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Welcome to C-Rust, short for 'Chill Rust'.
We have the friendliest Rust community to date! Please check out our PvE and PvP servers.
Should you have any questions, please join us on discord at
Server info PvE:
- Vanilla style;
- Monthly wipe;
- Increased node spawns;
- 50% upkeep;
- All vehicles (and horses) can be locked;
- Minicopters decay as fast outside as they do inside;
- Horses decay 100% slower than usual;
- No blueprint wipe;
Our amazing VIP+ Package (Free trial on the website!):
- Skinbox for your items;
- All DLC building skins;
- Sort button for your loot chests;
- Automated doors;
Server info PvP:
- Vanilla style;
- Monthly wipe;
- 2x gather rate;
- 50% upkeep;
- No blueprint wipe;
- Max team size is 3;
Our amazing VIP+ Package (Free trial on the website!):
- Skinbox for your items;
- All DLC building skins;
- Sort button for your loot chests;
- Colored name in-game, set by you;
- Visible VIP+ role in-game and in Discord;
Use 'Join Server' above to join this community.