Oláa, Tudo bom?
Este servidor é para ser algo bem simples, então não espere nada de poluição visual como excesso de cargos, emojis e canais desnecessários. Criei ele para fazer novas amizades, conversar ou jogar alguma coisa juntos.
Acima de tudo tenha bom senso, e não seja tóxico! O servidor é RECOMENDADO (Mas não OBRIGATÓRIO) para um público +16 SFW para ter uma conversa mais saudável para todos.
₪ We are merely a community that strives to create diversity ₪
• Whether it be talking, sharing interests, hobbies we want to make you to feel like home as possible in this social hub. All topics range from anime, manga, gaming, music and more
• Lay back, chill and Enjoy your stay at おいし
We are a brand new JJBA focused server with many channels made for worshiping your favorite characters! There are many different channels for various things, and we even have a custom bot currently in development.
A server for those who enjoyed Trigun, both the anime and manga, and for connecting with other fans. Not restricted to just talking about the series, open debate is welcomed. Full of friendly people.
Polska Polski Poland Polish Zen Guardians Pepe Community anime manga gaming music technology art movies fun rp chill memes social friendly games chat friends dating hangout minecraft pokemon meme bots pokecord other