FOTW | Clithon diadema & Clithon corona

Time for another weekly aquatic animal showcase. This week we have the charming little Horned Nerites (Clithon diadema and Clithon corona).

These nerites are native to East and Southeast Asia where they inhabit clear freshwater streams and brackish bodies of water. Like many other nerite species they move into brackish water to lay eggs and move back to freshwater as adults. They graze on algae, detritus, decaying plant matter, and biofilm growing on rocks and plants. Adults max out at .5-1 inch (1.3-2.5cm). With decorative spiked shells coming in yellow, brown, black, orange, and striped patterns these snails have become popular in aquaria.

In the aquarium these snails can be kept with peaceful tankmates. They make great additions to planted tanks as they do not eat healthy plants, instead going after decaying plant matter and algae. They can also be fed algae-rich pellet food and vegetables. Since they are unable to reproduce in freshwater there is never a risk of overpopulation. Mature tanks with stable water parameters and plenty of natural biofilm/algae growth are preferred.

Sources and further reading: