Gotta be 18 or older to join. But SFW.
Our server is concentrated around many communities and we embrace each and every individual that joins with welcoming arms!
What can you find in our server?
- Watch togethers: Most days someone will stream anime, movies, Tiktoks, and Youtube.
- Casual Community games: Anything you are looking to play we can probably find someone who will play it. Survival, Crafting, Strategy, and Multiplayer. We play games like Minecraft, Sea of Thieves, The Forest, GTA, Gartic Phone, Jackbox, Rocket League, Pokemon, Valhiem, and etc. (Will play almost any game).
- League of Legends and Valorant players: custom games, 5stacks, Aram, ranked, and content creators.
We like to update the server and move things around and play with themes to keep things from feeling stale. As far as timezones go we are mostly US and Europe. We welcome every new person personally and joining vc when you see people on is probably the easiest way to make friends.