Woo! We finally did it. Year Four. In honor of this, we are giving away Discord Nitro until the end of New Years' Weekend. Join the server and apply for it in #?giveaway-for-all channel! Thanks again for all the support (and lurking) you guys do.
A group of rebels who shitpost and have a good time. This server's not for the feint of heart! 18+ Content. Crazy voice calls. Custom Roles/Colors. Crude Jokes.
We are a group that primarily chill and joke around a lot in #general-chat and voice chat. It does get crazy in there. We do roam around from time to time on various free to play games. We're currently raving about Monster Hunter Rise on the PC at the moment!
I warn you though, there are crude jokes thrown around from time to time. If you can manage that, then you’re a winner and this server is made for you.
Woo! We finally did it. Year Four. In honor of this, we are giving away Discord Nitro until the end of New Years' Weekend. Join the server and apply for it in #?giveaway-for-all channel! Thanks again for all the support (and lurking) you guys do.