Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Mirastone Icon
Bot | Social
O Mirastone é um Bot que está pronto, para fazer sua Botlist decolar. Fazer que seus membros envie os bots para analise, de divertir com os comandos.
Everysync Icon
Bot | Social
Everysync is the most comprehensive cross‑servers message synchronization bot on the market! 🚀✨ Seamless Synchronization ⚡ Everysync instantly syncs messages and channels across multiple Discord servers in real time. Whether it's text channels, forum channels, discussion threads, or even pinned messages, your conversations remain perfectly consistent. 💬🔄 Advanced Cross‑Server Integration 🔧 Create custom synchronization groups and add channels effortlessly. Manage your community with intuitive commands and enjoy unified communication like never before! 🤖 Cutting‑Edge & Beta Innovation 💥 Currently in beta, Everysync is continuously evolving based on your valuable feedback – making it the only bot that supports forums, threads, and pinned messages in one integrated solution. Your input helps us innovate and improve! 🔥 Join the revolution and elevate your Discord server communication to the
TheelUtil Hangout Icon
Bot | Social
The official support server for TheelUtil!
Inosuke Bot Icon
Anime | Social
Inosuke Bot Discord This inosuke bot I was inspired by the anime character in kimetsu no yaiba this character who always wears a pig mask and he is good at using a sword
ShortURL.Best URL Shortener Icon
Social | Technology
Get an excellent Discord URL Shortener Bot! Use the command /short to create your custom short url. We have many customization options such as domain selection, custom aliases, password protection and much more! Join our support server today!
PoKi Icon
Bot | Social
Hey I'm Poki , I'm your personal guild security guard ! You can see my abilities [ commands ] here : Abilities Commands ? 1️⃣ /ability channel_freeze [ True / False ] ↳?️ Create Channel after channel deleted by non whitelisted Users with same info ! Limit Commands ? 1️⃣ /setlimit channel [limit_number] ↳?️ Set channel [creation / deletion / update] limit 2️⃣ /setlimit role [limit_number] ↳?️ Set role [creation / deletion / update] limit 3️⃣ /setlimit ban [limit_number] ↳?️ Set [ban / unban] limit 4️⃣ /setlimit emoji [limit_number] ↳?️ Set emoji [add / remove] limit 5️⃣ /setlimit kick [limit_number] ↳?️ Set kick limit Punishment Commands ? 1️⃣ /punishment ban ↳?️ ban user when bot punished user for user reach server limit 2️⃣ /punishment kick ↳?️ kick user when bot punished user for user reach server limit 3️⃣ /punishment removerole ↳?️ remove all users roles when bot punished user for user reach server limit whitelist Commands ? 1️⃣ /whitelist add [
Rabot Icon
Entertainment | Social
Un bot muy avanzado y multifuncinal hecho por Raul_RDA. Tiene comandos de diversión, música, moderación, economía... etc.
THFBot Icon
Gaming | Social
Bot de Invitación a Comunidad The Hidden Forest, donde intentamos crear una comunidad de gaming inicialmente World of Warcraft
Eclipse-inv Icon
Social | Community
✧˚ · . ☽ WELCOME TO ECLIPSE ☾ . · ˚✧ • We are a brand new 18+ community Things we offer •Fun vibes ,(Eboys/Egirl friendly) •Vc's ☏ •Make friends! •Fun events! •Game nights! •Emotes!! ♡ ☽ We're a growing community come be part of the journey ☾ ♡
Kirito Play § Discord & Interaçõ Icon
Social | Community
Divulgação Do Servidor: Kirito Play § Discord & Interações Conteúdo do Servidor: * Divulgamos Outros Servidores * Temos Um Canal Exclusivo Para Jogos * Canal De Música Para Os Membros Do Servidor * Várias Salas De Voz e Texto Para Os Nossos Membros * Não Aceitarmos Palavrões, Conteúdo NSFW e Racismo Dentro e Fora Do Servidor * Todos Os Membros São Respeitados De Forma Igual *Sempre Tentarmos Ajudar os Membros Para Melhor a Experiência Dos Nossos Membros *Fazermos Parceria Com Outros Servidores *E Varias Outras Coisas Que Vão Aparecer Aos Poucos
PokeGuess Icon
Gaming | Social
Who's That Pokemon! Recreate the most nostalgic guessing game into your server.
Invite Icon
Gaming | Social
Para unirte a nuestra comunidad solo tienes que hacer clic en el botón ''Join Server'' En nuestra comunidad podrás chatear, hacer nuevos amigos, buscar equipo para jugar, escuchar música, jugar a mini juegos, leer las guías de ayuda, reportar usuarios, solicitar ayuda a nuestro equipo de soporte y muchas más cosas interesantes...
Carbon Icon
Music | Bot
Carbon is an audio entertainment system, using Carbons wide variety of commands you're able to stream music directly into your servers voice & stage channels! Carbon allows you to queue up entire playlists worth of music and stream them into voice channels and stage channels for everyone to hear.
Carbon Discord Server Banner
Carbon Icon
Music | Bot
Carbon is an audio entertainment system, using Carbons wide variety of commands you're able to stream music directly into your servers voice & stage channels! Carbon allows you to queue up entire playlists worth of music and stream them into voice channels and stage channels for everyone to hear.
Elite Icon
Anime | Social
Salve amigos lets go vamos nos divertir e fazer trade ai em tamo junto lindoes amo voces uma coisa n quebre regras do servidor em
sharky Icon
Entertainment | Social
# sharkie is a blahaj-themed economy and fun bot, that will bring plenty of joy to your server :3 ### sharkie's features include: - economy system where you can acquire blahajs - fun economy games - `/blahaj` command to view a blahaj ### inviting sharkie is sure to bring fun, joy, and friendly competition to any server!
Raptor Icon
Bot | Social
Raptor is a discord bot, with which you can moderate your server, create giveaways, create reaction roles, listen to music and many other things. Raptor is a bot with which you can run your entire server! With no less than 350+ commands, we have a large bot with many options to improve your server!
Lunio Icon
Music | Social
**YouTube SUPPORTED!!** **Introducing our cutting-edge music bot** inspired by the beloved old [Hydra](https://hydra.bot). Getting started with Lunio is easy, once you've added our bot to your server you can jump in a voice channel and summon the bot with the `/play track:` command, which also queues songs and playlists from YouTube, Spotify, SoundCloud and more! Enjoy seamless music playback with a vast collection of songs from popular streaming platforms. Create personalized playlists, skip tracks, and adjust volume effortlessly. What sets our bot apart is the unique music request channel, where users can easily submit their favorite tracks for the ultimate collaborative listening experience. Dive into a world of shared musical tastes, discovering new genres and artists, all in real-time. But that's not all! Our bot brings forth a variety of exclusive features, including an intuitive lyrics command to sing along to your favorite tunes, and the ability to shuffle songs for an eve
planexcraft Icon
Social | Gaming
✨▬▬ 🌍▬▬▛ PlanexCraft - Network ▜▬▬🌍 ▬▬✨ Únete a nuestro servidor que tiene boxpvp, oneblock y Survival Custom. Puedes subir de rango estando en nuestro servidor de forma gratuita. JAVA Y BEDROCK. ◆Abierto las 24 horas. ◇Premium, noPremium Y BEDROCK. ❖Rangos VIP, VIP+ y PREMIUM. ◇Soporte por tickets. ❖SlimeFun. ◇Survival Custom. ❖Oneblock. ◇Y muchas cosas más en nuestra modalidad Survival Custom. ⚡¡Entra y averigua si eres lo suficiente bueno para obtener el rango más alto de PlanexCraft! ⚡ 🌍IP JAVA: mc.planexcraft.com 🌍IP BEDROCK: mc.planexcraft.com PUERTO: 19132 🌍Discord: https://discord.gg/QVYnEu5z4r 🌍Tienda: https://planexcraft.tebex.io/ ⭐1.8 - 1.20.4⭐
Portucalense RolePlay® Icon
Social | Gaming
Sobre o servidor O Portucalense é uma comunidade portuguesa de roleplay fundada em 2021, que tem como propósito oferecer aos membros sua experiência completa onde estes podem viver seu personagem da forma mais realista possível e, ao mesmo tempo, divertirem-se com os demais jogadores!
carlos Icon
Social | Memes
•´¨`•.¸¸.•´¨`•.¸¸.•´¨`• ┏━•❃°•°۞๑۩๑۞°•°❃•━┓ Bienvenidos a la Cueva del Gamer, una comunidad en crecimiento en la que podrás encontrar todo tipo de actividades: -Memes y humor 🤙 -Obras de arte 🎨 -Un culto entretenido 📦 -Juegos variados 🎮 -Y por supuesto, un maravilloso ambiente de socialización, gracias al cual podrás encontrar tranquilidad e incluso nuevos amigos 🫂 También buscamos mods agradables que contribuyan positivamente al servidor. Somos una asociación que acepta todo tipo de sugerencias, ya qur así podemos mejorar entre todos. ¿A qué esperas? Únete y pasa un buen rato entre colegas. ┗━•❃°•°۞๑۩๑۞°•°❃•━┛ •´¨`•.¸¸.•´¨`•.¸¸.•´¨`•.¸¸.•´¨`•.¸¸.•
ContentMatch Engagement Bot Icon
Social | YouTuber
As a content creator, you understand just how crucial a thriving Discord community is for your success. Now, picture effortlessly harnessing your community's potential to mutual engagement. That's where ContentMatch steps in – the ultimate engagement bot that makes it happen. Think of us as the middleman, ensuring that engagement is genuine and recognized. Typically, creators set up specific channels for sharing content and notify everyone. But without a tedious process, identifying if the community actually engaged with said content can be tricky. That's where we come in: our bot verifies engagements and prioritizes active participants. This not only boosts engagement but also puts content creators in the spotlight, giving them the visibility they need to thrive. Invite ContentMatch today and watch as your community and engagement levels soar
Muzox Icon
Music | Social
## Configuration 247, announcement, buttons, djmode, djrole, filtermenu, prefix, settings, textchannel ## Filters 8d, bassboost, china, chipmunk, crazy, darthvader, demon, karaoke, nightcore, party, pop, rate, resetfilter, slowmo, soft, treblebass, tremolo, vaporwave ## Music autoplay, clear, disconnect, forcejoin, forceplay, join, loop, nowplaying, pause, play, playtop, previous, queue, rejoin, remove, search, seek, shuffle, stop, skip, volume, resume, replay ## Premium activate, deactivate, premium, status ## Utilities about, botinfo, checkvote, help, invite, ping, shard, sourcecode, support, vote
awesome Icon
Gaming | Social
a server where you can meet people and play steam games, (helldivers, dead by daylight, lethalcompany), no requirements, just have fun
Verify Icon
Business | Social
PAR.pt Icon
Community | Social
Bot do Portugal Atlantic RolePlay privado!!! discord.me/portugalatlanticroleplay Bot Oficial do PAR.pt
The Shape Finder Icon
Social | Entertainment
The Shape Finder is a discord bot that finds other Discord AI chatbots for you to talk to. Just use f!search "your character" or f!explore for a random chatbot!
Octane Icon
Gaming | Social
Octane is a new bot that comes from an idea I had a few years ago. Being a car junkie, why are there no good car related discord games? Well, as I slowly started developing it, I've realized that it's probably because of how difficult it is to really simulate racing or even driving fast, within discord. I was very inspired by iconic racing games like Forza and Need for Speed. Engage in thrilling races, manage your vehicle collection, and rise through the ranks in a dynamic, interactive game environment. Octane brings a blend of racing, strategy, and RPG mechanics directly to your Discord server! Join the Octane support server to provide feedback, help test new features, and ask questions. I will be trying to push updates regularly as I have a big vision for a fun racing rpg style game. Use /help for a list of commands and /start to begin your journey!
Pixel Slovakia Icon
Art | Social
Gloomys Icon
Community | Social
Gloomed Out's Personal assistant! Souki. Feel free to ask me how to join Gloomed Out! :3 I enjoy having relaxing moments in servers that relax me!
Ning Icon
Social | Support
Meet Ning, your all-in-one Discord bot designed to simplify server management by combining essential features into one tool. Say goodbye to juggling multiple bots—Ning handles it all! 🚀 Features: - 🎫 Ticket System: Streamline support with easy ticket creation. - 🗩 Welcome System: Greet new members warmly and automatically. - 🤖 Automod: Keep order with automatic content moderation. - 🌟 Leveling System: Reward active members and boost engagement. - 🌈 Role Commands: Automatically assign default roles upon joining. - 🪙 Economy System: Earn, spend, and compete with virtual currency. - 🎶 Music Commands: Enjoy and share music in your server. - 🔧 Utility Commands: Access useful tools for server management. 💪 Support: Join our Discord Support server for active assistance and updates!
Chromanova Icon
Social | Bot
Transform your Discord server's aesthetics with a vibrant spectrum of role colors! This versatile bot empowers you to create stunning gradients, explore curated themes, and personalize your server like never before. Key Features: Effortless Role Color Gradients: Craft mesmerizing color transitions for your roles, adding depth and visual appeal to your server. Preset & Custom Themes: Choose from a selection of pre-designed themes or unleash your creativity by building your own unique color palettes. Profile Management: Save your favorite themes and role color combinations for quick and easy access, perfect for seasonal events or special occasions. Role Color Backup: Preserve your current role colors before experimenting with new themes, ensuring you can always revert back effortlessly. Elevate your server's visual experience with this powerful and user-friendly role color bot.
VAL-Elogs Icon
Social | Support
Welcome to VAL-Elogs, your ultimate Discord bot for community engagement and server management! Our bot stands out with its interactive voting system and comprehensive logging features. Commands: - /help - Displays this help message with a list of available commands and how to use them. 32++ commands Future Development: We're committed to continuously improving VAL-Elogs with exciting new features and enhancements. Stay tuned for future updates that will bring even more functionality to your server management and community engagement toolkit. Our bot is designed to enhance your Discord community by providing tools for better decision-making, server management, and transparency. Join the hundreds of servers already benefiting from VAL-Elogs and experience a new level of control and engagement!
Mobile gamers unitiy Icon
Gaming | Social
Welcome to our community. We have a lot of mobile games. We have hayday brawl stars pubg mobile and a lot more
Cooper Public Icon
Social | Bot
🔥 Cooper Public🔥 --------------------------------------------- ⚡Ein Bot mit unzähligen funktionen 💎 Trolling 🧩 Moderation 📛 Just4Fun Commands --------------------------------------------- 📜: Website: https://cooper-studio.site Ein kleiner all in 1 Bot!
SimplyQuotes Icon
Social | Community
🌟 Introducing: SimplyQuote! 🌟 👋 Say goodbye to those other quote bots and try SimplyQuote! SimplyQuote is a community global quoting bot. 🚀 Features: - ⚖️ Add Quotes: Add your own quotes to be displayed globally across every server - 🤔 List Quotes: List the 10 top community added quotes. - 📊 Quote Channel & Role: Set where all quotes will be sent and make it ping a role! - 🤬 Challenge Quotes: Developers set a challenge quote category, and you say the best quote that fits in that category and win a prize if picked! 🌈 Get Started Today: Invite SimplyQuote to your server and experience the best community global quoting system!
Bot de url Icon
Social | Entertainment
Está procurando um servidor onde voce pode conversar com pessoas super estranhas, e que você vai rir muito e deixando seu vazio existencial de lado? Pois é esse servidor que você está procurando!
NoteNest🌙 Icon
Music | Social
NoteNest is a versatile Discord music bot designed to deliver high-quality audio streaming and a seamless music experience for your server. With features like customizable prefixes, song queues, filters, playlists, and auto-play, NoteNest makes it easy to enjoy your favorite tunes. Its user-friendly commands and smooth performance ensure that NoteNest is the perfect companion for music lovers and Discord communities alike!
Donald Trump Icon
I want to build a wall. I am Donald Trump and I hate mexicans. I will eat your bread while you are asleep.
Chill Utility Icon
Community | Social
**Fonctionnalités principales :** - ***__Vanity__*** : Attribue un rôle aux utilisateurs qui définissent un statut personnalisé, offrant ainsi une personnalisation unique et engageante. - ***__Greet__*** : Envoie un “ghost ping” à un utilisateur lorsqu’il rejoint le serveur, permettant une intégration discrète et efficace. - ***__Welcome__*** : Accueille chaleureusement les nouveaux membres, créant une première impression positive et accueillante. - ***__Questions Rapides__*** : Propose des questions rapides pour encourager l’interaction et la participation, tout en récompensant les utilisateurs actifs avec de l'expérience. -***__Rappel de bump__*** : Permet de rappeler les bump avec un total de 8 app afin d'acélerer la croissance de votre serveur.
Paradox & TeXit Icon
Bot | Social
Paradøx and TeXit are two great bots for Discord. Paradøx is a multipurpose bot aimed at server moderation and utility; TeXit is a bot aimed at rendering LaTeX, a typesetting language for mathematics and much more. We have an incredibly friendly community that are capable of helping with any maths related problems.
Catzilla Community Icon
Social | Programming
Do you want free discord nitro? We have the server for you! Join today!
Somiibo Icon
Business | Social
Somiibo is a free social media automation platform that helps grow your brand on Instagram, Twitter, SoundCloud, Spotify, TikTok, and more!
L00t - try /help its free Icon
Growth | Social
L00t is a discord game to help servers get more members and build a stronger community. Would you like to try it?
TunnelBot#7617 Icon
Entertainment | Social
*Connect with new people with **TunnelBot!*** TunnelBot allows you to chat anonymously with users from a large network of servers all across Discord. Meet new people and make new friends! --- **How It Works** --- Chat tunnels are connections made with other users through TunnelBot in DM. Tunnels are easy to use and no setup is require from server admins. - Private chat tunnels - Personalized Settings - 24/7 Support - And more to come!
.Nugget's Bot~ ♡ Icon
Social | Role-Playing
.Nugget’s Bot~ ♡ ~♡~ Prefix: n. ~♡~ Nugget Bot has alot of “Social/Roleplay” Commands to interact with other users in a server if you do n.actions you can see all those but a few are n.boop, n.hug, n.cuddle and many more and always added new gifs to go along with the commands ~♡~ Nugget Bot also has Rating Commands like n.simprate, n.stankrate, n.sexyrate and many more to come you can do n.rating to see all the rating commands ~♡~ Nugget Bot also has NSFW commands that are locked to NSFW Marked channels to access them in your server do n.nsfw ~♡~ and sub reddit search comamnds to see them do n.reddit some commands are n.meme, n.art and many more ~♡~ to see all nugget bots commands do n.help ~♡~
Ruang Pengetahuan Icon
Social | Community
Salam Pengetahuan bagi kita semua! Halo guys, perkenalkan kami adalah Ruang Pengetahuan, grup Facebook yang bergerak dibidang edukasi dengan anggota yang sudah mencapai 350.000 ribu ini resmi melebarkan sayapnya di Discord lho! Di sini, kalian bisa berdiskusi dengan baik sesuai topik yang kalian inginkan, dan juga mendapatkan informasi bermanfaat lainnya yang sebelumnya belum kalian ketahui. Yuk, bergabung bersama kami di Discord Ruang Pengetahuan sekarang! Panjang umur Perjuangan, Panjang umur Ruang Pengetahuan!
Smokeytube support server Icon
Community | Social
Deletes among us and amongus related content. It parses all messages for "sus", "amongus", and other game-related lingo and it scans images for amongus characters with AI-learning.
Myha-Chan Icon
Entertainment | Social
Bot com comandos de Moderação, Memes, Economia, Imagens, Utilitários, Jogos. Simples e em desenvolvimento. Bot Verificado.
Lelouch Lamperouge Icon
Anime | Social
List of commands:Purge, nickname , userinfo , role , Dm , developer , LockDown, Unlock , kick , ban , unban , delay , roleremove , nuke , createrole , mute , unmute , poll , servereset , shout , getbans , serverinfo , embed , Tictactoe , Tod ,Tokyoghoul ,Scared , OP , Applause , Avatar , AOT , Anime
LiteGiveaway Icon
Bot | Social
LiteGiveaway A simple bot that manages your giveaways! And is customizable to fit your needs!
FF Community Icon
Social | Gaming
A FF Community é um servidor dedicado ao Jogo Free Fire. Dentro da nossa rede você poderá encontrar novas amizades, duos e squads para jogar juntos. --> Por mais que no momento não tenha muita gente peço que se mantenha dentro da nossa rede para que ela cresça agradeço desde já <3 --> Poste seus Highlights aqui! --> Sistema de Divulgação! --> Sistema de selecionar sua patente / criar perfil! --> Criado no objetivo de encontrar novas amizades e duos! --> Vagas para Staff! --> Em desenvolvimento! --> Servidor pequeno no momento !
Memories Icon
Entertainment | Social
Snapchat Memories for Discord. A simple way to find past messages from any time.
kitty bot Icon
Social | Gaming
Kitty bot is a custom nadeko bot, designed with custom currency, games, gambling, and unique characteristics.
EmailBot Icon
Social | Community
Discord bot to verify users via email (i.e. verify [email protected] mails)
Socials Icon
Social | Growth
This bot is perfect for organizing all your socials in a personalized embedded profile. The bot will ask you which socials you want to connect to your profile and will create an embedded message containing all your socials. The whole setup process takes less than a minute and once finished the bot will send your profile to a channel. Theres also a command that lets you post your profile in any channel. If you know what linktree is, this bot is the linktree of discord and is the first of its kind.
Purplex Together Icon
Social | Bot
This bot is designed to make your voice chats even funnier and much much more Interesting. You can start Applications inside Discord without downloading anything. This Bot allows you to watch Youtube with your friends live, lets you play an alternative to skribbl or even play chess together live. Please note that the bot is in Alpha and soon in the official BETA. This does not mean that anything in your server could be damaged but the bot may have some general bugs. You can report them to me on Discord: Immuc#2072
senfonyy Icon
Gaming | Social
Senfonyy youtube discord kanalıdır.Sunucu içerisinde kurallara uymamak sunucudan kalıcı olarak uzaklaştırılmanıza sebep olacaktır.
Xenovia Icon
Role-Playing | Social
Roleplaying, Giveaways, Auctions, and more. Fight against friends or complete quests and craft items.
KairosBot Icon
KairosBot is a powerful bot to make communcating time with friends in different timezones seamless and hassle-free! Kairosbot will automatically detect any mentions of a time (timestrings) in a message and will reply to the message with a timestamp so that everyone else can see the time that got mentioned in their own timezone.
zZita Icon
Entertainment | Social
zZita is a discord server tool like any other bot but better and with more commands! Over 100+ commands are provided! ----> Providing you with math, fun commands and game commands with moderation and utilities, also globalchat is included! Games like snake and tictactoe and rock paper scissors.
Entertainment | Social
KOPED is a multipurpose Discord bot with many commands. With KOPED, it is easy to keep your Discord server fun, active and secure from any nasty and mean members. KOPED has a lot of commands to suit your server. So, Invite now and have fun!