Discord Tutorial channel
:: Was Dich bei uns erwartet ::
→ [❗Leveling❗] Steige Level auf indem du am Chat teilnimmst.
→ [❗Selbstrollen & Farbe❗] Trete bestimmte freie Rollen deiner Wahl bei und wähle deine lieblings Farbe.
→ [❗FSK 18 Kanal❗]
→ [❗ Partner❗]
→ [❗ Global Chats❗]
→ [❗Viel mehr...❗] Noch viel mehr gibt es auf unserem Server zu sehen. :)
Schaut gerne Mal vorbei, jeder ist herzlichst willkommen. :)
:: What you can expect from us ::
→ [❗Leveling❗] Level up by participating in the chat.
→ [❗Self Rolling & Color❗] Join certain free roles of your choice and choose your favorite color.
→ [❗FSK 18 channel❗]
→ [❗ Partner❗]
→ [❗ Global Chats❗]
→ [❗Much more...❗] There is a lot more to see on our server. :)
Have a look, everyone is very welcome. :)
This server is from DGB#1262. He is a robloxian, he has his own group/club on it. Url is in the server! We do roblox stuff there, but we also do alot of other stuff like playing with bots. Me, Aljo#1855, is a bot developer. So for any advices, come! We also have dank memer for memes and all that stuff. we play minecraft too! Thanks if you join!