• Let's start with this. The api root endpoint has been updated https://api.rimunace.xyz . It won't show the static json anymore.

  • /v1/images/generations and /v1/embeddings added (Following OpenAI format)! All models can be viewed from the root endpoint by clicking the View Models button. There's filtering and search too!

  • Additionally, you can check all models at once at https://respy.tech/api-providers

  • I'm not sure how well stable these endpoints are right now since I only tested it to bare minimum. Sowwy~

  • Also, fixed and improved (by tiny margin) for some guard, validation, and exploitation (not all, some are left intact).

  • More endpoints coming later, for now these are all I prioritized. Next should be audio speech (tts) or something ig.

Image Generation

  • sdxl
  • sdxl-lightning
  • stable-diffusion-3
  • stable-diffusion-3-2b
  • playground-v3
  • playground-v2.5
  • dall-e-3
  • midjourney-v6.1
  • midjourney-v6
  • flux-schnell
  • flux-dev
  • flux-pro
  • animaginexl-3.1
  • realvisxl-4.0
  • kandinsky-3


  • text-embedding-3-small
  • text-embedding-3-large
  • text-embedding-ada-002