Mina-san konnichiwa, <Anime Mafia> H|NA|Herod here looking for new bakas in their ranks, it doesn't matter if you’re old or a new, we don't have many rules as long as you're able to endure a few funposters! Make sure to read the pin when you join in desu~
Looking for a place to relax and meet new people to chill with? This place is for you!
We have events and activities to keep the place entertaining!
Color roles, economy system to buy special roles and claim other people!
Custom profile and level system!
Friendly staff team who will keep the place squeeky clean!
Join now!
Lobsters Server?
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▫️ Decent People
▫️ Admin spots available
▫️ Level Ranking
▫️ Game nights
▫️ Movie Nights
▫️ Anime streams
▫️ Self Promotion
▫️ And much more
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?Welcome to WoeNation | Anime Vibes | ! Here you can meet new and friendly people that will make you feel welcomed?
✅Different channels for categorized advertising ?
✅Advertise Social Media ?
✅Active & Helpful Staff?♂️
✅Self roles to manage Pings, Channels and User Info
✅Non-Toxic Community?
Well what are you waiting for? Come join and lets have some fun!?
Anime Vibes is a Server that is about Anime, Making New Friends, and just having fun. We are a small friendly Community looking for new Members to grow and make our Server better. We thrive to stay positive and talk about anything from Anime to Gaming.