All you need to know about Bator Bucks! We have our own in server currency called Bator Bucks! Here are the commands you can use in the Bator Bucks channel to get rich, buy virtual stuff, and have fun!

✨ GET BATOR BUCKS ✨ /daily - Claim your daily coins. /work - Work for one hour and come back to claim your paycheck.

✨ GAMBLE WITH YOUR BUCKS ✨ /dice - Throw two dice to gain coins. /guess - Guess the number between 1 and 100 to gain coins. /rps - Play Rock, Paper, Scissors to gain coins. /roulette - Play Russian Roulette to gain coins.

✨ GET INFORMATION ✨ /coins - Get the coins amount of anyone in the server. /economy-info - All the economy info of the server. /games - Get more info about server's games. /richest - Get the richest players of the server.

Coming soon: Purchase special roles and virtual items with Bator Bucks!