it's a chill gaming server where we show off our art as well, sometimes we talk about different shows and movies. The main goal is to create a safe space for gamers to meet and hang out <3 feel free to join us we would be happy to have you!
Official server for the game, a pixel game where you can draw art on a world map. In the server, you can talk with the community, ask help for art, join a guild, report bug and abuse...
This is a discord server for car guys from GTA ONLINE. By the way don't forget to join the crew on GTA ONLINE also when you join discord server. More information on discord server.
Cu o expertiză de peste 4 ani și o experiență vastă în peste 100 de proiecte diverse, includând business-uri și lumea gaming-ului, sunt dedicat aducerii ideilor la viață. Cu un ochi pentru detalii și o pasiune pentru design, transform visurile clienților în concepte grafice impresionante, aducând o notă distinctivă în lumea afacerilor și a jocurilor online.
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Nato server
This is a place to share art and play games together. We mostly play Animal Crossing, Pokemon, Among Us, and farming games like Stardew Valley or Story of Seasons.