I want to give a HUGE shoutout to all of those who participated during this event. Your enthusiasm and commitment made The Trinity Trials an unforgettable experience.

Of particular note, I want to extend my deepest gratitude to each and every one of our @Judges for their hard work and dedication. Whether through MQs, battles, or reviews, you all were instrumental in the success of this event and this Discord. You folks rock.

A special thanks goes out to our @Reviewer/Mission Runner, @Steel Cerberus, for greatly aiding us during this month and doing a lot of the heavy lifting. You took a significant weight off our shoulders by tackling all of those reviews, and we couldn’t have done it without you.

And of course, another heartfelt thanks goes out to ALL of our players, whether you were actively participating during the event or cheering from the sidelines. Because without you, none of this would be possible.

A BIG congratulations to @Charlotte "Shar" Damri for winning the ever-regal and exclusive Trinity Liger.

As for the rest of you, the following pilots may add these to their personal funds:

@Davrick Mistdon +26,000 Cr

@Draven Chen +7,000 Cr

@Erika Schubaltz +12,000 Cr

@Jerome B. Rolan +6,000 Cr

@Lev Kostiuk +15,000 Cr

@Marnie Rika Lewison +3,000 Cr

@Steel Cerberus +19,000 Cr

@Tessa Obscura +20,000 Cr

The Trinity Trials was a fun experiment, and the participation was fantastic during this month. Your energy and spirit made it all worthwhile.

Thank you all.

“See you on the battlefield!”

-- Northiest