Server je namenjen ljudima koji često provode vreme u prirodi i kampuju u Srbiji.Nakon nekoliko godina kampovanja našoj grupi je ponestalo ideja i novih mesta za obilazak, tako da smo odlučili da skupimo kampere na jedno mesto gde možemo da podelimo naše i čujemo druge predloge i utiske o mestima koje smo posetili, kako smo se tamo proveli i koju smo opremu koristili. Pravila ne postoje, sve slike/video snimci/tekstovi su dozvoljeni. Svi su dobrodošli! This server is meant for people who spend more time camping in Serbia. During these past few years, our group ran out of good camping trips and ideas, so we decided to gather our campers in one place so we can all share and hear out other peoples experiences about places we have visited and what gear we used. All videos and pictures about camping are allowed, no rules.
All are welcome!
This server is (as the name implies) dedicated to all things Ripstik. Whether you want to learn to ride one, do tricks, or other activities it can all be found here. Please consider Joining.
This is a new server for people who participate in Jiu Jitsu. All ages and experience levels are welcome. Use this link if the invite doesn't work.
Calling all American motorcycle riders who want a chill community! Exchange tips, share your best pics/videos, make friends, and just hang out.
-18 AND UP!!!
-U.S based
-Stunting, beginner, gear, and off topic channels (cars, gaming, memes)
-Bafoonary welcome
*We made it our mission to create a safe space for actual riders, one free of creeps, drama, and those underaged. We keep it real here!
Der Name ist Programm, alles rund ums Mountain Biken soll der Inhalt dieses Servers sein. Ganz egal ob hier Trails empfohlen werden, Reparaturanleitungen, Hilfen bei Unterkunftssuche oder sich einfach nur zu gemeinsamen Fahrten verabredet wird, alles soll hier möglich sein. Der gemeinsame Spass an unserem Hobby steht im Vordergrund und soll die Menschen zusammen führen.
The name says it all, everything about mountain biking should be the content of this server. No matter whether trails are recommended here, repair instructions, help in finding accommodation or simply arranged for joint trips, everything should be possible here. The common fun in our hobby is in the foreground and should bring people together.
A group of sports card collectors who are looking to buy/sell/trade without the hassle of having to pay high fees on other websites such as Ebay. We are keeping it simple.