ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Crypto | Investing
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 34,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Crypto | Investing
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 34,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
Leftists Unite! Icon
Political | Social
A server for leftists to unite. No trots allowed.
The Balkans Icon
Community | Political
A Balkan server made for people from the Balkans.
Musique Icon
Music | Entertainment
A music server for casual discussion of music and listening with friends!
r/Lucifer Icon
Community | Social
A discord server for all fans of the Lucifer TV series
Reason Icon
YouTuber | eSports
I am an educational Youtuber. This server is for those interested in me and my content to hangout, meet new people, and discuss openly. There is a lot of support for gaming/gamers.
Writing | Social
Promote your story here now!
Polypia Icon
Political | Community
Meant for those who want a server with: -A balanced userbase (doesn't lean too far right or left) - Fair, transparent moderation - Intelligent people and interesting discussion - Votes on server issues and decisions - Active userbase - No toxicity
Memes | Entertainment
A multi focused friendly server
Winners only Icon
Social | Growth
Warning: The topic of this server is dangerous, so it's not for everybody. Do you know fearless people? Many people are trapped in virtual games, in a Virtual world. What victory is more epic: the one: - From a Virtual world or - From our Real world? How can we overcome any challenge as long as we don't talk about it? How can you venture in any challenge as long as you don't know what's the challenge? You can make sure you can handle it by reading the Warning channel. We can take advantage of the fact that we can share a server with a link I'm sure my ideas are not the best ones and that's the whole point: -The more fearless people (who are solution oriented) cooperate, -The more chances we might have of creating solutions that are better than our individual solutions. It's pretty obvious isn't it?
Victorinox - SAK Icon
Social | Community
Server based on collecting and discussion of swiss brand multi-tools and its sub-companies, come and talk to our friendly community.
Art's Lover Icon
Community | Hobbies
Serveur destiné à accueillir tous les artistes (ou pas !) qui s'ennuient durant le confinement ! Parce que durant ces temps durs ou l'on est en permanance avec les mêmes personnes, on a tous besoin d'un refuge dans lequel échanger et apprendre à connaitre de nouvelles têtes. On parle de tout et de rien, et on accueille tout le monde ! Diversité, respect de l'autre et ouverture d'esprit sont les mots clés de ce serveur. Et surtout : ayez l'esprit créatif ! ★ Prenez soin de vous. Avec amour, Phé, Charly et leur grande famille ❤
??? ???? ????? Icon
Anime | Community
The Weeb World is a fun and friendly vibing community. We set our server topic to anime but you can talk about anything basically! But please don't break any rules when doing so. We have a lot of bots and some members you can chat with so join now!
Furcord Icon
Furry | Art
Fur Country is a SFW Furry community with a ton to offer. We offer regular giveaways, an economy system, leveling, color roles, posting areas for artists, game nights, and more from your requests!
Furcord Discord Server Banner
Furcord Icon
Furry | Art
Fur Country is a SFW Furry community with a ton to offer. We offer regular giveaways, an economy system, leveling, color roles, posting areas for artists, game nights, and more from your requests!
Science and Math Association Icon
Science | Programming
The Science and Math Association is a server dedicated to conversations surrounding things such as but not limited too: -?Mathematics -?Physics -?Astrophysics -?Engineering -?Computer Science -?Chemistry -?Biology -?Social and Brain Science -And MORE! Other Server Attributes: -We also have a library for helping people self-study -Extensive Help Sections, with Opt-in Helper Ping roles -Roles covering most STEM fields as well as edu level roles -Opt-in Fandom Discussion Channels -Pings for Watch Parties of Major Space Events -Opt-in Scheduled Daily Discussions -Generally Knowledgeable People -Scheduled VC Lectures!
Turtufu Icon
Streaming | Memes
Ola, ce serveur est un serveur de discutions a propos de tout (surtout des memes) et aussi le serveur OFFICIEL du fameux, grand magnifique et pas du tout égocentrique https://www.twitch.tv/tortue_fou
Kafkaesque Klan Icon
Community | Science
A chill Indian server
Journal of Negative Findings Icon
Science | Education
The Journal of Negative Findings' discord serves as the first step in creating an academic journal where scientific professionals and civilian scientists alike can have an open discussion about research, critique each others findings, and disseminate findings that other high impact journals gloss over. It is time for the gap between science and society to come to a close.
Ohana Icon
Community | Social
Welcome to Ohana, A family-friendly server for good vibes and interesting conversations. Keep it clean, keep it simple. Enjoy the mellow mood.
Music@Discord Icon
Music@Discord! Share and discuss music, with custom bots for listening parties
Highstones Icon
Community | Social
Discussion-based Warrior cats server.
Community | Design
Hey, Feeling bored during the pandemic? How about putting this time to good use while having some fun in the process? Come Join Egyist. The pioneers of online competitive debating in Egypt. We provide a safe space to • Debate ? • Discuss Topics seriously ?️ • Meet likeminded people career-wise ? • Find internships/jobs ? • Game ? • watch anime/movies ? and more Egyist is an encompassing community that shall fulfil your every need. We believe it takes more than one common interest to form a friendship ? and where else can you find a place with such variety and niches. Come join now and meet your next best friend ?.
Weekly Hoi4 Hosting Icon
Gaming | Crypto
Hoi4, Paradox, Politics, Crypto
The Holonet Icon
Community | Entertainment
The HoloNet is a discord server especially for star wars fans. You can talk to anybody and anyone on this server without fear! You can raise discussions on channels we have or on general chat! Ex. Movies, cartoons, novels, games, and shows.
Rockcord Icon
Music | Social
Rock Music Discussion Server! If you are looking for a place to socialize and talk about your favorite music then rockcord is the place for you. We aim to provide a great discussion server that is welcoming to everyone.
Darth Dawkins Debate Icon
Community | Education
Atheist Helpline is a Christian Apologetics voice chatroom for Darth Dawkins to debate philosophy of religion with those who advocate atheism worldview.
Radio X Icon
Music | Entertainment | Memes
A Discord music/radio bot that plays live streams radio, YouTube music/streams, Spotify music/streams and many more ...
Radio X Discord Server Banner
Radio X Icon
Music | Entertainment | Memes
A Discord music/radio bot that plays live streams radio, YouTube music/streams, Spotify music/streams and many more ...
? ? ? ? ?  ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Icon
Anime | Gaming
Un serveur sans prise de tête ouvert à tous et à toutes pour discuter de sujets diverse notamment les animes/mangas dans la bonne humeur !
Cafe au Chill Icon
Community | Anime
Hey, Ever needed a place to chill and relax, join my server for a place to escape reality, we hold movie nights and other activities join my growing server now! A place to have fun and socialize with new people. You can also invite your friends here for games, chat, discussion, anything you like.
The Speaker Corner Icon
Community | Social
Introducing The Speaker Corner: Active, Friendly, Welcome and Growing community, where you can talk about everything with many other members. You will be able to talk about many different topics, from nature to gaming, travel and philosophy.
/mu/ Icon
Music | Hobbies
Music server surrounding the /mu/ board of 4chan, moderated to the minimum extent possible.
The Colloquium Icon
Education | Beliefs
About this server
 Colloquium (col·​lo·​qui·​um | \ kə-ˈlō-kwē-əm ) : a meeting in which people discuss something formally (Cambridge Dictionary)
 The Colloquium is designed to be a hub for everyone to discuss various aspects of acedemics. Here you can discuss everything from music to metaphysics, and are guaranteed to be more knowledgable. In this era when acquiring knowledge is easier than ever, we should utilise mediums such as the internet to share knowledge and ideas, as well as promoting the belief that everyone should have the freedom to access information and voice their own beliefs. 

 So be part of our quest!
The Universal Dialectic (ASS) Icon
Community | Social
Welcome to the Universal Dialectic, A division of the Anti-Secret-Society (ASS). Here we hope to create an environment under which the Universal Dialectic, a process of getting humanity's shit together, can take place. Looking forward to seeing you around, let us know if you need anything!
Politics 18+ Icon
Political | Education
Post about politics, philosophy, debate, news or whatever without having to be around kids unlike almost all discord servers.
Tulpa Nexus Icon
Community | Education
Tulpa Nexus is first and foremost dedicated to discussion, education, and investigation on the subject of tulpas. It maintains a somewhat laid back atmosphere and is also a place where friends hang out and joke around, but the server strives to take good practice and education about tulpamancy very seriously, and there is usually someone around who is happy to answer most any question you might have about it. This server is friendly to most forms of plurality. If you're curious, please read the rules upon joining. If you have any questions, feel free to message a moderator. We would be happy to help you.
Friends of the Fine Arts Icon
Music | Hobbies
The Friends of the Fine Arts network is a place for the cultivation of interdisciplinary discussion of fine arts! All artists welcome!
?American Horror Story Icon
Community | Entertainment
This is the most official AHS fan community Discord, we talk about ALL the seasons. Though you can talk of any topic. We are a fast growing community, come join us?!
Discussion and Debate Room Icon
Beliefs | Political
The Discussion and Debate Room is a server focused on all sorts of debates and friendly discussions. You can have a free-form debate or a more structured and moderated one. Freedom of speech is important for us and you will not be censored or punished for your beliefs. There are debate events where there is a topic given and you are placed on a team with people of a similar opinion. The topic is debated and the winner is selected from a panel of judges. We also have discussions on a range of topics including history, gaming, movies and tv, news, science, philosophy, or anything else you're interested in! Everyone is welcome.
Le Cocon Icon
Salut toi ! Je pense que le nom du serveur est assez évocateur, puisqu'il s'agit d'un petit havre de paix où l'on peut échanger sur tous les sujets dans une atmosphère sereine et chaleureuse. En plus d'être peuplé de personnes sympathiques, il est agrémenté de plusieurs bots : MEE6, Tatsumaki, Fruity, Koya, DuckHunt, DraftBot notamment. Le contenu NSFW est fortement prohibé et la gentille modération se montrera sévère sur ce point-là. Ceci étant dit, rejoins-nous vite !
Wager Wizards Icon
Sports | Community | Hobbies
Step into the world of Wager Wizards – your ultimate destination for sports betting success. Our Discord houses a team of expert analysts dedicated to delivering top-notch tips and ensuring profitability for our VIP members.
Wager Wizards Discord Server Banner
Wager Wizards Icon
Sports | Community | Hobbies
Step into the world of Wager Wizards – your ultimate destination for sports betting success. Our Discord houses a team of expert analysts dedicated to delivering top-notch tips and ensuring profitability for our VIP members.
exurb1a Icon
YouTuber | Education
Discuss exurb1a's videos, books, music, and all content revolving around his releases! Science, philosophy, creativity, and more.
Confinement Icon
Social | Anime
Serveur pour les Français en confinement
La Taverne d'Artémis Icon
Community | Gaming
Dans la Taverne d'Artémis, chacun est le bienvenu! Que vous vouliez parler de vos loisirs, trouver des partenaires de jeu, ou tout simplement rencontrer de nouvelles personnes, par écrit ou par voc, c'est l'endroit pour vous! Nous sommes actifs en vocal, donc n'hésitez pas à passer pour discuter ou jouer ^^ Ce serveur vient à peine d'être lancé, donc nous allons chercher quelques modérateurs, si ça en intéresse certains!
CAS Icon
Community | Role-Playing
What We have to offer: - Role play and Chill and talk! - Character Rping and geopolitical Rping. Usually a mix of both. - Opportunities to acquire, conquer goblins, nations, or the stars! -Current events discussions - Friendly and helpful staff! - An Active Owner! - A SFW environment!
Discordia Icon
Anime | Growth
A small server as of right now. We want to grow and eventually have a flourishing community where we can all hang out and just have fun together.
AUSPOL | Australian Politics Icon
Political | Role-Playing
An Australian Political Discussion and Mock Parliament Server. Join a party, run for elections, and discuss the going ons in Aussie politics.
☕ ??? ??????  Cat Lounge Icon
Community | Gaming
You have been invited to join Cat Lounge! We're a cozy server with cool bots and many channels. We also have a bot which allows you to make your own voice channel! You can even pick some cool roles! Also, we like cats. But you don't have to like them. Basically JOIN THE SERVER JOIN THE SERVER JOIN THE SERVER WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF JOIN JOIN JOIN!!1
DTS Trading Community Icon
Crypto | Community
DTS is a Cryptocurrency trading community-centered discussion and learning group. Our aim is to teach our members to the fundamentals of trading in this volatile space by providing learning resources and posting Technical Analysis for everyone to follow. We have optional TA calls but the main focus is on discussion around trading and helping each other to become better traders.
One Piece Club Icon
Anime | Community
We have a welcoming community ready to help asap! We all love talking about One Piece and add more to the server whenever I get new ideas or you can give me some in the suggestions channel!
192.4 NOIZ FM Icon
Music | Streaming
Join us every MON, WED, FRI @ 9:30P (CST) for NOIZ FM Radio! Listen, request and enjoy a grand variety of music and sounds. ALL music is welcome!
Shounen Jump Icon
Anime | Gaming
More than a club this is a Guild who believe in power of friendship! We know this ideology is kinda stupid but I think being weird and stupid is fun, because why not be yourself? So Welcome to our Anime Place. Enjoy your time here We Live Stream The Best Latest Anime And also hold Giveaways of Crunchyroll, VRV, Anime Lab,etc ???? ?? ???? ?? ?????: - ????? - ????? - ????? - ????? - ?????? ????? - ??? ?? ???-?????? ????? ????? ?? ???? ??? ?? ??? ???? ? ????? ?? ???? ????? ?????, ????? ?????, ?????, ?? ??? ???? ?? ????????. ???, ????? ??? ????????? ??? ??? ?? ????? ????? ?? ???? ????? ????. ?? ????? ????? ?????????. ?? ????, ?? ???? ????? ??? ??????! ??? ???
Bezzie chums Icon
Community | Gaming
Hey, Bezzie chums is a server to find people with the same interests as you like gaming, online shopping or simply, to make friends. We have game nights and group activities every now and then so if you are interested you can always try. We are : ☆ toxic free community ☆ welcoming ☆ lgbtq+ friendly ☆ looking for staff and mods
Unfunny Alley Icon
Community | Memes | Gaming
Welcomes to unfunny alley! To sum us up, we heavily disagree with censorship and believe that all views, no matter how right or wrong, should be at least read and heard by others. Dont join if you are against freedom of speech
Unfunny Alley Discord Server Banner
Unfunny Alley Icon
Community | Memes | Gaming
Welcomes to unfunny alley! To sum us up, we heavily disagree with censorship and believe that all views, no matter how right or wrong, should be at least read and heard by others. Dont join if you are against freedom of speech
Political | Education
r/ActualHippies Icon
Community | Education
Welcome to the r/ActualHippies Discord server! The server for the modern counterculture and all things hippie; Beautiful music & art, fashion, hippie culture, spirituality, self-discovery, hallucinogens, psychedelia, peace, love, etc. An oasis of positivity.
Eternal - Communautaire Icon
YouTuber | Gaming
? Bonjour à tous et à toutes ! ? Vous souhaitez rejoindre un serveur avec pour but le fun ? ? Vous souhaitez partager votre passion des animés/mangas ou encore des jeux vidéos ? ?? Vous souhaitez partager vos créations musicaux/artistiques ? ?? Mais aussi un serveur organisant des events dès que possible et de tout genre ? ? Alors n'attendez plus et rejoignez ce serveur ! Il s'agit avant tout d'un serveur au staff agréable, un serveur où l'on peut partager ses passions et discuter de tout et de rien. Un serveur où des events sont organisés si nous voyons que les membres en veulent ! ? Qu'attendez-vous donc pour nous rejoindre ? Venez ! ?
Political Square Icon
Political | Community
The focus of this server is political and other debate. We do what we can to allow as much as possible, while still remaining within Discord community guidelines. - No banned topics - No censored words & phrases - Ask Me Anything and Stage events - Fun channels (gaming, food, memes, music, photography, tests, test-results, starboard) - Giveaways - Moderation not discretion-based (eliminates unfairness) - Progressive system provides leniency for minor issues - Suggestive content is allowed but not nudity/porn - Do not (in text, voice, or media) encourage, promote, advocate for or suggest for someone to commit suicide or harm themselves - Do not (in text, voice, or media) encourage, promote, justify, advocate for or express approval of (neo-)nazism, rape, incest, bestiality, pedophilia, necrophilia or sexual activity between an adult and a person under 18 - Considering partnership opportunities - Attention to detail - Active and mature moderation
Posit Icon
Social | Beliefs
Hello and welcome to the Philosophical Organization Seeking Indomitable Truth. POSIT is a free forum of discussion, and at its core is an inner circle of skilled Magi. To these selectively appointed individuals, found to be such through strict examination, there are myriad resources available: -A library of articles and books for one's mystical edification -The limited sharing of dangerously esoteric material -Advanced metaphysical discussion in VC and text -Exchanging of divination and astrological readings Again, this is a strictly curated and hand-picked community which is very much a family. Friends, proven adepts, and even the friends of friends will be welcomed with open arms. The unknown and anonymous, however, must prove themselves. "And thence, brothers, will transpire a Great Awakening, the Spirit of Truth will again be with the Sons of Man, and Greater Works than these shall thee perform."
Social | Entertainment
A social server for people with too little friends and too much time! This server has a growing community and stuff! The server has unique features (probably) and doesn’t completely suck! You can expect at least a not terrible server! Now I am gonna stop making promises because there are not that many to make.
Discussions FR Icon
Community | Language
Rassembler des francophones • discussions variées • apprendre le français Bringing together francophones • various discussions • learn french
Community | Memes
Hello and welcome to The V A P O R R O O M S! In here, talk about whatever you wish! Maybe you want to talk about your favorite anime? We have it! You want to find people to maybe play a game with? We have it too! It may not be a big server, but it gets bigger with every member. Also, we don't tolerate any sort of discrimination here. I'll send you to the backrooms myself.
Politics & Philosophy Icon
Political | Education
Politics, philosophy, discussions, debate and link sharing and discovery for grown ups. Server requires you be 18+ to access the channels, but no NSFW content.
The Wild West philosophy server Icon
Beliefs | Social
Howdy! Do you like philosophy? If ya do, then, why don’t you mosey on down to the wild Wild West philosophy server! Despite it’s name, this server doesn’t only welcome western philosophers, or just philosophers in general. Everybody and anybody are welcome! This server is a light hearted hootinany for all people who like philosophy, discussion, conversation and (dare I suggest) fun. Oh, and yeah, this server also has a gimmick…. I mean *THEME*! Of being set in the Wild West! Because of this Wild West theme, the server has a few interesting quirks. For example: We have a “saloon” channel, which is meant for anyone who has had a few drinks and wants some company. (although all are welcome!) We also have a “meet at high noon” channel, Any members of the server who feel a bit too riled up can have at it in an old fashioned (text) brawl. If this seems at all enticing, then come on down to our server!
Community | Hobbies
...[ .SPOOP SOUP. ]...   A place where persons from all walks of the paranormal (after)life can come together and share their love for the bizarre and unexplained! Horror, mysteries, aliens, ghosts and ghouls, strange phenomena, oddities, witchcraft, creepypasta, SCP--If it's spoopy, we want it here! ━━━|┓...[ Basics ]... ┏|━━━ ◆ ?┃ New server! - Grow with us! ?┃ SFW (PG-13) ?️┃ English-speaking! ?┃ Friendly staff! ?┃ International! ✅┃ Verified membership! ?┃ LGBTQ+ friendly! ?┃ Nitro boosted! ?┃ Spoopy emojis! ━━━|┓...[ Highlights ]... ┏|━━━ ◆ ?┃ Story sharing! ?️┃ Event hosting! ?┃ Open discussion! ?┃ Spoopy reads! ?┃ Movie nights! ?┃ Spoopy gaming! ?┃ Arts and crafts! ?┃ Content features! ?┃ Challenges and contests! ?┃ Nitro awards! ━━━|┓...[ Bonus ]... ┏|━━━ ◆ ?┃ Partnership opportunity! ?┃ Self-promo! ⬆️┃ Leveling! ⭐┃ Starboard! See you on the other side, spoops! ? Join our humbling, haunted home!
armonia Icon
Beliefs | Community
Welcome to armonia! As our name indicates, our goal as a server is to bring together those who wish to connect with others and discuss ideas and understandings of their specific practices or religions. While the main focuses of this server are Buddhism and Paganism, any other faith or idea is welcome so long as it is not harmful and can be discussed in a respectful manner. As we are a young server, we are still growing and learning as time goes on. Many things will be added or changed as we grow as a community, if you have suggestions we would love to hear them! As of now we offer: - Extensive roles to choose from so that you can personalize your profile as much or as little as you'd like. - Many different chats to cater to your specific practice and help you find like-minded individuals. - Daily polls on various subjects both religious/serious and unserious in nature. - Friendly and understanding staff! - Debate and relaxed voice chats. - More coming as we grow, the more people