If your interests for a server are: Anime, Fitness, Memes, Gaming, or Socializing, then this is the server for you!
Our server has dedicated voice channels specifically for meeting new people. We want everyone to have a good experience with our server! Here you can find new teammates and make new friends! We also have specific categories for text channels so you can find other people with similar interests!
We are a community focused around Streaming, Gaming, YouTube, and making new friends! If you want people to hang out with or just to share your interests with we are here for you. Have a great day!
Distraction is a safe place to talk about your interest from Anime to gaming to any type of internet culture. We have multiple channels were you can show off your Art to your singing to any type of talent. We also have roleplaying available!
Welcome to Kokoro 心! A remarkably active and welcoming anime ‣ art ‣ genshin ‣ honkai ‣ gaming community dedicated to simply having a good time. Come drop by!