Türkiye Cumhuriyeti 70'li yıllardan sonra, özellikle 1975'den sonra büyük bir karanlık çağa giriyor. 1975 yılından başlayarak 1986 yılına kadar ülkede siyasi çatışmalar ve ekonomik krizler baş gösteriyor. Neredeyse hakkında kan verilen sol-sağ kavgaları, yüksek enflasyon ve hayat pahalılığı halkın huzurunu bozuyor. Çıkan terör örgütleri birçok insanın canını da alıyor. Bunun üzerine Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri, başını Necdet Üruğ'un önderliğini yaptığı bir grup ile 8 Temmuz 1986 günü darbe yapıyor. Bu darbeden sonra ülkenin karanlık dönemleri bitiyor. Çıkarılan kanunlar ile önce sol-sağ kavgası bitiyor, daha sonra ekonomi stabilize edilmeye başlanıyor ve terör olayları düşüyor. Askeri hükümet 90'lı yıllara kadar etkisini sürdürmeye devam ederken 90'ların başına doğru Türkiye daha özgürlükçü bir yapıya giriyor. İşte tam da bu zamanda 90'lı yıllara girerken Türkiye'yi aydınlığa çıkarma vakti sende! Hadi aramıza katıl.
?? | Australia Mock Government
Greetings and Welcome to Australia Mock Government! This is a community that is based off of the real Australian government in real life and this is also a new community and we are in need of your support in order to grow this amazing community. You will embark on a journey within the Parliament of Australia or maybe even becoming Prime Minister or Governor General or even having a chance to sit on the nations highest court.
- ?? Parliament of Australia ( We have both upper and lower House )
- ? Events that’s based off of Real information’s & Current as well as Future Challenges!
( Not everything is 100% Realistic and suggestion is welcome. )
- ? Make your name in the Government Or in Australia’s highest court!
- ? Proposed Budget and Manage the nations economy!
? NOTE: The group is still in development and suggestion is always welcome and make sure you read all the information here in discord!
Hello! We are the United States Political Simulation, a new and emerging US Government Sim on discord.
We have:
- A full government
- Good moderation
- Campaigning for elections
- Interesting roleplay
- Fun people
Join today!
? **Pyron** ⚖️
Pyron is a brand new server dedicated to politics and a roleplay parliament! We want everyone to have their own input into building a nation, writing legislation or running for office! Hope to see you soon!
On the Shoulders of Giants is a literate/semi-literate RP focusing on internal politics in a broken and defeated nation struggling to rebuild itself back up to greatness.
**Bienvenue sur le serveur Discord "Média du Listenbourg" !** 📺📰🎙️
Plongez dans l'univers médiatique du Listenbourg et découvrez une communauté passionnée par les chaînes de télévision, la presse et la radio de notre belle micronation. 🌍✨
**Ce que vous trouverez ici :**
- 📺 **Chaînes de TV Listenbourgeoises** : Suivez vos émissions et séries préférées en direct.
- 📰 **Presse Listenbourgeoise** : Restez informé avec les dernières nouvelles et articles de nos journaux locaux.
- 🎙️ **Stations de Radio Listenbourgeoises** : Écoutez les meilleures stations de radio pour de la musique, des débats et plus encore.
- 🌐 **Chaînes de Micronations Étrangères** : Explorez les médias d'autres micronations et élargissez vos horizons.
**Rejoignez-nous pour :**
- Des discussions animées sur les programmes et les actualités.
- Des événements exclusifs et des diffusions en direct.
- Une communauté accueillante et passionnée.
**Que vous soyez un habitant du Listenbourg ou simplement curieux de
Rejoignez notre serveur Discord de rôle-play politique française ! Incarnez un politicien, un journaliste ou un citoyen engagé et façonnez l'avenir de la France. Débats intenses, élections, alliances stratégiques : vivez la politique comme jamais auparavant. Entrez dans l'arène et faites entendre votre voix ! https://discord.com/invite/p9wdHhVF
A server full of nerds that talk about history, linguistics, geography, science, mathematics, philosophy, politics etc.
We also democratically elect our leaders with elections and a detailed system which means the server is in the hands of the people, not abusive discord mods. The server is much easier to understand and far more friendly than other servers of this type