Art | Community
I've gone ahead and made a friendly art server. Group is for making friends, sharing art, and getting recognition. Commission prices, character trades, roleplay invites, streaming, etc.
DM me with application directly on Discord - user is kpowj12
Please follow the rules below:
Be 18+ unless invited with permission from me, and me only.
Cursing is allowed, but please keep it to a minimum
If you are uncomfortable with something someone has posted, immediately tag me and I will resolve.
Be courteous, kind, respectful
Post in correct channels.
Anything shared in venting is considered confidential and should not be shared outside of this server. Failure to do so will result in being banned from the server.
Nothing NSFW will or shall be posted.
Please provide the following in order to receive an invitation.
Discord Name:
Examples of your art:
Reason you want to join:
Age: [If under 18, please explain why you should be able to join]
Agreement to follow all rules above: [Y/N]