you can join our server in squad by searching SAM in the search bar we will be glad to have you play with us
نحن مجموعة من الشباب العربي الطموح بوجود مجتمع عربي للعبة سكواد يضم كافة اللاعبين بمختلف أطيافهم , بحيث يخلق هذا المجتمع فرصة أفضل للتواصل بين اللاعبين ويقوم بتنظيم الأنشطة والفعاليات التي تخلق جو من الحماس والإثارة يستمتع به اللاعبون ويسعدون بقضاء وقتهم فيه
We are a group of Arab youth, ambitious for the existence of an Arab community for SQUAD which includes players from all over the world, so that this community creates a better opportunity for communication between the players and organizes activities and events that create an atmosphere of enthusiasm and excitement enjoyed by players and make them happy to spend their time here ^_^
you can join our server in squad by searching SAM in the search bar we will be glad to have you play with us