▼Monster Fighting Changes
- Added 6 more items for the lower level monsters.
- Increased the drop rate of basically all the items.
- Removed a couple dev items from the item list. (Was already unobtainable just didn't need them on live)
▼Command Changes/Fixes
- Made the /checkinventory command for mods+ hidden
- Fixed the drop rate percent display for /monsterindex
- Fixed a collector issue with the /monsterindex command causing a bot error
▼Core Bot Changes/Fixes
- Added myself to the leaderboards since I'm no longer needing to test stuff on the LiveBot. Had myself on there before to ensure the exempt users actually worked before but now that I know it does, I can list myself again.
- Actually removed the /welcome command
- Updated perms on new commands
- Adjusted values for selected crafted items
- Removed temp code from /guides
- Added pathing to crafting items
- Changed command locations in bot