Xi Bot Icon
Art | Technology | Programming
👑 AI for research, art, coding and more. Boost productivity with an all-in-one AI assistant. Explore AI tools, use cases, review and news on our server 💎 All AI Tools in One App ⭐ Multimodal ChatGPT+ ⭐VHQ Imagine & Editing ⭐ Music & Voice ⭐ AI Agents ⭐ Use for FREE ⭐ Payment with Crypto ⭐
Xi Bot Discord Server Banner
Xi Bot Discord Server Banner
Xi Bot Icon
Art | Technology | Programming
👑 AI for research, art, coding and more. Boost productivity with an all-in-one AI assistant. Explore AI tools, use cases, review and news on our server 💎 All AI Tools in One App ⭐ Multimodal ChatGPT+ ⭐VHQ Imagine & Editing ⭐ Music & Voice ⭐ AI Agents ⭐ Use for FREE ⭐ Payment with Crypto ⭐
Radio X Icon
Music | Entertainment | Memes
A Discord music/radio bot that plays live streams radio, YouTube music/streams, Spotify music/streams and many more ...
Server Manager Icon
Bot | Community | Entertainment
Server Manager provides servers with features such as, leveling, giveaways, member verification, join gate, invite tracking, event logging and moderation.
Genshin Impact Icon
Bot | Anime
Join for an exciting journey through the world of Teyvat ~ Our bot has many exciting features - from wishing for characters to battling with slimes! Each character you summon will be stored into your inventory and can be equipped with weapons and artifacts You can build each character stats and add
Lilian Icon
Bot | Entertainment
Elite bot is a bot that specializes in social commmands but is also very useful in other fields such as Moderation, Role management, Informational Commands and much more. Elite bot is online 24/7 (except the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month for maintenance) Elite bot uses the prefix ``;`` before all her commands. Type ``;help`` to get a list of all the commands that the bot has along with some other basic instructions. **Social Commands** ``;embed ;poll ;vote ;8ball ;rate ;weather ;user`` **Moderation Commands** ``;warn ;kick ;ban ;clear ;nuke ;clone ;role ;nick``
Earnify Icon
Community | Business
Welcome to EARNIFY ! Earnify is a interserver economy bot made by Foxytoux that has been made to have fun, all together ! Currently it has over 22 commands, although it is only the start of a long journey ! Current Commands (Updated when new commands comes) beg openaccount rob botinfo restore_account invite inventory serverinfo balance deposit ping addmoney reset blackjack withdraw work listbadges roulette profile badges help leaderboard +110 servers / 8.5k users
GilBot Icon
Bot | Community
Yet another multipurpose bot for your discord community server but with a twist of Moderation.
Ying Icon
Community | Bot
The only economy bot you'll ever need. Ying is packed with lots of fun features that can keep your servers entertained.
Questo Icon
Entertainment | Memes
Add games like Truth or Dare, Would you Rather, Never have I ever, and Paranoia. Enjoy a counting game and more. Dive into fun with this bot!
NeoChatty | AI Chatbot GPT-4 Icon
Bot | Just Chatting
Hi there! I am your FASTEST and FREE intelligent AI Chatbot that uses GPT-4 and AI Image, here to assist you with anything ⚡
FantasyMon Icon
Gaming | Anime
FantasyMon is a Discord bot that lets you collect pokémon(s)! As a trainer, you'll have the chance to catch pokémon as they randomly spawn in chat. Compete with your friends to collect the best pokémon, trade with other users to enhance your collection, and battle with other trainers to show off your skill. The possibilities are endless.
Xeras Icon
Bot | Entertainment
Sohbet Seviye Sistemi, Gelişmiş Bilet Sistemi, Gelişmiş Çekiliş Sistemi, 50 Komutlu Eğlence Sistemi, Sunucu Yöneticisine Özel komutlar, Yapay Zeka Sohbet, 2 Çeşitli Kayıt Sistemi, Selam Verici ve Daha nice özellik ile ihtiyacınız olan bot sayısınız azaltmayı hedefleyen bir Botdur! ✨ Xeras ✨
Agro Clan Bot Icon
Gaming | Memes
Това е най добрият Дискорд бот в България. И ще ви помогне за всичко. Също влезте в Agro Clan Дискорд сървъра ако го четете това.
Server Manager Icon
Bot | Community | Entertainment
Server Manager provides servers with features such as, leveling, giveaways, member verification, join gate, invite tracking, event logging and moderation.
Server Manager Discord Server Banner
Server Manager Icon
Bot | Community | Entertainment
Server Manager provides servers with features such as, leveling, giveaways, member verification, join gate, invite tracking, event logging and moderation.
MagiQ Icon
Programming | Bot
Prefix: . Send .help to get Bot Commands This bot made by MagiQ Team ( Iranian Professional Developers ) MagiQ fits your discord server needs with many moderation commands you can get some information with information commands have a good day with Fun commands Aparat & Twitch stream Notifications This bot is online 24/7 to use in your server supports 3 languages ( Persian, English, Turkish ) 1- Online 24/7 2- Quick Response 3- High Security 4- Completely Safe 5- High Quality Music Player So invite me Now :D
Goliath Icon
Goliath is an all-use bot which has many administration, moderation, and fun commands. It also comes with a built-in filter and settings that can be toggled to your liking.
Dragon Bot Icon
Bot | Memes
A Powerful Moderation Bot Built To Manage Discord Server's With Fun Activities.
Dream-PL Icon
Bot | Hobbies
Dream-PL , Make your Funny moment | Prefix : [ D. ] | D.meme | D.userinfo | D.help | D.invite | D.support | D.discord |
Truth OR Dare Icon
Bot | Hobbies
The Truth OR Dare discord bot. You can use bot with ( /truth ) or ( /dare ). Slash Commands. [ /help ]. Support Server : https://discord.gg/Xctj2UkGdw
SwizBot Icon
Bot | Anime
-The bot has many advantages like moderation, fun commands ,public commands, delete some bad words,Swiz have some games like rps, and the bot is very safe,you can use it for more than one thing,and if you cannot use anything, you can go to the support and ask them there is a support 24 hours.Swiz has also a good dashboard so what are you waiting for,add swizbot and have fun. -Dashboard:https//swizbot.ga
Roleplayer Icon
Role-Playing | Community
Roleplayer bot, is a perfect bot for such servers as Community, roleplay. As it lets you be you, and has features such as pets. Select you sexuality, Gender, Age, Name. -------------------------------------------------------- If you want to suggest features for it you can do so here: bit.ly/33ivOe7
Akinator Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Akinator will guess who or what you are thinking of! Easy to use & Available in multiple languages!
2c#4226 Icon
All in one discord bot made by PaymentCancelled#1000 Made using node.js The bot is a non-nsfw bot
Eclipse-inv Icon
Social | Community
✧˚ · . ☽ WELCOME TO ECLIPSE ☾ . · ˚✧ • We are a brand new 18+ community Things we offer •Fun vibes ,(Eboys/Egirl friendly) •Vc's ☏ •Make friends! •Fun events! •Game nights! •Emotes!! ♡ ☽ We're a growing community come be part of the journey ☾ ♡
Gamble Bot Icon
Entertainment | Financial
The best virtual economy/casino bot. Loads of games, tons to spend on the stock market, currency miners and shop items!
PokeGuess Icon
Gaming | Social
Who's That Pokemon! Recreate the most nostalgic guessing game into your server.
Xi Bot Icon
Art | Technology | Programming
👑 AI for research, art, coding and more. Boost productivity with an all-in-one AI assistant. Explore AI tools, use cases, review and news on our server 💎 All AI Tools in One App ⭐ Multimodal ChatGPT+ ⭐VHQ Imagine & Editing ⭐ Music & Voice ⭐ AI Agents ⭐ Use for FREE ⭐ Payment with Crypto ⭐
Xi Bot Discord Server Banner
Xi Bot Icon
Art | Technology | Programming
👑 AI for research, art, coding and more. Boost productivity with an all-in-one AI assistant. Explore AI tools, use cases, review and news on our server 💎 All AI Tools in One App ⭐ Multimodal ChatGPT+ ⭐VHQ Imagine & Editing ⭐ Music & Voice ⭐ AI Agents ⭐ Use for FREE ⭐ Payment with Crypto ⭐
King Icon
Community | Gaming
If you’re looking for a server with gaming making new friends and having fun you should join our server?
Snow Flake Icon
Bot | Music
Snowflake is a bot designed to keep your server safe and engage your members with Endless capabilities. Some of Most popular Commands are: Giveaways, Logging, Message Tracking, Invite Tracking, Auto Mod, Advanced Ticket System, Guess The Number, Chatbot. You can have Badges on your profile For Being Staff , Booster , Support Staff etc. Snowflake also has chatbot, Moderation, Auto Mod And Games like guess the number, Guess The Word, Rock Paper Scissors and many more. Snowflake Is A Multipurpose Discord bot that will help you and your server a lot.
Ayano Icon
Music | Anime
Ayano isn't just your average music bot; it's a feature-packed solution that brings relaxation and customization to your server. With a wide range of commands, Ayano lets you fine-tune your lofi music experience. Use commands like "/play," "/volume" to control playback. Want to set the mood? Ayano offers a variety of filters and effects to enhance your listening pleasure. Whether you're hosting a chill hangout or just need some background tunes, Ayano has you covered. Elevate your Discord server with Ayano's unparalleled lofi music streaming capabilities today!
sharky Icon
Entertainment | Social
# sharkie is a blahaj-themed economy and fun bot, that will bring plenty of joy to your server :3 ### sharkie's features include: - economy system where you can acquire blahajs - fun economy games - `/blahaj` command to view a blahaj ### inviting sharkie is sure to bring fun, joy, and friendly competition to any server!
Yakuza Icon
Yakuza is a multifunctional Discord bot with over 600 commands. Start with basic information, music system, economy, administration system, automod, setups and so on. The bot it’s perfect for your Discord server. This is a bot created for all user needs, Yakuza can compete with Mee6, ProBot and other big bots.
VisionX Icon
The features of our bot are as follows: ## Utility: afk , membercount , invite , list , list roles , list invoice , list bans , list emojis , list activedeveloper , list createpos , list bots , list joinpos , list moderators , list early , list inrole , list invite , list boosters , list admins , list muted , snipe , servericon , avatar , banner , banner user , banner server , ping , firstmessage , botinfo , userinfo , serverinfo , roleinfo , channelinfo , translate , uptime , setup , setup reqrole , setup list , setup create , setup delete ## Moderation: ban , clear , clear embeds , clear emojis , clear files , clear bots , clear images , clear mentions , clear reactions , clear contains , purge , purge invites , purge startswith , purge endswith , purge user , purge contains , kick , mute , unmute , unban , unbanall , nick , role , role all , role cancel , role bots , role humans , role status , rrole , rrole all , rrole cancel , rrole bots , rrole humans , rrole status , hide ,
Semy Icon
Community | Bot
Hello everyone, Have you ever searched for a bot that comes with a built-in shop/marketplace? Let me introduce you to Semy. It features an integrated marketplace where you can add your own products and sell up to 100% more than ever before. Commands: /market - the entire marketplace of all servers where Semy is present. /market-add - allows you to add your own product visible to everyone, wherever they are. /market-edit - lets you edit a product you added earlier. And many more features! *Continuous updates* Add Semy Bot now by clicking on it to the right and then add [ADD NOW](https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=1070027320158593144&permissions=8&scope=bot%20applications.commands) or join the bot support server and ask for assistance [here](https://discord.gg/PaCRtpKsQs).
WolfPup Icon
Gaming | Bot
Опис бота "WolfPup": Основна ідея: "WolfPup" - це багатофункціональний бот для Discord, створений з метою розваг та взаємодії на сервері. 🐺 Він вражає своїм розмаїттям і можливістю налаштовувати різні аспекти економіки, комісій та ігор для задоволення потреб вашого серверу. 🎮 Основні функції: 1. Економіка: WolfPup додає динаміку вашому серверу завдяки економічній системі. 💸 Користувачі можуть заробляти валюту, виконуючи різноманітні завдання або участь у спеціальних подіях. 📈 2. Ігри 1 на 1: Проводьте захоплюючі ігри 1 на 1 між учасниками сервера. 🎲 Кожна перемога додає валюту до економічного балансу користувачів, стимулюючи змагання. 🏆 3. Налаштування: Великий вибір параметрів для керування економікою, комісіями та іграми, щоб вони відповідали концепції вашого серверу. ⚙️ Легко змінюйте мову бота між українською та англійською для забезпечення комфортної взаємодії для різних користувачів. 🌐 4. Мовна підтримка: WolfPup підтримує дві мови - українську та
Animation Buddy Icon
Entertainment | Gaming
Animation Buddy is a fun and games focused bot with amazing commands and nice responses when you @ him at the start of your message! Opt in with his amazing !poll command which can make the poll of your choice! There is also a !say command! If you haven’t noticed his prefix is ‘!’
jerry Icon
Bot | Just Chatting
Jerry a bot to help the server and advertise the server and this bot will have more updates and more improvements later on for now this bot is here for moderation and advertisement and this is an experiment to test how the bot will go. This is an early access bot
Nate! Icon
Community | Bot
Nate bot is small but striving to grow. It already incorporates a few essential features, although we are currently focusing on other aspects. We strive for uniqueness in our Discord server, Google Docs, and beyond. My bot may not offer as much as others, being small and with only a few commands, but we value people's feedback and are not actively seeking major issues or bugs.
DoveBot Icon
Design | Bot
Dovebot to innowacyjny bot oparty na pomaganiu właścicielom serwera rozbudować ich własny serwer, DoveBot cechuję się tym, że jako jedyny ma stały i szybki support i pomagamy rozwiązywać problemy z botem
Kimera - Interactive Fiction Icon
Writing | Art | Gaming
Kimera lets you read and write interactive stories within Discord; solo, or collaboratively with your friends/guild. Add multiple branching choices, images, track decisions and set variables. Export your book to JSON; you're not locked-in. A permission system lets you control who can read or add onto a story. They are private by default. Wholesome corn-based economy gameifies writing and reading. Commands: /cyoa the main interface for reading and writing /harvest get corn /help open the help book/documentation
Kimera - Interactive Fiction Discord Server Banner
Kimera - Interactive Fiction Icon
Writing | Art | Gaming
Kimera lets you read and write interactive stories within Discord; solo, or collaboratively with your friends/guild. Add multiple branching choices, images, track decisions and set variables. Export your book to JSON; you're not locked-in. A permission system lets you control who can read or add onto a story. They are private by default. Wholesome corn-based economy gameifies writing and reading. Commands: /cyoa the main interface for reading and writing /harvest get corn /help open the help book/documentation
Bot | Technology
A multi function bot for your multi work Moderation Music Welcoming Until Fun
Seri Support Server Icon
Bot | Community
Seri is a multipurpose bot aimed at users of all ages! Seri has over 100 commands and even features a full economy and marriage system! This is the support server for Seri and is here for you to not only be around others that really enjoy Seri but to help you with any questions or problems you may have with the bot!
Jonin Support Icon
Bot | Anime
A friendly (Mostly SFW) server. This server is a support server for Jonin, which has a growing community. We accept all and don't judge. Get updates for when Jonin is down or when new commands are released.
Gold Bot support server Icon
Technology | Community
Support server for Gold bot
Utopia Icon
Bot | Community
Utopia! The main focus of this server is the bot going by the same name. Your main goal is to build your Empire and conquer others! I develop it and we are a small community, I'm listening to your feedback and implementing all your suggestions (or at least most of them). If this sounds interesting for you, feel free to join ;)
Catzilla Community Icon
Social | Programming
Do you want free discord nitro? We have the server for you! Join today!
Games+ Official Server Icon
Gaming | Bot
Hello guys join this fun server and maybe teach me how to code lol but anyways this server is bot related but please join and you can add my bot with the invite link below and enjoy the server and be patient with the owner Hi my prefix is # I am a bot in development will be done soon https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=738880916230766692&scope=bot&permissions=2146958847
Impersonator Support Icon
Bot | Community
Impersonator has the coolest welcome messages on Discord. Come see and try it out in your own server!
Grandeur Bot Help Icon
Entertainment | Bot
Official Grandeur Bot Support Server. Join for info on the bot.
❥「Mitsυhα Sυρρσɾƚ」 Icon
Bot | Anime
Come one, come all to Mitshua official support server! Here you can stay up to date with the bots updates and exclusive bot testing when donating! ? Status Always know when Mitsuha is going through updates or maintence! ? Giveaways We hold giveaways for steam vouchers, nitro classic and premium and Mitsuha currency! ? Suggestions We always want to know what people want added to Mitsuha, we take suggestions very seriously so feel free to join and tell us your idea! ? Fun Bots We also have other fun bots to have fun with such as: Taco Shack, Mimu, OwO, Aiyu and many more! ? Connected Servers We are part of a connected community with ❥「????? ????????」so we do global events with them so make sure to join their server too!
Waev Icon
Support | Technology
Waev, the only multipurpose bot containing commands for every category! From google search to music and from reddit memes to leveling. Constant updates provide a new and updated Waev. Come check out the awesome community! We are sure you will be welcome.
Solyx Icon
Bot | Anime
Fun & Addicting Discord RPG focused on activity! ? Fighting ? Guilds ? PvP ? Leaderboards ? Classes & Races ? Raids ? More...
Genshin Impact Icon
Bot | Anime
Join for an exciting journey through the world of Teyvat ~ Our bot has many exciting features - from wishing for characters to battling with slimes! Each character you summon will be stored into your inventory and can be equipped with weapons and artifacts You can build each character stats and add
Genshin Impact Discord Server Banner
Genshin Impact Icon
Bot | Anime
Join for an exciting journey through the world of Teyvat ~ Our bot has many exciting features - from wishing for characters to battling with slimes! Each character you summon will be stored into your inventory and can be equipped with weapons and artifacts You can build each character stats and add
Eaz Fast Food Icon
Bot | Role-Playing
Discord fast food bot
zink support server Icon
Bot | Support
a support server for the bot i made.
Yoaris Icon
Bot | Gaming
Welcome to Yoaris Server ! A community server mostly made for support, bot testing, bug hunting our bot known as Yoaris, a known verified bot that has already reached more than 200 servers in under a few weeks and also, to talk and to have fun :') We would also be delighted to hear your suggestions. We are waiting you!
Excalibur Icon
Bot | Entertainment
The official discord server for Excalibur. Excalibur is a WIP bot, which aims to do pretty much everything and then some. We've come up with wacky features (we haven't made em yet tho) that have never been thought of before in a bot. The Excalibur community is pretty laid-back.
Mediapedia - Support Icon
Bot | Programming | Technology
Official support server for the mediapedia discord bot, a bot that searches the web while staying in the comfort of discord.
Smugy Fugy Support Server Icon
Community | Bot
A support server
L00t - try /help its free Icon
Growth | Social
L00t is a discord game to help servers get more members and build a stronger community. Would you like to try it?
JDBot Icon
Support | Bot
A bot that has many features, you can see which ones in the help command. It's a bot designed to do many things. It's essentially an all in one bot.
GRJ9 Icon
Bot | Memes
GRJ9 is an all-around-bot, which means that it can do everything! The bot's prefix is '!'. If you need help, run the command '!help' for help!
Processor Icon
Technology | Entertainment
A handy dandy bot capable of doing many complex things, that is simple to use.
The Hidden Studios Icon
Community | Support
Welcome to The Hidden Studios, the support/community server for The Hidden Studios!
Phoenix Bot Icon
Prefix is / do /help for a list of commands more and more commands will be added in the future but as of right now, there is only a few such as moderation commands like kick, ban, clear, add role, remove role (add and remove role command is a bit glitchy at the moment) and basic commands.