24/7 Active voice/text community! 500 emotes. Frequent giveaways. Fun events. Friendly members & fun bots. Chill & laid back. Anime server! Come join the Paradise family!
Você provavelmente caiu de paraquedas neste canal e está se perguntando o que esse servidor tem de bom a oferecer e está mensagem é para isso!
⭐ Conheça um pouco mais sobre o servidor:
⭐Confira nossas regras em regras
⭐ Impulsione o servidor e aproveite as vantagens
⭐ Algum membro está te incomodando? Denuncie
⭐ Para conseguir novos cargos, pode dar uma olhada em <#1174002596856463511>
⭐ Participe de nosso <#1174002599352086578>
👉Não deixe de chamar seus amigos para o servidor:
☄️ > · Bem-vindo(a) ao Gravity Z, onde a magia está em cada canal e a diversão é mantida. Junte-se a nós e embarque nesta jornada incrível!"
☄️ > · O servidor Gravity Z é um espaço incrível e completo, repleto de canais temáticos para atender a todas as suas necessidades!
☄️ > · Você encontrará um ambiente acolhedor e amigável para explorar e compartilhar seus interesses. O servidor é super completo e tem tudo o que você imaginar: Canais de call, jogos, edits de animes, canal de registro, cores, wallpapers e muito mais!
☄️ > · Aqui no servidor Gravity Z, valorizamos a diversidade de opiniões e incentivamos debates saudáveis. Respeito, empatia e cordialidade são fundamentais para a construção de uma comunidade vibrante e acolhedora.
☄️ > · Agra
Servidor legal de jogos, temos sorteios, tutoriais, memes, eventos, diversos bots e mais.
Se você gosta de jogos, esse servidor é para você :)
Não focamos apenas em 1 jogo, nós focamos em todos.
Roblox, Minecraft, Among Us, jogos de Terror, Battle Royale, RPG, etc.
Hi! welcome to ur dad's hangout hub. We are a nice chat community. Where you can chat and find friends. We have many bots. You can chat with swearing’s. No Nsfw content. We will wait for you to join
Join us now!
Hello! Our server us named Bot Hangout although im sure overtime we will change it to something better (open to suggestions). Our server is at Level 1 Boosted.
What we have:
-We have many bots such as mudae,mewbot,dankmemer,maki,meeb and others. Were always happy to take Bot suggestions so you can suggest bots that would benefit the server and depending on what type of bot it is and what it does we will most likely add it.
-Many roles and many different ways to earn them, you can easily rank up in roles by being active and friendly, if you boost the server you get a custom role, you get to choose the color, name and if it shows over your current role or not. (The server is still pretty new so not all the roles are added yet.) You can also earn roles by inviting people more invites gives you a different role.
What we're looking for:
-Active members
-Boosters (hopefully)
-People to be help out and stuff like that.
-There are many channels
-No robbing for dank memer
Hey you! Yes you, the sleep deprived one! Come join our little family, Ruby Shelter. We offer;
~Friendly staff and environment!
~Tons of unique, cute and some times utterly terrifying emotes!
~Custom roles, depending on if you've been a good or bad human bean!
~Custom colors for you to choose.
~Both English and native chatting channels!
~The spiciest of memes, from funny to dark to straight up silly!
~Gallery for all your artistic needs.
~Wallpapers for when you find that one picture you GOTTA share!
~Tons of bots, to cover all your Pokemon, gambling, murderous and head patting needs!
Hi there, have you always wanted a chill place to stay and a welcoming community? Hop on into this server and join us in our slowly expanding community! We have gaming channels a small RP channel and some geeky computer tech-stuff!
We'll be doing a giveaway @ 100 (human, not bots) Members! Just as long as members will stay in the server! <3