Welcome to Leftist Centre!
We are a friendly leftist community for people seeking like minded people to hang out and talk with. We are open to people of diverse identities and leftist political tendencies.
The BothSides server is a political server that focuses on many types of political matters on which you can debate. On our server we accept all type of ideologies (yes, even the more extreme ones) so that we can manage to get an understanding of all types of mindsets, but it's really important to b
there are a lot of things on the server, but remember
Regent endures
Alexey lives
The Holy Russian Empire shall endure
There is much to be done
Сервер страны из PPF (Священная Российская Империя)
На сервере есть много всякой всячины, но помните
Регент выдержит
Алексей жив
Священная Российская Империя выстоит
Многое еще предстоит сделать
We aren't just some random political server. Join now!
- We offer a democratic system - each group can vote for their server representative!
- We offer a news channel, updated hourly!
- We offer an uncountable number of roles, as well as a leveling system!
- Lastly, we offer a channel where original meme creators can post their memes!