Good morning everyone this is the Devils of Paradis server where we talk about all AoT related whether it be anime and manga. We also host Kahoot games and movie nights. Thank you and I hope to see you there
In This Server
- You Can Hangout With People
- Make New Friends
- You Can Meet The Music Maker N0ts0much
- You Can Self Promo
- You Can Talk Any Language You Want At A Specific Channel
- If You Are Active You Can Get Many Special Roles
- And Of Course We Are Waiting For You!
* /cutie
A active server with over 20k daily messages and tons of friendly members and staff. Also has icons and banners as well so what are u waiting for come say hi!
Come along and join the community chat, we dont have strict rules but you can apply for moderator By dming the Owner we have gartic you can come along we are excited to invite you as we are a small server and we are trying to expand in numbers.
Spanish English Nuevo servidor Esperamos que disfrute de su estancia aquí. En primer lugar, tómese su tiempo para familiarizarse Nueva comunidad 2021 canal de gaming stream eventos New server We hope you enjoy your stay here. First, take your time to familiarize yourself