thats it just released into discordme not any other shit. (random characters cuz 100 minimum exists: hyyrfyhfyhfcyyrfhyrfhferyhfrjjhyfrhyfrhyjfhyfyhryhrfhyfr)
Chaos and war is on DISCORDME!
7 months agoJuly 22nd 2024 - 10:33 AM
Chaos and War is a Politics and War Inspired Game u can play straight in your Discord.
Clans: Join in a Community by Someone made and Fight for your God.
Battle: Be in the Battle Field: Clan amount vs Clan amount Battle Royale ahh thing.
CCR: Join the Chaos Controlling Rector (With Money).
thats it just released into discordme not any other shit. (random characters cuz 100 minimum exists: hyyrfyhfyhfcyyrfhyrfhferyhfrjjhyfrhyfrhyjfhyfyhryhrfhyfr)