Dieser Server soll die deutsch-türkische Freundschaft stärken und Wissen & Information vermitteln! Wir setzen uns leidenschaftlich und empathisch für die Türkei ein. Dies ist unser Beitrag zur Überwindung antitürkischer Vorurteile. Wir geben uns große Mühe für ein breites Meinungsspektrum nicht alle Inhalte müssen meiner oder deiner Sichtweise widerspiegeln. Wir bemühen uns für Aufklärung, Meinungsfreiheit & Demokratie und wollen niemand schaden!
Olá caro cidadão,
Se você procura um lugar para debater assuntos de política, questões sociais e sobre os problemas que existem no Brasil e no mundo, entre para a Arena do Galo, neste servidor você poderá conversar com as pessoas de tudo que vêm em mente sobre política e tals, você poderá ficar tranquilo que suas opiniões, pensamentos e ideias serão respeitadas sem excessão.
The World and Nation of Meredia, a type of Manchurian Singapore, with indepth elections, government, business, religion and anything you could possibly imagine in a polsim! Become a politician, businessman, clergyman or anything in this 1960s former Japanese Colony and RISE through the ranks of government and commerce, the people of Meredia are waiting, join NOW!
Welcome to the Intersectional Leftist Hub!
The Intersectional Leftist Hub is a small but growing community of people who identify as "Leftist" politically! Our main goal as a community is to foster mutual understanding and healthy debate throughout the Left