASTEST and FREE intelligent AI Chatbot that uses GPT-4 and AI Image, here to assist you with anything ⚡
Earnify Icon
Community | Business
Welcome to EARNIFY ! Earnify is a interserver economy bot made by Foxytoux that has been made to have fun, all together ! Currently it has over 22 commands, although it is only the start of a long journey ! Current Commands (Updated when new commands comes) beg openaccount rob botinfo restore_account invite inventory serverinfo balance deposit ping addmoney reset blackjack withdraw work listbadges roulette profile badges help leaderboard +110 servers / 8.5k users
MR.0xBOT Icon
Programming | YouTuber
➤ About Rules ┊- صورة واسم حسابك يجب أن تكون لائقة وغير مخالفة للدين سيتم تنبيهك واذ لم يتم التجاوب سيتم طردك ┊- احترام الجميع وعدم السب والشتم ┊- عدم مشاركة الروابط التي بها خلل ديني أو أمني او تخالف شروط الدسكورد ┊- لا تجاوب على سؤال أي شخص إلا وأنت تعرف الإجابة تجنباً لنشر المعلومات الخاطئة ┊-ممنوع نشر روابط مشبوها ┊-لو كنت سوف تنشر خلفيه كمبيوتر ,على صوره ان تكون , ┊Full HD : دقه عاليه و حجم 1920 ┊-عند نشر مقالات في مكتبه عليك نشر مقال في للغه العربيه لي اجل المبتدئين يفهمو ┊-ممنوع تكلم في دين لي اجل عدم انك تفتي في امور دين ╰➤ [0xROBEE]
Genshin Impact Icon
Bot | Anime
Join for an exciting journey through the world of Teyvat ~ Our bot has many exciting features - from wishing for characters to battling with slimes! Each character you summon will be stored into your inventory and can be equipped with weapons and artifacts You can build each character stats and add
Genshin Impact Discord Server Banner
Genshin Impact Icon
Bot | Anime
Join for an exciting journey through the world of Teyvat ~ Our bot has many exciting features - from wishing for characters to battling with slimes! Each character you summon will be stored into your inventory and can be equipped with weapons and artifacts You can build each character stats and add
InviterCEO Icon
Growth | Social
Hey there i'm Zone Bot here to help your server grow faster in all types of ways easy and fast we get 10000s of member's for you
Xi Bot Icon
Art | Technology | Programming
👑 AI for research, art, coding and more. Boost productivity with an all-in-one AI assistant. Explore AI tools, use cases, review and news on our server 💎 All AI Tools in One App ⭐ Multimodal ChatGPT+ ⭐VHQ Imagine & Editing ⭐ Music & Voice ⭐ AI Agents ⭐ Use for FREE ⭐ Payment with Crypto ⭐
reFocus Icon
Community | Design | Bot
Step into reFocus, where excellence meets versatility. Tailored for an unparalleled server experience, our bot introduces a seamless blend of innovation and functionality. Delve into the transformative features below: website: https://reFocus.boo/ Commands: /hello /credits
SomeoneBack Icon
Community | Bot
"SomeoneBack" is a bot that aims to bring back the "@someone" mention, a Discord feature from the past. The goal of "SomeoneBack" is to restore this old functionality. Once invited, users can randomly mention someone in a chat. This can be especially entertaining for activities like giveaways, where a winner is chosen at random, or for simply adding a touch of surprise to discussions. By resurrecting this feature, "SomeoneBack" hopes to inject some nostalgia and excitement into Discord communities, allowing users to interact with one another in new and unexpected ways.
Server Manager Icon
Bot | Community | Entertainment
Server Manager provides servers with features such as, leveling, giveaways, member verification, join gate, invite tracking, event logging and moderation.
YuYu Icon
Music | Bot
YuYu is a bot for playing music from many platforms, born as a pastime, the project is still evolving, YuYu offers advanced song/video search, offers the possibility of creating personal playlists to which you can add many songs/videos. YuYu can still be improved, and to do this we need people to test the bot and give us feedback. If you have new ideas to propose or have discovered any bugs, don't hesitate to write to our server. Thank you all YuYu use only slash commands Commands => /play : insert the platform and your query /play-playlist: play your personal playlist created in YuYu DataBase /pause: set the pause /resume: makes the song resume /skip: go to next song in the queue /previous: go to previous song in the queue /loop: set the loop of current song /lyrics: returns the lyrics of current song /leave : the bot leave the voicechannel and say goodbye /help: we can't writ all commands here, so use the help command for the others and their guide <3
Tatistrutul Icon
Bot | Fitness
Phasmochecker Icon
Community | Gaming
Our bot is your indispensable partner for all things Phasmophobia. It's your go-to source for immediate insights into ghost types, clues, and evidence. Whether you're just starting out and require guidance or a seasoned ghost hunter aiming to hone your expertise, this bot is an essential tool in your arsenal! With our bot by your side, you can swiftly identify key details about any haunting you encounter. Need to know which ghost you're dealing with or what evidence to collect? Our bot has you covered, providing accurate information to guide your investigation. Don't face the paranormal alone—let our bot enhance your Phasmophobia experience and elevate your ghost-hunting skills to the next level!
kubalao Icon
Playstation | Role-Playing
🎮 ¡Bienvenido/a a nuestro servidor de Discord para amantes de los juegos! 🛒 Tienda de Fortnite: Mantente al día con las últimas ofertas en nuestra Tienda de Fortnite. 🆕 Novedades: Entérate de las últimas actualizaciones y eventos en Fortnite y Call of Duty Mobile. 🎉 Sorteos: Participa en emocionantes sorteos para ganar premios increíbles en tus juegos favoritos. 🎮 Auto-roles: Personaliza tu experiencia seleccionando tus roles favoritos para Fortnite, Call of Duty Mobile, y más. 🏆 Torneos: Únete a nuestros torneos regulares y demuestra tus habilidades en diferentes juegos. 🎫 Tickets de soporte: Resuelve cualquier problema con nuestro sistema de tickets dedicado, disponible para todos los juegos. 💡 Sugerencias: Comparte tus ideas y contribuye al crecimiento de nuestra comunidad, tanto para los juegos actuales como para nuevos juegos que te gustaría ver en el servidor. 💬 Chats: Desde el chat general hasta chats específicos para cada juego como Fortnite, Call of Duty Mobil
Sword aNd Scythe Online Icon
Role-Playing | Tabletop
farming simulation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxf5khEf0Yg Role Playing Game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OR387kDm90k&t=44s grand strategy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OR387kDm90k
Dream Icon
Technology | Bot
Free. Unlimited. Always. Since 2022. Now offering Stable Cascade! 🥳 ━═━═━═━═━═━═━═━═━═━═━═━═━═━═━═━═━ 😍 Generate an unlimited number of images for free. You own what you make. The only limit is your own imagination. 📀 Choose from various SDXL or Stable Diffusion 1.5 based models. 🎨 Craft your own reusable prompt and style templates then gain reputation by sharing them publicly. 🖌️ Use any LoRA from civit.ai for maximum customization of your generations. ⚙️ Use input images, change steps, aspect ratio, sampler, guidance scale, scheduler, you name it, we got it. ━═━═━═━═━═━═━═━═━═━═━═━═━═━═━═━═━ Support Server: https://discord.dreamdiffusion.net/
Bricket Counter🧱 Icon
Bro im counting people what do you else want ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Server Manager Icon
Bot | Community | Entertainment
Server Manager provides servers with features such as, leveling, giveaways, member verification, join gate, invite tracking, event logging and moderation.
Server Manager Discord Server Banner
Server Manager Icon
Bot | Community | Entertainment
Server Manager provides servers with features such as, leveling, giveaways, member verification, join gate, invite tracking, event logging and moderation.
SSC Security Icon
Bot | Technology
Level up your Discord server's security with SSC Security Bot : Smart AI Protection, Advanced Moderation and Logging . and more !
Agro Clan Bot Icon
Gaming | Memes
Това е най добрият Дискорд бот в България. И ще ви помогне за всичко. Също влезте в Agro Clan Дискорд сървъра ако го четете това.
Martine Icon
Entertainment | Art
Martine is a multipurpose bot that can boost the member engagement of your server! Leveling, giveaways, streams alerts, games stats, a lot of images commands, and so much more to discover! Links: Invite Martine: https://invite.martinebot.com Website: https://martinebot.com Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/k6DU655
Noelle Aishi Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
A roleplay bot that is a very smart a.i with fun command and Mod/Chat Applications (My Server sorry) (Restart= Updating)
Celeste Icon
⚜️ Celeste e um bot focado em anime :3 /jogos são os jogos da Celeste /recomendação Recomenda mais de 25 animes
Albedo Icon
Community | Growth
Esse bot auxilia na criação de servidores e na moderação etc /m... são nossos modelos de server /m-comunidade, /criar-calls, /criar-chats, /regra
ArtStation Generator Icon
Art | Design
The bot get randomly images from ArtStation, and give you 4 beautiful artwork The uses is easy juste /generate and the images appears ! ArtStation is the biggest website about 2d, 3d art, animation and more! The main place about professional posting work about videogames, movies, or just artwork. I hope you will like it
DOM Icon
cookie 3-05092-3509-2 resf90k3o0923u529359i029i5i2903542359i349itjf94jk3j9f49j0kf09jk4jkf43jfj43fj9i
HashMC Icon
Gaming | Community
Sou um bot criado pelo Gabimaru to sendo criado para representar o server HashMC foi assim o nome que ele botou pra me espero que vcs gostem do servidor Ip HashMC.aternos.me:61057 ainda estamos deixando ele mas legal possivel!
PokeSnipe Icon
Anime | Gaming
PokeSnipeBot: The Ultimate Pokémon eBay Deal Hunter 🛍️🔎 Step into the realm of unparalleled Pokémon shopping with PokeSnipeBot. Our mission? To ensure you never miss out on an eBay Pokémon deal, no matter where on the globe it originates. From Japan's unique cards to the US's rare collectibles, we fetch them all, bringing the world of Pokémon trading closer to you. Distinctive Features: 🌍 Global Scope: Our bot scours listings from every corner of the world. 🤖 Advanced Algorithm: We don't just bring deals; we bring the best! Our algorithm evaluates listings on price, Pokémon popularity, seller ratings, and much more. 🔒 User-Centric: Set custom alerts, select channels for notifications, and fine-tune your preferences. Key Commands: /config addchannel [channel-name]: To introduce a channel for the hottest deals. /config removechannel [channel-name]: To bid adieu to the alerts. With PokeSnipeBot, you're not just shopping; you're embarking on a Pokémon treasure hunt. Let's m
ICE Icon
I am ICE. I am the best all in one & multi featured discord bot. You can get access to hundreds of commands by using me. Type ".help" to get help about all of my commands.
STW Daily Icon
Gaming | Bot
STW Daily collects your Fortnite: STW daily rewards and research points via discord.