checkout ? ?social-media-follow-4-follow-m4m-?
?polls posted today for feedback by Yagpdb on what you would like to see in the server 6 polls please answer its quick one question polls
New members will now arrive in ?welcome
@Dickbot can now be used in ? ?bdsm please try to find male4male results
? ?twinks and ? ?bears channels added
?military added
polls are in and ?cum post with cumsluts is a favorite adding another cum sub reddit to the channel
?bmo-m4m tips and ?dick-bot-m4m tips are added to polls channel and pinned along with added to ?dick-bot ?bmo pinned to help on how to use. Per feedback on polls some were still unsure on how to use
⭕circlejerk? added for your m4m masturbation videos in the #pornhub selfies category.
I will keep pings to minimum I think all @everyone is locked down now on channels and hopefully you wont get any bot messages going forward. If you would vote ?polls on the future of the server with if you want to see the gaybrosgonewild sub reddit post in ?general-m4m https://discord.com/channels/1048427218134646874/1058174069587062864/1059037218041249792
? ?mental-sexual-education just added
New members of the server will now get a new message upon joining the server in their direct messages with rules and tips