Allow users to advertise their own servers or products in your discord server and earn a revenue on a per ad basis from your audience.
We take care of finding the clients! All you need to do is add your server to our marketplace and select how much you wish to charge to begin.
`More Advertising resources`
> :chart_with_upwards_trend: Find servers to advertise in ranked by size
> :squid: **Hundreds of servers** you can advertise in
> :globe_with_meridians: Grow your server quickly
> :gem: **Free advertising channel** for you to promote your server/social media (no level requirements whatsover)
note due to discords channel limit this server is only for servers under 400 members for servers over 400 members visit
Molten Advertising is the best discord server to advertise your discord servers and social medias for free! We have over 20+ active advertising channels to get you more discord members/subscribers/followers and more!
Welcome to Teshi's Paid Invites Shop!
This server is for people who want to have members on their own servers or want to increase their invites to a contest or event.
The price is worth my time and effort.
I'm the only one who invites and I do it myself, I don't use bots and some other tools to invite because I only provide good services.
? Simple design
? Multiple channels to advertise in
? Help my growing server
? Free ads
✨ Cheep paid ads too
? Anyone can partner no matter the member count
? You can win nitro
?? What are you waiting for come join my server
Advertise your Discord servers and Social Media accounts for FREE!
- 60000+ members!
- Weekly Giveaways / Events / Contests
- Tips on how to grow your server
- Partnerships!
- Stream / Youtube promotion
- Games like: Dank Memer, Pokecord, Ball Z, OwO.
- Latest Gaming / Patch / Sports News
- Make your discord grow by posting Ads!
Are you looking for a place **GROW** your discord server, social media, and more? Then **Super Advertisement** is the perfect place.
➪ **FREE** advertising for everyone
➪ With over **30+** channels for advertising almost anything
➪ **No limit** to how often you can advertise
➪ A amazing and friendly community
➪ We have amazing amazing booster perks and you can partner with us!
Advertise your Server to more than 22000 members in more than 20 channels! We also offer Social Media advertising and are always open for partnerships.