Hey everyone! Hope you're having a wonderful week! ? Here are the latest updates.
1️⃣ Analog has appeared on a number of publications this past week! ? Check them out. ⬇️ An article on Proof-of-Time by Tech Times: https://www.techtimes.com/articles/278442/20220725/proof-of-time-explained-is-this-the-next-big-thing.htm Another article on Proof-of-Time by The Tech Report: https://techreport.com/blog/3478268/proof-of-time-a-new-decentralized-consensus-mechanism An article on the Timechain by TheNewsCrypto: https://thenewscrypto.com/what-is-a-timechain-universal-ledger-simple-guide-for-beginners
2️⃣ Analog's Chief Architect Victor Young has also shared his opinion on Web3 regulation ✍️ in a piece on International Business Times. ? Spoiler alert: regulation will be a boon to Web3! Click to find out why. ? https://www.ibtimes.com/regulation-once-punished-innovation-now-it-will-drive-web3-beyond-our-wildest-3582869
3️⃣ Used Chainlink, The Graph or other data providers before? Take our survey ? and you could receive a reward! ? https://l5d87lam6fy.typeform.com/to/oy0kKmPc
4️⃣ Analog is looking for a WASM/Rust engineer! Browse through the details -- as well as other job openings ?? ?? within Analog -- here. ? https://jobs.lever.co/analog