Hey Goonsluts!!!! A new update regarding the server, you NO LONGER REQUIRE Levelling up to access the 85 porn channels. All are viewable as soon as you join and accept rules.
Welcome to Stash&Dash!!!
Our server is a level based access to NSFW channels that contain 85 channels, all porn is categorized.
Access (only view and react) to 20 channels of images, 17 channels of solo women content and 55 channels of porn is possible as you progress from level 0 to level 30.
Content varies from vanilla to the kinkiest you can imagine (abiding Discord TOS). The higher the level, the kinkiest porn you shall see.
We also have a goonroom to share porn, a captions channel, a selfies channel for those that verify and NSFW voice channels.
Everyone is welcome. Just abide by the rules and Discord TOS.
Hey Goonsluts!!!! A new update regarding the server, you NO LONGER REQUIRE Levelling up to access the 85 porn channels. All are viewable as soon as you join and accept rules.