We are a chill community of people who like to play video games, watch sports, drink, and have a good time.
OUR GOAL: To be the biggest server in the world!
We are almost at 1,000 members!
A chat/hangout server.
Events are hosted daily! (Game nights, art contests, YouTube, movies, etc)
I'm actively watching the server, so if you ask any questions, or want something added, you should get a same-day response.
Members of the server can also request to host an event, which should usually get approved.
I hope you enjoy the server! :]
Deutschsprachige Aviation-Community für Luftfahrtbegeisterte und für Leute, die sich vielleicht schon immer für das Reisen interessiert haben. Hier kann man sich mit anderen Enthusiasten austauschen und auch fachliche Diskussionen führen.
Hey! Are you plane-lover or perhaps you are a spotter?
We've created a discord server for aviation lovers! In this server, you can communicate with each other on aviation topic. For spotters, we can create separate channel, where they can write their portfolio and post photos of planes! We have our custom bot and reaction-role system, where you can choose any role, you want from our role list!
Hang out with us! https://discord.gg/planes
Are you an avgeek? A frequent flyer? A plane spotter? Or want to learn more about aviation? Well... This is Tweety's Aviation Club!
We are an up and coming aviation community by and for aviation fans! Share your most amazing special livery you spotting yesterday! Or chat about the latest news on the 737 MAX certification! It's all here!
Caught your attention? What are you waiting for? Join and check out out community!