As we see the world grow, there will be plots and stories placed by the story developers to get the ball rolling. Until this time, explore, interact and delve into the world of Prythian. Get to know your Courts, their rulers and build alliances. You are going to need it.

In the world of Prythian, the courts coexist in a fragile peace, maintained through intricate political manoeuvres and the imposing wall that separates them from mortal men. This wall stands as a testament to the uneasy truce between the two worlds, a barrier that has kept them apart for centuries.-

The courts themselves are a tapestry of alliances and rivalries, each ruled by powerful High Lords and Ladies who play their own games of power and influence. On the surface, life continues with a semblance of normalcy, the courts engaging in their usual dances of diplomacy and intrigue.

However, beneath this veneer of stability, a dark force is stirring. In the land of Hybern, a malevolent power has been growing, nurtured in the shadows and now has begun to spread its influence. This darkness has started to encroach upon the shores of some courts, casting a pall of unease and fear across Prythian.

Despite these ominous signs, the inhabitants of Prythian largely live in denial. They continue to serve their High Lords and Ladies, clinging to the belief that their world remains safe and unthreatened. The whispers of danger are dismissed as mere rumours, and the growing darkness is ignored in favour of maintaining the status quo.

Yet, there are those who can sense the impending doom. They feel it in their very bones, an instinctive awareness that something is terribly wrong. This foreboding is not easily shaken, and it gnaws at them, a constant reminder that the peac they cherish may be on the brink of collapse.

As the darkness from Hybern continues to spread, the delicate balance of power in Prythian is threatened. The courts must navigate this new reality, facing the possibility that their world may never be the same again. You, the writers, must decide how the world will respond to this growing threat, whether they will continue to live in denial or rise to confront the darkness that looms over their world.

May The Cauldron bless all of us.