Pixel Planet is the official host of Al dawlah You can help the Islamic struggle by joining us, we are in the war against the infidels (we are not Daesh)
JSOC is a small unit that focuses on special forces operations. We are a US-EU unit where we offer a fun and friendly experience where everyone can feel welcome and included. We are a noob-friendly unit and we can offer all kinds of training to sharpen up your skill! We are also a semi-serious group that can get the objective done but we also aim to have fun together and we expect you to treat everyone with respect if you want to get respected as well.
We are a small experienced group unit since we believe the best gaming experience is to be part of the group as an individual and not be viewed as an expendable number on the battlefield.
Our missions tend to scale from small operations such as reconnaissance up to all-out-war scenarios.
Welcome to The Minecraft Retreat, we are a new discord server which was made due to PlayStation ruining communities, however we will accept any platform.
This is a discord to find people to play Minecraft with.
Join today! we got all the things you could want: bots, active players and of course Minecraft!
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⚔️-- La légion de l'horreur--⚔️
Tu peux faire se que tu veux accomplir