FISH OF THE WEEK | Carettochelys insculpta

This amazing turtle is the last living member of the Carettochelyidae family, being native to Northern Australia and New Guinea. Growing close to 70cm (27.5in) and up to 30kg (66lbs) these turtles inhabit the warm tropical rivers, streams, lakes and lagoons that have soft bottoms and slow currents, though it has been documented that they will venture into brackish waters such as estuaries and river deltas. This species is predominantly aquatic, leaving the water only to nest. Sadly these guys are endangered and are listed as CITES appendix II.

These turtles are omnivores, eating mainly a wild diet derived from plant matter. Though in captivity they are fed a varied diet of pellets, fruits, vegetables and fish meat. For the own safety of the turtle, they should be kept in a mainly open tank due to them being not the most intelligent animal, fast growing plants like vallisneria can be added which will provide a food source as well as make the tank look more pleasing.