Our Discord server is dedicated to roleplaying in the realm of Krynn, more commonly remembered as the environment that spawned some of the greatest storytelling (and roleplaying) had by Dungeons and Dragons, namely the Dragonlance saga.

This is foremost a roleplaying (RP) community. Several forums there are dedicated to the discussion, enabling, execution and enjoyment of proper RP activity to include narrative gameplay, storytelling, D&D/d20 campaigning via VTT rulesets and die rollers, cRPGs and several other devices to keep roleplaying in the world of Krynn active.

We also host a persistent world for the cRPG Neverwinter Nights. Thanks to new ownership and renewed development, NWN has experienced a truly impressive growth spurt. From this sprint the NWN gaming community has returned, enjoying a flux of newer players who enjoy playing this seminole cRPG. Our Dragonlance PW server takes inspiration from the Dragonlance Chronicles by Hickman and Weiss, which includes new books being published in just a matter of months!

This mod for NWN is being built upon a persistent world base that has been in operation for over ten years. We are revamping this server and modernizing the campaign's construct and architecture to reflect the world of Krynn as it was imagined long ago with newly customized environs, models and scripts. The mission is to breathe new life and re-introduce personality into the continent of Ansalon... what all Dragonlance fans have been deserving for so long. Thanks to the evolution of tools and a social media today this task is made much easier.

In other words, if you are a fan of Dragonlance now is the time to check us out.

We are dedicated to a July 1st Official Launch Date and will post regular progress updates.

We have good talent bringing this to life and are attracting a newly founded but growing community of Dragonlance fans. That said, we are looking for more talent to join up. We need additional world building support on source material, to include many story telling devices used in recent years.