Olá caro cidadão,
Se você procura um lugar para debater assuntos de política, questões sociais e sobre os problemas que existem no Brasil e no mundo, entre para a Arena do Galo, neste servidor você poderá conversar com as pessoas de tudo que vêm em mente sobre política e tals, você poderá ficar tranquilo que suas opiniões, pensamentos e ideias serão respeitadas sem excessão.
The Civilised Debate Club is a Debating/Politics discord that covers all different philosophical and debatable cases/events. We promote freedom of speech and make sure that everyone feels like their voice is heard!
We are a new debate server looking for people of all ideologies. Free speech is one of our number 1 priorities. We offer unbiased, fair mods and admins. If you're sensitive it's probably not a good idea to join. We hold debates on all different kinds of subjects including abortion, race, lgbt, religion, feminism, and much more.
Svensk Politik. En server för att diskutera filosofi och politik, särskilt av den frihetliga sorten. Vill du stärka din position eller utmana dig själv är detta det perfekta stället att göra det.
The |♧Crimean Republic♧| is a server for Pixel unniverse.fun, here you can play with us and take over the territory.Server for ~Russian and English~ speakers.Thanks if you read this:]