Come join the new Spitorama Podcast going live on YouTube ever Saturday.
Who we are?
A duo of hosts commenting on the daily bullshittery of online drama and day to day things that go on in the world.
We're slowly building a community of people with a bit of an open mind and looking for a good laugh to join us. So if this is something that interests you head over and join our discord and keep an eye out for our stream!
#self-promo Channel!
A place to hang out with others
Very welcoming
Also made for our youtube/twitch channel, Yuhcast, but watching it is not by any means a requirement.
Always taking suggestions for channels and bots!!!
Tatsu, Mee6, Octave, Pokecord
An MMORPG focused community for fans of the MMOByte YouTube channel or just MMORPG gamers in general. Come find some friends to play your favourite MMORPGs, chat, hang out or just lurk :)