Gaming | Entertainment
Hello and welcome! This server is a fan Discord server for the game Your Boyfriend! Come share art, memes, and meet fans of the game! Bored? Want to share your love for YB? This might be the place for you!
This server was created so that all adult fans could talk about the game, share their artwork, and meet other fans of the game. Since the official Discord is for Patreons only, this Discord is mostly for people who aren't able to be a Patreon, and are looking for a place to still share their love for the game. Enjoy your time!~
WARNING: Your Boyfriend is a game that contains horror, nsfw, gore, jumpscares, and similar themes of the sort. The Discord will contain channels for nsfw/gore art, but please, still beware.
Disclaimer: Due to Fuboo's (the creator of the game) rules, the game is only available to those 18+ because it contains erotica. Until she comes out with the SFW version, you must verify that you are 18+ to see and talk in this server.