Gaming | Playstation
1700+ Members 🫂 | Guaranteed Non-Toxic 🛡️| Certified Sherpas 🧑‍🚀| Giveaways 🎁| Custom LFG 🤝| Free Guides 📚| Specialty Quests 🗺️
Gaming | Playstation
1700+ Members 🫂 | Guaranteed Non-Toxic 🛡️| Certified Sherpas 🧑‍🚀| Giveaways 🎁| Custom LFG 🤝| Free Guides 📚| Specialty Quests 🗺️
Club Vortex Icon
Tabletop | Role-Playing
Somos un servidor en crecimiento enfocado en organizar partidas en línea de diversos juegos de mesa modernos y juegos de rol a través de Discord usando plataformas digitales como Boardgame Arena, Tabletopia, Steam y Tabletop Simulator. Este grupo es un espacio seguro libre de discriminación para mujeres y personas lgbti+ Si entras a nuestro servidor te pedimos que participes en la comunidad de manera activa. Ofrecemos: -Servidor Nitro nivel 2. -Staff siempre al pendiente del servidor. -Si apenas comienzas en el mundo de los juegos de mesa y de rol te enseñamos este lindo mundo en un ambiente amigable con novat@s. -Inclusión -Ambiente seguro y respetuoso. -Servidor libre de masculinidad tóxica. -Canales de texto libres de toxicidad. -Autoroles para escoger tus pronombres. -Juegos premium en Boardgame Arena. -Reuniónes de juegos semanales. -Bots de Música. -Protocolo interno antiacoso.
La Edad Media [RP] Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
Buenas a todos! Este magnífico servidor de la Edad Media es un servidor de rol low fantasy en el que tendrás infinitas posibilidades. Podrás ser desde un mendigo o un simple herrero a liderar un ejército o ser rey. ¿Qué te ofrecemos? ? Variedad de razas ? Múltiples profesiones ? Sistema de combate por dados ? Posibilidad de llegar al más alto rango ? Poder ser el mejor rey y conquistar otros reinos ? Staff Activo ? Comunidad increíble ¿A qué esperas para adentrarte en este gran servidor lleno de cosas que hacer? Venga y adéntrate, seguro que te gusta. Tardas muy poco en hacerte un personaje y si tienes alguna duda el staff te contestará en segundos. Te esperoo!! Ping: @here @everyone Dueño: @Eldar [44HP] Imagen: Invitación:
Dream SMP Roleplay Icon
Community | Role-Playing
Roleplay in the vast world of the Dream SMP with friends and friends-to-be. Either play as a canon character or make your own. The SMP holds a lot of mystery waiting to be solved...
Natural Icon
Role-Playing | LGBT
On a distant planet lives plantons. Each planton is from a different planet found in nature and they have talents to go along with them. There are the mushrooms, roses, evergreens, water lilies, poppies, daisies, moss, and grass. You create your own character and there is a whole world for you to explore! We also have a mmo! Take your characters to battle here. You can pick a side and fight against the others! Things: -Everyone allowed -Active staff -Fun bots -Funny community -Partnerships -Self promo -Verifcation system -Giveaways
Dragon Ball Super Ascention Icon
Role-Playing | Anime
Welcome to Dragon Ball Super: Ascention Welcome, and thank you for stopping to read our ad, our server is almost completely detached from the main timeline. In our server we try our best to make as fair and balanced of an experience as we can. Creating a sandbox style world where anyone can become anything they so please, from passive training to becoming a villain. The world is your oyster to explore or conquer as you see fit. From Saiyans, to humans to even being the same species as Hit. We hope you come check our server out and have some fun =========================== In our server we offer many things •A modified Transformation/Form layout so that all Races have their own perks and benefits. Saiyans are no longer going to get the primary focus. • expanded horrizons, Any race can become a Guardian Kai or Destroyer god. Giving people the opertunity to build their characters in multiple ways, you can even request concepts for further special roles if you so want. • Multiple Rac
Melfar Academy Icon
Role-Playing | Art
If you like insanity, lore and building a close friendship with people who share your interests, then we might be a group for you. You can always ask for a temporary access to our discord server to meet our members, explore our concepts or read through our current going on rps in the chat! About us: We are an original based group. With our own lore that members have created and are still creating. Together we world-build, think of lores between different fantasy, supernatural and non-fantasy races, and most of all rp, while sharing these ideas between each other. Melfar Academy is a huge collaborative project, with original races, lore and concepts that we love showing off to one another.
Must Be Pop Icon
Role-Playing | Writing
Must Be Pop is a celebrity roleplay game that has been active online through various elected administrators since 2001. We are over 100 celebs hosted on LiveJournal who also interact via our server. Our core gameplay consists of journal entries by some fantastic writers and interacting with fellow celebrities via our server and elsewhere. We are very open and freeform. We accept all actors, athletes, musicians, models, influencers, etc who are 18+. ☆A server with fun daily activity IC ☆Weekly IC group activities such as music, game, and movie nights ☆Long-term storylines and relationships driven by our players with many developing over months/years ☆Freedom to play as you wish with no overall storyline to adhere to ☆Interact in any way & through any platform you see fit ☆A focus on both creative writing & fun interaction ☆A purposefully simple activity check of posting a journal entry once every 4 weeks making us easier to keep your claimed celeb ☆Respectful, helpful, & active mods
Eleftheria Icon
Role-Playing | Community
??? ???? ??? ????????? ?? ??????? ??? ?????? ????? ????? ??? ?????, ??? ??? ??? ????????? ?? ????? ???????? ?? ???? ????? ?????: ??? ???????? ??? ??? ????-??????. ?? ???? ????? ????, ??? ???? ??????? ? ?????? ?????? ???? ?????? ?????? ??????????, ????? ???? ???? ????? ???? ???????? ?? ???? ??? ????? ?? ????? ???????. ?? ?????: ❥ ???-????????? ???????? ❥ ??? ????? ??????? ??? ℂ???????? ❥ ????????? ℝ??????? ❥ ????-????? ????????? ❥ ??? ????
Miku Horizon Icon
Anime | Role-Playing
Friendly Community , 24/7 Support , Custom bots , Monitoring every user activity ,
RazerRP Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
╭━─━─━─≪♛≫─━─━─━╮ RazerRP (RARP) | ????? ╰━─━─━─≪♛≫─━─━─━╯ ╭────────────────╮ | ► Wir bieten einen stabilen Server und geben unser bestes RP damit alle glücklich sind! Was erwartet dich: ➥ Gutes RP ➥ Gute Performance ➥ Aktives Team ➥ Gute Möglichkeiten um Geld zu verdienen ➥ Und vieles mehr! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Was noch kommt: ➥ Ein Gebrauchtwagen Händler. ➥ Mehr Slots für Bad Fraks! ➥ Ein Casino ➥ Custom Kleidung & Car sounds ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Was wir suchen: ➥ Gute Fraktionen die gut RP können! ➥ Aktive Staatsbürger die Gutes RP spielen möchten ➥ Gute Developer ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Haben wir euer Interesse geweckt ? Dann würde es uns freuen wenn ihr unserem Discord beitretet und eventuell sogar auf unserem Server spielt ----------------------------------------------------------------
Mass Effect Universe Icon
Writing | Gaming
We're a long-standing forum roleplaying community set in the Mass Effect Universe. We do original characters (player-made) only and have an extensive timeline of player RP events.
Hero / Villain Roleplay Icon
Role-Playing | LGBT
An original discord roleplay server revolving around hero and villain roleplay. It is 18+ and offers numerous channels to help create and develop characters and storylines. This servers storyline is directly impacted by the roleplayers actions. Join and decide your future!
Tail Raisers Icon
Role-Playing | Community | Gaming
🇨🇦 Tail Raisers 🇨🇦 is an 18+ RP focused server with NSFW and SFW options. Multiple rooms within both blocks allow creativity and openness of the game wile " Hub Rooms " in each run On Going Story Lines with over 10 years of Lore to explore and build your characters into. It is easy for new players to pop in and get started, and a place for veteran RP players to really stretch their wings and finally have their talent appreciated. In addition to the main stage RP focus Tail Raisers also supports Voice/Video chats for general hanging out, Gaming together, and even live events. A Dungeons&Dragons section supporting Roll20 where users can LFG, offer to DM, and otherwise D&D it up. A private MineCraft server with plenty of plug-ins, as well as a Musicians Corner and an Artist Corner for gathering together in the same way. Share your favorite songs or your drawings, offer your skills as an artist or just hang out in a space with the likeminded. Welcome to the Thunder Dome ^,.,^
Tail Raisers Discord Server Banner
Tail Raisers Icon
Role-Playing | Community | Gaming
🇨🇦 Tail Raisers 🇨🇦 is an 18+ RP focused server with NSFW and SFW options. Multiple rooms within both blocks allow creativity and openness of the game wile " Hub Rooms " in each run On Going Story Lines with over 10 years of Lore to explore and build your characters into. It is easy for new players to pop in and get started, and a place for veteran RP players to really stretch their wings and finally have their talent appreciated. In addition to the main stage RP focus Tail Raisers also supports Voice/Video chats for general hanging out, Gaming together, and even live events. A Dungeons&Dragons section supporting Roll20 where users can LFG, offer to DM, and otherwise D&D it up. A private MineCraft server with plenty of plug-ins, as well as a Musicians Corner and an Artist Corner for gathering together in the same way. Share your favorite songs or your drawings, offer your skills as an artist or just hang out in a space with the likeminded. Welcome to the Thunder Dome ^,.,^
Betterlife Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
Hey, wir sind ein neuer Gta RP Server auf FiveM, wir aind in der entwicklung und suchen Bürger aber auch noch Teammitglieder wie: Devs,mods,supporter,mapper und fahrzeugmodder.
La Locanda dei GDR Icon
Role-Playing | Tabletop
Questo è un posto amichevole per parlare di giochi di ruolo e giocare insieme, in maniera costruttiva e lontano dalle tossicità dei social network. Il server è associato a un forum che puoi trovare all'indirizzo
WizardRP Icon
Role-Playing | Entertainment
╭━─━─━─━─━─━─≪?????? ??≫─━─━─━─━─━─━╮ ⇨ ??┋ Bem-Vindos a um Servidor Repleto de Novas Experiencias! ⇨ ?️ ┋ 64 Slots ⇨ ☢️ ┋ RP SÉRIO ⇨ ?️┋ Servidor Otimizado ⇨ ?┋ Economia SEMI-REALISTA ⇨ ?️┋ Drogas Diferentes ⇨ ?️ ┋ Carros Reais ⇨ ?️┋ Mapas Raros ⇨ ?┋ Servidor NOVO ⇨ ?┋ Várias Roupas REALISTAS ⇨ ? ┋ Staff ATIVA ⇨ ✅┋ Comunidade Ativa ⇨ ??‍??‍⚕️?‍?┋ Organizações Legais (PSP | INEM | BOMBEIROS | NORAUTO | MP) ⇨ ?┋ Organizações Ilegais (CANDIDATURAS ABERTAS) ─━─━─━─━─━─━─≪???????≫─━─━─━─━─━─━─ ⇨ ─━─━─━─━─━─━─≪???≫─━─━─━─━─━─━──━─ ⇨
Kai Apartments Icon
Role-Playing | Art
We are a slice-of-life, casual, art-based roleplay group. Kai Apartments is now open for showings: an apartment complex located in the middle of a large, busy-bodied city! The residents here range from university students to expecting parents to large families. With a desirable location and a reasonable rent, we hope you will consider joining us in the playful chaos which will surely ensue within these walls...
VenusRP Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
VenusRP ist ein Server auf dem RP und der Spielspaß an erster Stelle steht. Wir möchten jedem Spieler die gleichen Chancen geben in dem sie staatliche Unterstützung für ihre Firma oder ihr Gewerbe bekommen können.
Hemodemonium: Definitive Edition Icon
Role-Playing | Entertainment
Hemodemonium is a slice of life roleplay set in an alternate universe with magic, a rearranged hemospectrum, and earth in the same universe. The basic premise is that, thousands of sweeps before the settings modern day, a limeblood and a tealblood known as the Necromancer and the Strategist dethroned the Condesce and rearranged the hemospectrum to their whims. Earth is in the same universe as Alternia in this au and is being gradually assimilated into the empire. more detailed version of the lore:
???? ???????? Icon
Role-Playing | Writing
This is a rp server where everyone is welcomed. We have HS rp ans basic city rps. Feel free to join the community!
Miami RP Icon
Servidor basado en miami, con staff 24/7 activa y con comunidad no toxica, rol serio y facciones abiertas
Fool's Moon Icon
Tabletop | Social
A sociable community of ttrpg players, gamers, and assorted writers, artists, and geeks and gathering place for the staff of Fool’s Moon Entertainment, Inc. ttrpg publishing company. Welcoming and safe space for LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC, the neurodivergent, and those with DID or other forms of plurality.
Celestial Moon Icon
Role-Playing | Community
Welcome to Celestial Moon! We are a roleplay server that focuses around two groups of people - The Celestials, who are spiritual beings with a special affinity, along with the Grounders who are the non-magical residents on the planet of Midgar. Along with roleplay, our server is very welcoming! We have areas to chat, meet people, and have fun!
SIAD Maid Café Icon
Role-Playing | Anime
SIAD-Maid Café es tu servidor social definitivo ambientado en una cafetería RPG con un sistema de economía y EXP, dinámicas sociales para compartir juntos como una comunidad, rolplay sin nada de NSFW, agradables emojis, eventos mensuales para ganar Nitro y otros premios. ¿Buscas un servidor que salga de la rutina? ¡Vamos únete a SIAD-Maid Café, nuestras adorables Maids te estamos esperando Amo!
Wayne Manor (rp) Icon
Role-Playing | Social
Welcome to the New Wayne Manor! We are a new DC comics-based roleplay server with a variety of channels, helpful and active staff, and detailed & easy-to-use character forms! We hope to see you soon! (feel free to message the owner (judas#9558) with any questions)
Der Server Icon
LGBT | Community | Political
A welcoming community where you can delve into discussions on politics, history, current events, and all your passions.
Der Server Discord Server Banner
Der Server Icon
LGBT | Community | Political
A welcoming community where you can delve into discussions on politics, history, current events, and all your passions.
Dragonlance Chronicles EE Icon
Role-Playing | Writing
Welcome to the Dragonlance Chronicles Discord site! This is foremost a roleplaying (RP) community. Several forums here are dedicated to the discussion, enabling, execution and enjoyment of proper RP activity to include narrative gameplay, storytelling, D&D/d20 campaigning via VTT rulesets and die rollers, cRPGs and several other devices to keep roleplaying in the world of Krynn active. Our longest lasting service has been standing up and sustaining "The Dragonlance Chronicles Persistent World". A major undertaking that represents the longest lasting multiplayer mod for the popular Neverwinter Nights cRPG by Beamdog. It is based on the "shared world" lore of Krynn, a fantasy setting created by Tracy Hickman and Margaret Weis and after 20 years of operation is getting a massive enhancement update summer 2021 Our members stem from a wide and diverse background, hailing from all over the world, we are LGBT+ and, plainly speaking, we are very friendly.
The Crypton Coalition Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
This server is the main discord server for a roblox group based around a border crossing-esc game called the Crypton Coalition. if you join this server at this current point in time[Date: 2022-06-08/YYYY-MM-DD], then the world is still not currently completed, it will be under development for a few, but there will be a beta testing of the world eventually.
The New Love Shack Icon
Role-Playing | Art
Text based Roleplay! Whether with fandom character or OC's, General RP or ERP, in any genre or theme you like, this is the place for you!
DAYZ: DeadFall Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
DeadFall RP is made up of a community of DayZ modders and role play enthusiaists, who have united to create the ultimate Zombie Apocalypse game. Join us if you share a love for story building and punishing survival gameplay.
The Battle Of Polytopia: ANW Icon
Role-Playing | Furry
A roleplay server based off of the game Polytopia where you can create your own custom character, and get a neat pfp for them to boot!
Astralar Wormhunters Icon
Role-Playing | Community
In the near future, giant monsters from another dimension (known as “worms”) are attacking Earth, and modern tech can’t do much to stop them. You play as one of the Astralars, granted the power to transform into robotic alien armor to destroy these monsters. However, there’s more going on beneath the surface, and the wormhunters are on the front lines of the new discoveries. This RP takes inspiration from stories such as Pacific Rim and Power Rangers with a dose of aesthetic from games like Warframe and Destiny. We use a simple homebrewed battle system that relies on dice rolls and stats. The RP style is turn-based and literate (3rd person past tense) and posts should include at least one paragraph. Content warnings for fantasy violence and mild body horror. SFW (no sexual content).
Star Wars Living World Icon
**What is Star Wars Saga Edition?** Star Wars Saga Edition is the last d20-based Star Wars system to be officially released. Although it's over a dozen years old, it still has an active fanbase, with players who have enjoyed it since release as well as players who have just discovered it. **What is a Living World Campaign?** Living World campaigns offer you the chance to play as part of an extended community, with many different game masters running sessions at different times. We offer both text and voice sessions. There is also the opportunity to roleplay with other users and to earn perks for your characters, even if you can't make it to many sessions.
a super fancy restaurant/hotel Icon
Role-Playing | LGBT
we are a super fancy restaurant/hotel and we sometimes do events and we are going to do ylyl and talent show's even now and again and we support lgbtq and egirls
Haiotry - Tudo que imaginar Icon
Community | Memes
Temos várias coisas como: gartic, economia, RP (roleplay), memes, conversar sobre jogos em chats separados, chat de backrooms e liminal spaces, música e muito mais! A diversão é grátis, venha!
Polytopia: Stories of the Square Icon
Role-Playing | Furry
The brand new Polytopia roleplay server! Join a tribe, become a class, fight your enemies, and conquer the world!
♛ ???????'? ♛ Icon
Community | Role-Playing
》》》꧁????????? ?? ???????'???꧂《《《 Welcome to ♛ ???????'? ♛! Looking for a job or someone to take your order? [?????? ????] - Upon entering the server, you'll be limited to a few channels. In order to get full server access, you'll need a ??????, which is purchased with bot currency, earned by doing ???? or ????????. ★彡 ???? ?? ???? ?彡★ ~ A safe space for Sonic Fans to share and appreciate our love for Fan Creations and our Lord and Saviour... SONIC THE HEDGEHOG!!! ~✮ ????? ????-??????? ✮, allowing for users to either be customers of staff members of their very own ????????'? ??????????! ~ Encouraged discussions, exploring certain topics, anything SONIC... or outside of it! ✿ We aim to be another place of comfort and entertainment for all Sonic Fans, creating many connections between users and communities as a whole ✿ We hope you enjoy your stay!
Alaris Icon
Role-Playing | Writing
Come join an ever evolving magical world, a place where beings are drawn for adventure and the opportunity! We support many different types of beings and enriching rp experiences. A Corrupted world where just about anything can happen. Come to Alaris and establish your mark on a wild world.
A T A R A X I A Icon
Community | Social | Mature
// 21+ Server // We're a level 3 SFW community of 21+ adults looking to hang out, voice chat, chill and have fun with. With plenty of events and games, come hang out and stay a while.
A T A R A X I A Discord Server Banner
A T A R A X I A Icon
Community | Social | Mature
// 21+ Server // We're a level 3 SFW community of 21+ adults looking to hang out, voice chat, chill and have fun with. With plenty of events and games, come hang out and stay a while.
Diane's Hangout! ? Icon
Role-Playing | Community
BOTS - 2 innovative Roleplay bots; chat with an AI / ROLEPLAY - The BEST Roleplay Discord Server, with 3 possible universes: The Bad Guys, Brickleberry, Markiplier Connected Universe. ACTIVITY - Always active, ready to roleplay, chat, send memes, GIF battles, sharing arts, counting, etc...
Fuyuhoshi Roleplay Hub Icon
Hello! We are a hub designed with multiple role plays to choose from! We have many themes, from high school to vampires vs humans, so feel free to join! Suggest new roleplay themes as well, and create Tupper characters to use across all roleplays! We hope you enjoy your stay!
yuun's town Icon
Community | Social
welcome to yuun's town! we bring you the following: •sfw/nsfw chats •lgbtq+ friendly •friendly staff •gaming •venting •dating •studying •bots we would appreciate it if you help us grow!
Wearyn Dynasty Icon
Role-Playing | Social
This server isn't based off anything it is a rp about you getting stuck in a rpg game stuck inside the body of your character
Streaming | Role-Playing
Brand New Server 100K OR DIE FREE GANG UNTIL 10 GANGS JOIN NOW AFTER COST MONEY (10/10 RN) Custom Cars Custom Clothes Streamer Friendly Female Friendly Gang Server
The City of the sus Icon
Role-Playing | Memes
This is a city roleplaying meme server were you can just mess around and chill or go absolutely mental.
Call of Honor Icon
Role-Playing | Writing
200 years ago, a singular kingdom split into the two kingdoms of Markmasia and Lauia. Markmasia sought to pursue scientific progress while Lauia wished to preserve the current state. However, the founding monarchs both feared war and established that all conflicts were to be determined through a tournament on a neutral island. This tournament would become known as Call of Honor. ????? ? A medieval fantasy setting ? Music bot ? Self assignable roles + colors ? 30 custom emotes ? 50 roleplay channels and more to be added! ✍️ Upcoming moderator opportunities! ?️ An interactive map showing the world ❓ Daily questions of the day ? Roleplay as a variety of diverse humanoid species and as dragons! ⚔️ Ability to make your own guilds ? A pretty simple, yet fascinating, lore ? An active staff team ? Open to partnership opportunities!
Tuokio Roleplay Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Tuokio Roleplay on suomalainen us teemaan perustuva rp servu, hyvä palvelin uusille pelaajille ja myös vanhoille! Tule tutustumaan tarjontaan!?
EDGE Tabletop RPG Icon
Tabletop | Role-Playing
This is the official Discord server for the EDGE tabletop RPG. A game with strange races, set within worlds that are ravaged by wild magic and cosmic phenomena, where magic and science are hard to discern.
FiveOh Comics Official Icon
Community | Role-Playing
FiveOh Comics is a superhero roleplay server, as well as a community server for a currently in-progress comic/animated web series. There's already an expansive lore, plenty of places to explore, and a lengthy plot in store for anyone and everyone's character! You can play villains, heroes, or anything in between, and there's plenty of teams for you to join, or you can form your own team! We've got locations all over the planet and throughout space, alternate dimensions, and even other planes of existence! So come on and join the server and make a character!
Role-Playing | Entertainment
Peace. Many in the galaxy today begin to question what that even means. The Empire continues to establish its dominance through brutal force, often trampling on the people it promises to protect. The hearts and minds of the citizenry are far from pure, however. Many believe it is their duty to violently resist. They do so with as much force as The Empire distributes. The people are oft divided, and quiet discontent is growing. Everything in the present day points to one outcome: War.
Rotterdam Roleplay Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
zoek jij een leuke roleplay server waar jij allemaal en vele mogelijkheden krijgt en waar jij leuke roleplays kan spelen? zoja. ben je op het beste adres. wij zijn Rotterdam Roleplay een leuke en grote stad waar alles gebeurt en wilt wat je zegt en wilt. join nu onze server en beleef de leukste avonturen met een een baan of zonder solliciteer nu voor jou lievelings beroep en start jou carriere in Rotterdam Roleplay!
Furry Kingdom Icon
Furry | Community | Art
Welcome to Furry Kingdom, a 100% SFW furry server! We are a community of like-minded individuals who enjoy art, gaming, and hanging out with friends. We have weekly art raffles, game nights, and much more! We can't wait to meet you and get to know you better! 😊 Here are some of the things you can do on Furry Kingdom: • Chat with other furries about your shared interests. 💬 • Participate in our weekly art raffles and win some amazing prizes! 🎨🏆 • Join our game nights and have some fun with your fellow furries. 🎮🐾 • Just relax and hang out with friends in our chill community. 🌟 We are a welcoming and inclusive community, and we encourage everyone to join us! ❤️
Furry Kingdom Discord Server Banner
Furry Kingdom Icon
Furry | Community | Art
Welcome to Furry Kingdom, a 100% SFW furry server! We are a community of like-minded individuals who enjoy art, gaming, and hanging out with friends. We have weekly art raffles, game nights, and much more! We can't wait to meet you and get to know you better! 😊 Here are some of the things you can do on Furry Kingdom: • Chat with other furries about your shared interests. 💬 • Participate in our weekly art raffles and win some amazing prizes! 🎨🏆 • Join our game nights and have some fun with your fellow furries. 🎮🐾 • Just relax and hang out with friends in our chill community. 🌟 We are a welcoming and inclusive community, and we encourage everyone to join us! ❤️
FNaF Multiverse Roleplay Icon
Role-Playing | Community
???... ?????? ????? ?????? Welcome to the FNaF Multiverse Roleplay Server! As the name suggests this server is about Five Nights at Freddy's and Role-playing! Even tho this server is based on roleplays we welcome more than just that! We have a meme/fanart channel, theory channels a
Citizens of the Metaverse Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Citizens of the Metaverse is the official Discord channel of The Neon Echoes NFT Metaverse / MMORPG.. Founded by the Twitch streamer Kr0m3ous (who is a Sentient AI from the Metaverse who arrived here IRL to build a following for rebuilding the Metaverse).
Royal Romania Roleplay [PREMIUM] Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Cautam STAFF, Lideri pentru factiuni. Oferim mafie gratis pentru cei capabili. Facem giveaway cu periferice pentru calculator, nitro si ce alte lucruri se mai doresc. Royal Romania este o comunitate pentru jucatorii de Fivem. Server-ul nostru este unul premium doar pentru cei care cauta calitate. Pentru noi parerea comunitatii conteaza foarte mult asa ca daca ai o sugestie nu ezita sa o lasi in chat.
OldLife RP Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Servidor de rol de GTA/FiveM con gran variedad de scripts, trabajos variados y personalizados. Queremos crear una buena comunidad que le gusta el rol, escuchando a la comunidad, sus consejos, y sujerencias, e implementandolas pococ a poco.
Dazzling Lounge Icon
Role-Playing | Social
Hi! welcome to my server! i am currently looking for people to help me out with this server sooo feel free to join in and help or just roleplay with us
Roleplay Hub Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
The World's Largest Roleplaying Community! We're more than honored to have you here.
Mergingtale Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
╔══════.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·. ═════╗ Welcome Fallen one to Merging tale! A Undertale Au Roleplay Server! Scroll down for info about the lore and what the server has to offer .  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. ₊ ° . ☆ .  . • ☆ . ° .• °:.₊ ° . Mergingtale is a undertale Au server where all undertale universes/aus merge into one, hence the name Mergingtale. Basically, one day when all players “died” and reset, all of them reset simultaneously, breaking their universe. But soon after a while, the souls finally fell into one universe, the Mergerale universe. In this universe they found out that the humans were exceptionally friendly and nice, but the monsters weren’t quite fond of their new monster companions What will happen next in Mergetale? Well join and you’ll find out! But before joining, why not check out the list of amazing things we have to offer? Such as, - Server with kind mods and members!! - Many characters for you to collect, and 3 people can be the same character!! - Bots for Games & Music!!
Chocobot Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Chocobot is a multipurpose Final Fantasy 14 (FFXIV) bot! I know how hard you worked on that glamor... well, I am here to help you show it off. You can also add your character to the bots database and anyone who mentions you with the /getcharacterinfo command can see your character's level, current job, world/data center, name day, # minions and # of mounts. Once you are in the database, any server that you are in that has access to this bot will be able to check out your character! There is also a command to check your world status to see if the server is online or if you can make new characters. There are some awesome plans in the works to add more!
Unnatural Icon
Role-Playing | Anime
The roleplay takes place in the year 2030. It’s a mystical world full of these strange creatures. Vampires, werewolves, sirens, giants, you name it they have it. There are also the unnaturals. The ones with the powers and abilities. Living here is weird but it wasn’t always like this. See in 2023 WW3 happened and there was a lot of nuclear warfare. It got so bad that even other planets in other solar systems noticed it. They came here and helped us start off on a clean slate. Recovering earth wasn’t easy and with all the nuclear radiation on it made it even worse. But it also gave them powers. There are many planets with life on them and many ways to transport there. More people and more opportunities. The real opportunity is what lies ahead of everyone. Hero or Villain? Make your choice. We are a growing server with some active role players and a welcoming community. Come on and join and let’s have some fun!
SHM's Basedment Community Icon
Community | Art
Hello and welcome to SHM's Basedment. Feel free to join and talk with the community. [?️] -- 100+ reaction roles [?] -- Funny people [?️] -- Mapping Community [⚔️] -- Mapping Battle Royales [?] -- Voice Chats [?] -- Partnerships [?️] -- Juicy Polls [?️] -- Very active [?️] -- About 6K daily messages And much more! ? ??Feel free to join and have a great time??
❥ Idol Roleplay Icon
Role-Playing | Community
♡ Welcome to Idol Roleplay ♡ ╰・┈ Sfw, Friendly, non-toxic krp server! 〈 Small, kind of casual roleplays with your favorite idols or actors 〉 ﹥﹥﹥Many channels to chat and roleplay New Server! Join us! <3 ︾︾︾
Striea Icon
Role-Playing | Bot
Bored? Lonely? Want to roleplay but your friends are asleep/busy? Or did you ever wish you could interact with NPCs in an RPG? Then come visit Striea, where you can roleplay with up to ten unique and intelligent NPCs in a fantasy RPG on Discord. Striea is a roleplay server filled with NPCs that take you on adventures or join in on your own -- you get to decide! They roleplay with you in the public channels and will even roleplay with you in DM if you message them. Meet some of the NPCs: * Cylix, the cute elven boy looking for his long-lost little sister * Nalia, the stern and commanding drow mercenary * Dior, the brooding and handsome rogue with an eye for gold * Ryla, the silent and shy assassin wishing for a better life * Aryn, the beautiful and playful barmaid who teases patrons And five more NPCs who would love to meet you! Being NPCs, they're available to roleplay at any time of the day or night.