Nós somos um servidor Role Play Gaming no SA:MP. Trazemos atualizações e diversão para nossos jogadores. Você pode jogar em seu PC ou em um aparelho Android.
A server for fans/players of the Hunter: call of the wild. For PC, xbox and ps4 players. Come and exchange tips and tactics, share pictures of your best trophy animals. Have fun hunting with your friends and show your lodges.
a place for older (21 and up) Minecrafters of ALL experiences (amateur, intermediate, and professional) on all platforms to come together and talk about Mining, life, make friends, share ideas and just hang out before/during/after streams ? while you are in the Discord, why not request to join our Minecraft world as well? ?
We are a community that lives to help others. We help with everything that has to do with streaming, whether that is setting up your overlays, panels, social media, or more technical stuff. Make new friends, network with others, and have fun in games!