A community server of The Cat YouTube channel, with history, army, and politics enthusiasts, but also active on PixelPlanet or PxGame.
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Katze1918
Debate, debates, political, politics, jistory, history debate, political debate, political debates, religious debate, religious debates, religion debate, religion debates, religious discussion, discussions, community, hangout
The United Nations Galactic Republic was established in 7793 as a utopian society founded on Benevolent Dictatorship. Our server has extensive knowledge and a wiki fandom link for further information.
Are you looking for a anti-gacha or anti-kpop server? You are in the right destination,mein freund. Join the legion today and say ''Victory is ours'' with us.
This is a British Army Game, Called Royal British Army. in here you can Train to become a soldier, Or Become a Rebel. It's your choice. To become a soldier, You shall join our Roblox Group and Discord Server. Then you can ask someone to host a BMT. (Basic Military Training.)
Then you can rank up by Joining a Regiment and being active.
Always Remember. British Army be the best!