Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
PokeSnipe Icon
Anime | Gaming
PokeSnipeBot: The Ultimate Pokémon eBay Deal Hunter 🛍️🔎 Step into the realm of unparalleled Pokémon shopping with PokeSnipeBot. Our mission? To ensure you never miss out on an eBay Pokémon deal, no matter where on the globe it originates. From Japan's unique cards to the US's rare collectibles, we fetch them all, bringing the world of Pokémon trading closer to you. Distinctive Features: 🌍 Global Scope: Our bot scours listings from every corner of the world. 🤖 Advanced Algorithm: We don't just bring deals; we bring the best! Our algorithm evaluates listings on price, Pokémon popularity, seller ratings, and much more. 🔒 User-Centric: Set custom alerts, select channels for notifications, and fine-tune your preferences. Key Commands: /config addchannel [channel-name]: To introduce a channel for the hottest deals. /config removechannel [channel-name]: To bid adieu to the alerts. With PokeSnipeBot, you're not just shopping; you're embarking on a Pokémon treasure hunt. Let's m
🐟Fish Lords EU-GR Icon
Gaming | Community
🌊 Fish Lords EU-GR 🌊 🐟 The ultimate server for fishing, trading & events! 🏆 🔥 What can you find here? 🎁 Daily Giveaways! (with proofs & goal rewards) 💰 Shop with exclusive items & vouchers 🤝 Partnerships and server promotions 🎟️ Tickets for Support & Purchases 💬 Active community with chats & trading 🚀 Exclusive Events and special rewards! 🔗 Don't miss out! Join now: 👉 https://discord.gg/x7emtxguZN
HotUtils Icon
Gaming | Technology
Hotsauce's HotUtils has created HotBot, a discord interface for the HotUtils suite of products centered around providing player and guild management tools for SWGOH.
Free Game Is A Free Game Icon
Gaming | Bot
The home for the Free Game Is A Free Game bot. Get notified of free games for all kinds of platforms at your own leisure!
Austin Friends! Icon
Bot | Gaming
hello,i see u have seen this ad,anyways welcome to austin friends! there are some rules i have to say before u enter this server 1)u must greet new people 2)mods ofcourse are needed 3)its alright to swear 4)NO NSFW 5)this is not a toxic server 6)this is a gaming server
Rocket Planet Icon
Gaming | Community
? Rocket League - ? Ranks, Shops, News & More | ? Giveaways | ? Trading | ? 24/7 Middlemen | ? Events
HidTalk GaMinG YT Icon
Gaming | YouTuber
Welcome to all members join my discord server and play with me all pubg mobile game you must like and subscribe my channel
eSports | Gaming
Bot para link do discord AGAYS, convite personalizado para as mídias sociais e para pessoas que desejam entrar no servidor
BlackCityRP Icon
eSports | Gaming
Finland RolePlay Server! Tervetuloa BlackCityRP! Tervetuloa BlackCityRP! Tervetuloa BlackCityRP! Tervetuloa BlackCityRP!
General Project RP Icon
eSports | Gaming
Bem-Vindo ao General Project um servidor de RP a tua medida, onde te poderás encaixar facilmente em cada contexto do jogo
OWL Watcher Icon
eSports | Gaming
is a discord bot that will provide you all the necessary info about Overwatch League and how far your team do their, greeting
Panda Bot Icon
Bot | Gaming
Many commands, mute, warn, utility commands, everything your server needs! This bot was made for fun, and I started working on it. You will like this bot! To get started, do //help or //help ! There are secret easter eggs you can try to figure out also! But anyways, have fun with my bot, updates almost every week! List of commands: mute warn help ping clear unmute kick ban cat panda dog meme member_count
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Stormy Icon
Gaming | Technology
This is the improved version of my first bot which is a discord verified bot wit 200+ servers...... This bot took a lot of time to make and Is the best one I have made so far It has many features: >Moderation System >Fun commands >Roast Battles >Compliment people >Play fun games like rock paper scissors >More usefull commands such as: Userinfo , Purge , Avatar
BlueLightRP Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Suomalainen Roleplay Discord palvelin! Löydä itsellesi täältä uusi Roolipeli serveri ja tutustu uusii ihmisiin!! Tervetuloa!!
chill zone Bot Icon
Gaming | eSports
This is an Chill zone bot the best of the best —————————————————— Welcome to Chill zone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We are currently looking for new players to populate our server. We are fair and welcome of everyone and are against any form of discrimination. We look for active and loyal players to help make us an amazing server. In hopes that we can have members willing to Sweat? and have fun. -we play all types of games -Fun -Good staff team -Fun bots -Active -Against discrimination of any kind -Supports LGBTQ+ -Fair staff and moderators -Alliances And Much More! We hope to see you with us soon! -Yours truly CHILL ZONE! https://discord.gg/9qRv3VQFGD
Betta Icon
Crypto | Gaming
A discord bot where you can bet on soccer and DOTA2 matches! A crypto ecosystem where you can mine and get coins! Place your bets now!
Tervetuloa discord kanavalleni täältä löydät tuoreimmat uutiset ja ilomoitukset milloin striimi starttaa!!
Nitrado.DEV Icon
Gaming | Community
Killfeed.DEV is the #1 Dayz Killfeed for your Discord. It works with Xbox and PS4 DayZ servers. This DayZ mod lets you post all your servers log events to a Discord server. To activate the BOT create an account at https://killfeed.DEV
Magnis Bot Icon
Bot | Gaming
Kayıt Sistemi - Moderasyon - Guard - Eğlence - MTA Askeri Sunucu Sistemi - ve bir çok özellikler ile sizlere sunuyoruz. Yakında Daha çok özellik ile sizlere hizmet ediceğiz. Magnis Botumuz 7/24 Hizmetinizde ve Sizlere sunduğumuz hizmetler ile bir sorun yaşarsanız .bug-bildir komutu ile Bot Sahibine bildirim gidicektir. .istatistik yazarak bot sahibine ulaşabilirsiniz.
LeijonaRP Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
Tervetuloa! Tämä on suomalaisten luoma roolipeliserveri. Liity ihmeesä mukaan, sillä pettymään sinä et tule.
UittamoCity Icon
Botti jakaa linkkiä Botti jakaa linkkiä Botti jakaa linkkiä Botti jakaa linkkiä Botti jakaa linkkiä
PriceBOT Icon
Gaming | Streaming
this server for community my streaming and gaming u can join and support me to this streaming tnx for join and supporting me
Fays Spielplatz Icon
Community | Gaming
Official Moderation Bot die FaysSpielplatz Dieser Bot ist ein selbstentwickelter Bot für denn Discord Server FaysSpielplatz
SpoTteDsKuLL_Utility_BOT Icon
Gaming | YouTuber
Hi I'm Spotted_Skull and this my server description. This server is made by a new youtuber named Spotted_Skull. Here we hangout, talk, chill and have fun. We even have many for our members to entertain. We even host customs for fun or if some of our members want to have a verses with us.
Carbon Icon
Music | Bot
Carbon is an audio entertainment system, using Carbons wide variety of commands you're able to stream music directly into your servers voice & stage channels! Carbon allows you to queue up entire playlists worth of music and stream them into voice channels and stage channels for everyone to hear.
Carbon Discord Server Banner
Carbon Icon
Music | Bot
Carbon is an audio entertainment system, using Carbons wide variety of commands you're able to stream music directly into your servers voice & stage channels! Carbon allows you to queue up entire playlists worth of music and stream them into voice channels and stage channels for everyone to hear.
KaroqKATVBot Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Hier ist der Community Discord vom Streamer KaroqKATV! Komm und zock mit uns! Fühl dich hier wie zuhause! Aber benehmen ist uns wichtig!
Karen Icon
Gaming Community currently playing Path of Exile. US Softcore League Group farming for easy profit. We encourage everyone to make a specialized group build for high end group farming. These builds would include DPS carry, Aurabot, Tauntbot, Curser, Mana Guardian, and Magic Find. Premium stash tabs to share leveling gear, maps, rares, and uniques. Any donations of MTX points are always welcome and appreciated.
SnipeRsı Bot Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
valla boş kalmasın diye random: sasdsadsasdsadsadsadsasdasdasdsadsadsadsadsadsadsasdasdsadsadsasdasdasd
ArdreamPRO BOT Icon
ArdreamPRO v2200 USKO version olarak hizmet vermek için tekrar aranıza katılmıştır. Bizi yeniden tercih ettiğiniz için minnettarız.
Larry Icon
Warframe Xbox discord serving the Acolytes of Helios and the Prophets of Pythia clans. Active and well managed discord bot.
3:26 am Icon
eSports | Gaming
Dies ist der Offizielle Bot von 3:26 am für den Discord Server viel Spaß auf dem Discord undsicherlich findet ihr wen mit dem ihr Zocken könnt :D
Bot | Gaming
OFFICIAL TX GAMING 95 BOT ALL PERMISSION ACCESS BOT OP YOUTUBE ?????????????????????????? ........................
The KNKR Gaming bot Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Here to help with whatever just ask I'll get back to you and help make a no bullying prevention and no swearing prevention
Mu Santa Fe Season 3 Icon
Entertainment | Gaming
✅ Mu Santa Fe Season 3 ✅ ? 300x de Experiencia? ✅ Full PVP!! ? Las 24 horas online? ? Pack de Bienvenida: Vip Gold por 3 días, alas s1 y set clásico exe +7? ?? HACEMOS MIGRACIÓN DE CLANES A PARTIR DE 5 PARA ARRIBA. DAREMOS: SET CLÁSICOS, S3 JOYERÍA Y ARMA CLÁSICA, TODO SEMIFULL? ? ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ?Sitio Web : www.musantafe.com.ar ?Grupo de Wahtsapp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Hfzw4GCyaVi5YJYQTFvpAZ Grupo de Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/455894982615735/?ref=share ? Discord: discord.me/santafe ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ??? INFORMACIÓN DEL SERVER ??? ?▪ Version: Season 3 Clasico. ?▪ Experiencia Free: 300x ?▪ Experiencia Vip: 500x ?▪ Drop: 60% ?▪ Full stat: 65000 ?▪ Reset Lvl: 400. ?▪ No borra stat ?▪ Spot en todos los mapas ?▪ Mobs por spot: 4 ?▪Creación de DL 250 y MG 250 ?▪ Cuentas por IP = 2 ?▪ ITEM ORIGINALES Para más información ingresa en https://musantafe.com.ar
Community | Gaming
O servidor mais realista de Portugal. Staff ativa, 25K iniciais, Policia, Juiz, Advogado, Mecânico, Reboques, ORGS CRIMINOSAS. FiveM- GTA RP (Roleplay)
Tekken 3 Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
A Sonic server that is epic! You can post all kinds of Sonic related stuff in this server, including non related Sonic stuff! :O
Url Icon
Gaming | YouTuber
Monchug Youtube resmi discord sayfasıdır. Bannerlord ağırlıklı içerikler paylaşılmaktadır sizde davetlisiniz :)
Maki Icon
Entertainment | Music
The only bot you'll ever need! - (Voice) Levels - Music - Moderation - Logs - Invite Tracking - Reaction Roles - 20+ Languages - Dashboard
Maki Discord Server Banner
Maki Icon
Entertainment | Music
The only bot you'll ever need! - (Voice) Levels - Music - Moderation - Logs - Invite Tracking - Reaction Roles - 20+ Languages - Dashboard
TimanttiRP Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Suomalainen fivem roolipeli palvelin. Tervetuloa ja pitäkää hauskaa. PS. On vielä kehitys vaiheessa!
Maníacos Icon
Community | Gaming
Servidor para se divertir com vários chats. Também inclui canais gaming para se divertir. Vem fazer parte desta comunidade.
KGB Icon
eSports | Gaming
Vem Jogar League Of Legends Comigo haha, Alias Só Vem Jogar Mesmo kkkkk <3
xViip3RxX Icon
Gaming | eSports
Dashboard Icon
Gaming | Business
Helping my server to get big and supporting it, this bot Will hel u to fix things if u need something Ask owner or me!
THFBot Icon
Gaming | Social
Bot de Invitación a Comunidad The Hidden Forest, donde intentamos crear una comunidad de gaming inicialmente World of Warcraft
Akinator Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Akinator will guess who or what you are thinking of! Easy to use & Available in multiple languages!
Invite bot Icon
Gaming | Bot
This server for Buy/Sell growtopia items also much more like Buy/Sell quest make sure to Check Your World (1BLOCK) out to buy ur stuff
League Guides Icon
Gaming | eSports
The bot gets data straight from Mobafire and op.gg so it has up to date results at all times. Mobafire features: - Guide lookup - Item lookup - Rune lookup OP.GG features: - Match lookup for 20 matches back - League profile stats Original fun commands: - Guess the skin - Guess the ability name - Guess which champion’s ability this is Also offers: - Global leaderboards for the amount of guesses people have - Account linking (for shorter commands) The bot incorporates images into it's embeds for users to understand what they're reading more easily.
Master Yi Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
1. Sê , gentil e acolhedor para com todos os membros do servidor para manter o servidor uma experiência agradável para todos. 2. Não cometas nenhuma forma de assédio. Não permitimos racismo, homofobia, transfobia, sexismo ou qualquer tipo de discurso discriminatório. (Isso inclui assédio por meio de mensagens diretas). 3.Não permitimos o uso de qualquer tipo de linguagem ofensiva ou o uso de insultos. (Isto inclui o uso de nomes de conta no discord ofensivos.)
Yorga Design Icon
Gaming | Design
• Special designs for you, high quality models. • Animations, characters, MLO's & Cars. • To purchase a mod, please contact us.
PokeGuess Icon
Gaming | Social
Who's That Pokemon! Recreate the most nostalgic guessing game into your server.
Tbot Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
This is the only pvzh bot and it got a lot of decks for the card game in plants vs zombies heroes(pvzh) wheter the players are beginners or maxed this bot can help them get started on finding great decks to use in ranked or in tourney. Got budget decks for beginners and maxed decks for players with full collection. Has decks acrhtypes for all types of players if the players wants to play fast then can surely find an aggro swarm or burn deck in the bot. If they want to however play more slowly towards the midgame then they can find midrange decks. If they want to control their opponent with control decks then they can also find control decks in this bot too. It can also give players info on certain cards and what they do in the game stats, description, and class the cards are in. Got decks from all the huge youtubers that play this card game Tryhard ,FryEmUp, and many other deck creators. Advanced help menu where you pick out the hero category (@tbot help)
King Icon
Community | Gaming
If you’re looking for a server with gaming making new friends and having fun you should join our server?
QuigBot Icon
Used to get information regarding the Rise of the Empire. Supports getting planet CM infographics and Reva mission modding/strategy.
used to create more people in your server and grow your server bigger than ever, it is ery very very veyr useful
Discord.F.A Icon
eSports | Gaming
Bot para encaminhar jogadores para a seção de Free Agents em busca de se cadastrarem e as equipes em busca de Jogadores cadastrados
ScumAsiaSoloPVP Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Server Name: ASIA SOLO PVP (REAL SURVIVAL) Server IP: Server restarts every 6 hours starting at 12AM SST. No Mechs and Drones High loot settings (X7) Less Zombie Squad recruitment disabled Build and camp anywhere you like without restrictions Air drop every 10 to 15 minutes FP requirements to buy items disabled. Accumulated Fatigue disabled.
Invite Icon
Gaming | Social
Para unirte a nuestra comunidad solo tienes que hacer clic en el botón ''Join Server'' En nuestra comunidad podrás chatear, hacer nuevos amigos, buscar equipo para jugar, escuchar música, jugar a mini juegos, leer las guías de ayuda, reportar usuarios, solicitar ayuda a nuestro equipo de soporte y muchas más cosas interesantes...
Bot thing Icon
Gaming | Community
This is a server based around the game geometry dash. We have feedback channels, Collab channels for both me and you. There are other games too, I will add more just give suggestions and I will add it. If the server just isn't for you at times, give me some suggestions of what to change in server suggestions. I have made this server for you guys more than for me so join up and have fun. The link to the server just in case the one for the button doesn't work. https://discord.gg/XYgDBJqGEA
Steambase Icon
Gaming | Bot
Steambase is a bot which lets your server get and display insights for everything on Steam. Whether you need basic info about a game or a historical breakdown of active players, the Steambase bot can help. Built by: https://steambase.io
DBDStats Icon
This bot provides information on "Dead by Daylight" (DBD) and its players. Use "/random {OPTION}" for random perks, addons, offerings, characters, and loadouts. "/info {OPTION}" provides details on DBD categories: `addon` - Info on addons. `char` - Info on characters. `dlc` - Info on DLCs. `event` - Current and upcoming DBD events. `item` - Info on items. `killswitch` - Current status of the Killswitch. `legacy` - Checks a Steam user's Legacy status. `map` - Info on maps. `offering` - Info on offerings. `patchnotes` - Displays all patchnotes since v5.0.0. `perk` - Info on perks. `player` - Current player count. `reset` - Next rank reset date. `shrine` - Current perks in the Shrine of Secrets. `stats` - Player stats for a specific Steam user. `twitch` - Info on DBD-related Twitch streams. `version` - Current db version. More information can be found [here](https://gitlab.bloodygang.com/Serpensin/DBDStats) and [here](https://dbd.tricky.lol/).
Pro Icon
Anime | Gaming
<#1050627844948111360> to EMJProductions discord server! Where our production team will communicate, Promote, and support our community. Here In this server you can promote and share your content and market with each other, talk and have fun, share memes and make friends.
Bot | Gaming