**Gardens of Serenity**
Our server is meant for professionals working in the wellness or personal growth area, as well as aficionados who may be interested in developing their knowledge from exchanging with professionals on topical chat channels and/or benefit from advantageous offers (free classes, therapy sessions, etc).
'Wellness' includes:
yoga & meditation
sophrology and relaxation
naturopathy: herbal medicine, essential oils use, healthy food habits / recipes etc.
therapies based on energies: sound baths, healing frequencies, crystal healing, energy cleansings, karma reading etc.
divinatory techniques: cards, runes, etc.
arts and crafts linked with the above areas: books, jewels, clothes, music, house decorations etc.
Though keep in mind this list is non-exhaustive, and we'll be happy to add more
Reasons to join:
Our goal is to connect entrepreneurs working in wellness personal growth fields to help each other, offer visible space to promote online, exchange