ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Crypto | Investing
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 34,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Crypto | Investing
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 34,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
Kelutral.org Icon
Language | Education
Welcome to Kelutral, the most comprehensive location to learn the Na'vi Language or connect with other fans of James Cameron's AVATAR. Fwa ngal fìtsengit ayoeru sunu! We're glad that you're here. Join AVATAR fans from around the world, meet teachers and speakers of the Na'vi Language, and build the hype for AVATAR 2, in theaters December 2021. We are welcoming to both casual fans and fans eager to learn how to speak the Na'vi language from the film.
Visual Novel Club Resurrection Icon
Language | Anime
Master Japanese through visual novels and otaku media! This server is for Japanese learners passionate about reading visual novels in their original, untranslated form. We focus on immersion learning, using visual novels as a primary tool to improve Japanese skills naturally and effectively. Join a dedicated community of learners and fans of otaku media, where you can discuss visual novels, share resources, track your progress, and dive deep into the language and culture. Whether you’re just starting or already an advanced reader, this server is the perfect place to grow your skills while enjoying what you love. Ready to immerse yourself? Join us now!
Sword aNd Scythe Online Icon
Role-Playing | Language
farming simulation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxf5khEf0Yg Role Playing Game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OR387kDm90k&t=44s grand strategy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OR387kDm90k
Spanish English Portuguese Hub Icon
Language | Education
First rule is love and respect. No toxic people. This is a family We're here to help each other learn Spanish, English and Portuguese! Events every week :) A primeira regra é amor e respeito. Nada de gente tóxica. Somos uma família. Estamos aqui para nos ajudar a aprender espanhol, inglês e português! Eventos toda semana! 😊 La primera regla es amor y respeto. Nada de gente tóxica. Somos una familia. Estamos aquí para ayudarnos a aprender español, inglés y portugués. ¡Eventos todas las semanas! 😊
Learn-English Icon
Language | Education
let's learn English together tutorials and daily voice chats ...............................................
Craic Le Gaeilge Icon
Language | Social
An Irish Language server. Have fun 'as Gaeilge' and connect with other people learning and using Irish in their everyday lives. Here you will find VCs, grammar resources, dictionary bots, live radio, newsfeeds and much more. There is a space for English if you have questions. Admin: Yunitex
Language Panda Icon
Language | Education
Great community to learn a language with!
Stupid COMMUNIST Server Icon
Memes | Language
No Fear City RP Icon
Language | Art
No Fear Serious RolePlay City
Nordisk Union Icon
Entertainment | Language
Nordisk Union (Nordic Union) is a server for everyone. You can talk about whatever you feel like since we approve of free speech.
Français avec Yassine ? Icon
Education | Language
Le serveur " Français avec Yassine " est un lieu où vous pourrez apprendre et pratiquer la langue française avec d'autres apprenants issus de la plupart des pays du Maghreb. Vous trouverez également des Français natifs à qui vous pourrez poser vos questions les plus épineuses. ----- serveur "Français avec Yassine" houwa makan youmkinoukoum min khilalih ta3aloum al lougha al ferançiya ma3a mouta3alimin akharin min mou3dam al bouldan al maghribiya wa sawfa tajidouna aydan achkhas frensiyin asli'yin youmkinoukoum an tatrahou 3alayhim al as2ila al lati takhtourou fi balikoum
Clash of Clans Global Chat (mul) Icon
Gaming | Language
Clash of Clans global chat (multilang) Clash of Clans глобальный чат (мультиязычный) Clash of Clans 全局聊天(多语言) Clash of Clans الدردشة العالمية (متعدد اللغات) Clash of Clans 글로벌 채팅 (멀티 랭귀지) Clash of Clans chat global (multilang) Clash of Clans वैश्विक चैट (बहुभाषी)
e-Chat Lounge Icon
Social | Community | Gaming
Active community with over 100,000 members for anyone looking to make friends and hang out! We host regular events, podcasts and giveaways!
e-Chat Lounge Discord Server Banner
e-Chat Lounge Icon
Social | Community | Gaming
Active community with over 100,000 members for anyone looking to make friends and hang out! We host regular events, podcasts and giveaways!
Language | Art
Language Hippo Icon
Language | Community
Language Hippo is a server dedicated to learning and practicing other languages!
Lengua de signos española Icon
Language | Community
Servidor dedicado a la discusión, práctica e investigación sobre lengua de signos en España.
Başqort Telen Öyräneñ! Icon
Language | Education
This server is centered into the learning of the Bashkir language. Bashkir, or better Bashkort language, is a turkic language which belongs to the northern part of the kipchak branch of turkic languages. It is spoken by the Bashkir people, who live in Bashkortostan, a country which is currently under Russian control, they are tough a people on their own. - Bashkir is currently classified as endangered language and we would like to contribute to its salvation. https://discord.gg/YgWEu5t
join the party Icon
Music | Language
here we are family together.. every night we are having a party .. just come and join the party
Unlock The World Icon
Language | Education
Hello everyone, My name is Joe and I have l recently launched a discord server to learn languages. We offer every language around the world and we want to connect people together so they can learn and help each other. We want to include members from every country to grow and expand and be a hub to help people. What we offer: A safe and moderated environment where members can learn and talk. A hub to find likeminded people who are passionate about learning languages. Hundreds of self assignable roles where you can show off your learning skills with others. A growing server where you can apply to be on our team and help users. Many different resources for different languages to boost your proficiency. We host different classes for each language, free of charge. We have music rooms, and fun channels to show off your interests with other users. Thank you for your time, hope you enjoy your stay https://discord.gg/az3efZz
minecraft 1.8.9 laby mod Icon
Gaming | Language
Labymod 1.8.9 en español
The Fox Gaming Chat Server (HU) Icon
eSports | Language
Egy jó kis magyar gaming szerver, ahol játszhatsz haverokkal, vagy kereshetsz újakat. Egyre bővülő szerverünkön tuti találsz magadnak megfelelő chatszobát játékokhoz, így barátokat is felhívhatsz a szerverre, hogy ott együtt kalandozzatok.
#hot16challenge2 Icon
Social | Language
Wszyscy Pomagamy
Language | Music
This is an international server for all who love rbw artists. We support the languages of French, english, German, Spanish, etc.
모찌 Mochi ? Icon
Language | Education
we're a chill and laid-back server perfect for people who are interested in learning korean! mochi is a community where you’ll find both korean native speakers and people like you ヽ(´▽`)/ we offer: ✓ a cute theme ✓ helpful resources ✓ reaction roles ✓ study channels ✓ a fun time let’s have fun together !! ♡♡
✔SKYBRS - Official✔ Icon
Gaming | Language
Camp Nostalgia Icon
Community | Tabletop | Social
⛺25 & Older Server⛺ Summon the chill-vibes of an endless summer, and step onto the old tie-dye painted bus with “Camp Nostalgia” stenciled in black along the side. Inside the bus, its domed ceiling is plastered with stickers from a 50¢ vending machine. The sticky air smells like zebra-stripe gum and Coppertone 50. Through the radio’s gentle static, The Verve’s Bittersweet Symphony plays just below the din of excited voices. Take empty window seat and gaze out at the passing pines, as the trees grow denser. Someone is handing around a warm, squished bag of gummy worms. Your only cares in the world are if you packed enough AA batteries for your Gameboy Color, and if the Pokémon deck tucked in your JanSport will carry you to victory. We eagerly await your arrival… -The Camp Staff ???⛺??? Join mature, fun, and relatable online conversations about anything and everything. ➸General Chatter ➸Deep Thoughts ➸Shared Fandoms ➸Books & Podcasts ➸D&D ➸Anime ➸Game-talk
Camp Nostalgia Discord Server Banner
Camp Nostalgia Icon
Community | Tabletop | Social
⛺25 & Older Server⛺ Summon the chill-vibes of an endless summer, and step onto the old tie-dye painted bus with “Camp Nostalgia” stenciled in black along the side. Inside the bus, its domed ceiling is plastered with stickers from a 50¢ vending machine. The sticky air smells like zebra-stripe gum and Coppertone 50. Through the radio’s gentle static, The Verve’s Bittersweet Symphony plays just below the din of excited voices. Take empty window seat and gaze out at the passing pines, as the trees grow denser. Someone is handing around a warm, squished bag of gummy worms. Your only cares in the world are if you packed enough AA batteries for your Gameboy Color, and if the Pokémon deck tucked in your JanSport will carry you to victory. We eagerly await your arrival… -The Camp Staff ???⛺??? Join mature, fun, and relatable online conversations about anything and everything. ➸General Chatter ➸Deep Thoughts ➸Shared Fandoms ➸Books & Podcasts ➸D&D ➸Anime ➸Game-talk
可樂工廠交流區-BloxyColaCommiuty2.0 Icon
Community | Language
-- Hey welcome to Bloxy Cola Factory Community-- This Is A Bloxy Cola Themes Server! The Factory Commiuty ‘s Admin are all friendly ! And we Have So much Channel To Let You Talk and play!! The Server Have Over 30 Bot Can use! --可樂工廠交流區 Bloxy Cola Factory Community-- 一個以 可樂 Bloxy Cola 為主題而打造的伺服器! 完善的規則和友善的管理員讓你不用擔心你的安全! 有許多頻道讓你找到話題和新盆友! 29個機器人讓你可以更方便! 有些Bot還可以玩
su4uk Icon
Gaming | Language
Hey, I'm su4uk and I would be happy if you would join my Discord Server. Everybody is cool and nice there. Don't worry even though it's normally a german Server, english is spoken there too. So join su4uk now and have fun!
C'hoarioù video e brezhoneg Icon
Gaming | Language
Ul lec'h evit c'hoari a-stroll pe komz diwar-benn c'hoarioù video.
Korean 온라인 Learning [BM/EN] Icon
Language | Growth
Meet and make new friends from all over the world. Main languages use in this channel are English, Korean and Malaysia languages.
Anime | Language
Please welcome to our Server. He you can play with Bots, have fun with friends and also learn Languages together with us.
SomaliRP | Suomi Icon
Role-Playing | Language
SomaliRP on suomalainen FiveM roolipeli serveri, jossa voit roolipelata somalia muiden ihmisten kanssa.
Zev Icon
Language | Anime
Beschrijving heyo welkom op mijn kanaal ik upload niet vaak maar probeer wel leuke videos te maken socials: insta: xZevachu twitch: zevstreamtspellen
Improve Your English Icon
Language | Community
Is English your first Language ? If no, Are you concerned how you speak,how is your pronounciation & Flucency. If yes, than please join this server .Here we would be trying to improve our English speaking skill
Los Suecañoles Icon
Language | Education
Los Suecañoles is a language exchange server for Swedish and Spanish. Everybody is welcome! Los Suecañoles es un servidor de intercambio de idiomas para sueco y español. ¡Todos son bienvenidos! Los Suecañoles är en språkutbytesserver för svenska och spanska. Alla är välkomna!
minecraft bedrock Icon
Language | Role-Playing
New server! Looking for people to play with? Looking for Minecraft friends? join now! (bedrock only)
?????? ???????? Icon
Language | Political
???????? Server dedicad a la lengua lombarda e a'l so popol ???????? (ortografia in koinè, per scriver tests a impat soralocal e soraprovinçal)
[faQ] FunFearlessFaqrz Icon
Gaming | Language
Official Discord Server of The Grand Mafia City #77 FunFearlessFaqrz Faction! Where we are to talk, to have some fun and to be the best faqrz in the city!
ChillBar Icon
Community | Social
#1 MOST ACTIVE COMMUNITY 💬 Social 🔊 100+ Active Voice Chats 🎉 500 Emotes 👋 Meet People ⭐ Make Friends 👑 Fun Events
ChillBar Discord Server Banner
ChillBar Icon
Community | Social
#1 MOST ACTIVE COMMUNITY 💬 Social 🔊 100+ Active Voice Chats 🎉 500 Emotes 👋 Meet People ⭐ Make Friends 👑 Fun Events
Brawhalla Icon
Gaming | Language
??Welcome to our server, with us you have the opportunity to play Brawhalle ??Добро пожаловать на наш сервер, с нами у вас есть возможность сыграть в Brawhalle ??Witamy na naszym serwerze u nas masz możliwość zagrania w Brawhalle
Rincón Perrón Amistaso ☮ Icon
Language | Entertainment
Bienvenidos al ricon perron y amistoso! Quieres hacer nuevos amigos? promocionar tus redes sociales? Juntar gente con quién jugar juegos online? O solo una forma de socializar con otros durante esta pandemia? Nuestro hogar es el indicado! En este server podrás encontrar gente chida quién estará a tu lado para lo que necesites. Apoyanos siendo parte de nuestro sueño de llegar a unir una nación para compartir experiencias inolvidables! ?Hello everyone and welcome to the ricon perron y amistoso aerver! In this server you will be able to interact with Spanish speakers from all across Latin America.
Hobbies | Language
Dis-CornHMT Club Icon
Gaming | Language
Dis-CornHMT Club is a server that combines three areas' gamer. Such as Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan. It's a server that can provide lots of joy for gamers! Join now! Dis-CornHMT Club是一個伺服器融合了三個地區的玩家,包括香港,澳門,臺灣。這是一個伺服器讓玩家們感到開心。現在加入吧!
Discord Apprendrelejaponais.net Icon
Language | YouTuber
Discord de la communauté du site Apprendrelejaponais.net Où l'on parle du Japon, sa culture, la langue japonaise (entre-aide, astuces pour apprendre le japonais), l'expatriation au Japon (comment aller vivre au Japon, décrocher un travail, obtenir un visa PVT, travail étudiant..), la découverte du Japon (voyage au Japon, animes mangas, jpop, musique japonaise..). https://www.apprendrelejaponais.net est un blog crée depuis 2007 par un expatrié français au Japon, qui y vit depuis plus de 10 ans. Vous êtes fan du Japon, majeur ? Rejoignez le Discord si vous cherchez des infos précises sur le Japon, la langue ou que vous ayez le projet d'aller vivre au Japon ;)
New UwUser?'s server Icon
Language | Emoji
Nali Icon
Language | Community
Nali is a Global International Auxiliary Language, intended for use by anyone from any language! Nali is a Conlang, meaning constructed language, and also an auxlang, a type of conlang! Auxlangs are primarily focused on gobal communication, which Nali is! Nali only has 85 words, meaning you could learn Nali in <1 month!
Find Your Story Icon
Writing | Language
We're a social enterprise that hopes to reignite Canadian youth engagement in the language and literary arts to improve access to reading and writing education for students. We're hoping to do so through community-based workshops and opportunities for all!
ViceRP Icon
Role-Playing | Language
paska luotiroolipelipalvelin
Speak Up Icon
Language | Social
Speak Up is a language exchange community for adults who are 21 years old or older. The common language of the server is English and participants need to have at least B1 Intermediate level. The goal of the server is to provide written and spoken language practice to the participants. Just for the English language, you can find fed materials into the Feeds channels for reading and listening practice. You can also join the conversations or events to practice your writing and speaking skills
Scottish Gaelic/Gàidhlig Icon
A place to learn, speak, and discuss Scottish Gaelic, with over 100 members. As well a place to speak the language, we have tons of resources for you to use when learning Gaelic. /// Àite airson a ionnsachadh, bruidhinn, is bruidhinn mu dheidhinn Gàidhlig, le barrach na 100 daoine ann. A thuilleadh, tha tòrr làrach-lìn ann airson a chleachdach nuair a tha u a ionnsachadh Gàidhlig
Surrealism Icon
Furry | Language
Discord.Me Support Icon
Growth | Support | Community
Born in 2015 to promote personal servers, Discord Me has evolved into a comprehensive platform for connecting Discord communities. Our mission is to help you find and build online communities that resonate with your interests.
Discord.Me Support Discord Server Banner
Discord.Me Support Icon
Growth | Support | Community
Born in 2015 to promote personal servers, Discord Me has evolved into a comprehensive platform for connecting Discord communities. Our mission is to help you find and build online communities that resonate with your interests.
Invis Lounge Icon
Social | Language
Looking for a SFW Chill Server? Join Invis Lounge we are a Newly Lounge SFW Chill Server That is New
Social | Language
.................... A server for all the guys who are bored to talk and get some roles, definitely! ....................
Advance Wars Multilingual Icon
Gaming | Language
Are you not a native English speaker and can't find people who are fans of Advance Wars in your native language? This Advance Wars Fan Community is for you!
Pizza for Thought Icon
Language | Social
┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓ ┃ ***PIZZA FOR THOUGHT*** :pizza: :thought_balloon: ┃ ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛ :writing_hand: Learn Italian and English ╱ Impara l'italiano e l'inglese :white_check_mark: Native speakers ╱ Con madrelingua :books: Classes and Resources ╱ Lezioni e materiali :heart: Fun, friendly, welcoming ╱ Accogliente, potrai divertirti e fare amicizia https://discord.gg/dPrG2mcpdA
BlazeCraft Icon
Gaming | Language
Welcome to BlazeCraft! Welcome to BlazeCraft!
SnipV Icon
Snip-V Roleplay ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ |•>| Neuer Server in der Beta |•>| Wir hosten bei Deinserverhost |•>| Gute Performace |•>| Nette Teamler |•>| Aktives Server Team |•>| Saltychat |•>| Anfängerfreundlich |•>| Kurzes Gespräch ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Hey ich bin Hannes von Snip-V Roleplay , wir sind ein neuer Server der sich noch in der Beta befindet . Wir suchen neue Teamler für unsren Server den wir demnächst releasen. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
anime fighters gg Icon
Gaming | Language
server anime fighters-invites for itens, buy itens with money(pix), events all day and cheap itens..
Learn Galego Icon
Language | Social
A place to connect people from Galicia and around the world, To learn about galego and galicia culture
SentroDev | GMOD Icon
Language | Community
Un serveur de développement pour Garry's Mod ! Création de maps, de reskin, d'addons ! Une équipe complète !
Les 1000 Pages Icon
Les 1000 pages est un serveur axé sur la littérature et l'art, où nous discutons de différentes œuvres telles que les livres, les œuvres d'art, les mangas, les light novels et les bandes dessinées. Un serveur pour les amoureux de l'imaginaire.
Pearl of The Orient Icon
Anime | Language
東洋の真珠(Touyou no Shinju, Pearl of the Orient), dedicated to Filipinos studying Japanese! We've created a minimalistic environment here, free from distractions, to provide the perfect space for learning Japanese with ease. As I am also a Japanese learner, I may not be able to answer advanced questions at the moment. Feel free to use the general chat for any questions you may have. We have a feature called the progress channel. Think of it as your own personal diary where you can share your daily accomplishments in learning Japanese. It's a wonderful way to stay consistent and motivated. Now, a quick note about the progress channel: it's designed to support your commitment. So, to participate, simply let me know, and I'll happily grant you the role. By sharing your progress, you'll receive encouragement from fellow members. But remember, reporting in the progress channel is important. If you forget to make your report, we'll need to mute and lock you from other channels until your next
Le QG Icon
good serv good serv good serv good serv good serv good serv good serv good serv good serv good serv good serv good serv good serv good serv good serv good serv