
✧ Roleplay - Tempustoria: Mors Temporis! ✧
★ Intro: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16LI4R3LF_7GHYEfNF4FHbSUfz1KQDo18X94eUIsWkik/
★ Medieval Fantasy ✕ Dieselpunk ✕ Magitek hybrid world setting and everything in between.
★ Open-world gameplay, free-form skill creation, and a gacha system (TBD).
★ Difficulty geared towards a comfortable experience for beginners and veterans alike.
★ Referee cover 24/7. Mechanics focused around Skill Mastery. Main bots: Avrae, Tupper, and staff-developed RP bot.

✧ Promotions and Partnerships! ✧
★ Our very own Creator Showcase category where you can flex your stuff!
★ Unlimited advertisements and promotions in our self-ads channels!
★ View our requirements for details on Alliance & Partnership!

✨We are looking for YOU!✨
★ Partner Managers!
★ Roleplay Referees!
★ Junior Moderators!

You'll receive a welcome handbook to get you started. We'll await for your arrival!

About Server

✧ Roleplay - Tempustoria: Mors Temporis! ✧
★ Intro: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16LI4R3LF_7GHYEfNF4FHbSUfz1KQDo18X94eUIsWkik/
★ Medieval Fantasy ✕ Dieselpunk ✕ Magitek hybrid world setting and everything in between.
★ Open-world gameplay, free-form skill creation, and a gacha system (TBD).
★ Difficulty geared towards a comfortable experience for beginners and veterans alike.
★ Referee cover 24/7. Mechanics focused around Skill Mastery. Main bots: Avrae, Tupper, and staff-developed RP bot.

✧ Promotions and Partnerships! ✧
★ Our very own Creator Showcase category where you can flex your stuff!
★ Unlimited advertisements and promotions in our self-ads channels!
★ View our requirements for details on Alliance & Partnership!

✨We are looking for YOU!✨
★ Partner Managers!
★ Roleplay Referees!
★ Junior Moderators!

You'll receive a welcome handbook to get you started. We'll await for your arrival!

Recent Posts

Year 5╎Q1╎A Rose Colored Rise

We now near the end of the first quarter of Elistoria's 5th year and I'd like to congratulate everyone as we've been met with a rise in guild members and overall activity. We live yet again!

Though with it comes potential threats from malicious entities, both from outside and inside, so we've been working 24/7 to make sure our guild city is an absolute safe and neutral space for all our guild members.

👑 Acknowledgements & Copyrights — To ensure that we are all properly protected from Kopirayt-kun and that our content creators have free reign on their own creations, we worked hard on Acknowledgements, Attributions, Copyrights, and Disclaimers to have a safety net over us in case legal issues start to swing left and right in the future.

Read more about them here: — https://discord.com/channels/438386639115649025/1116212004294766642/1116212115183767593https://discord.com/channels/438386639115649025/1116219874239324241/1116219922771628163

👑 New Keeper — Some say the death of a Keeper is the only way for a new one to rise, some spread rumors that it only happens once per year, others say a Keeper already has an heir to replace them once they step down. But alas, all rumors are just rumors!

Keepers earn the position once they have met all the criteria that Elistoria requires, which includes knowing everything about Elistoria inside and out. Now out of all the potential souls, we proudly present the new Keeper: @Rosmontis, Aeon of Taxation

She will have to read all 69,420 pages of our Keeper handbook before she'll be ready to fully take her post and get assigned a major sector to handle.

👑 New Sentinels — With the expansion of our guild city comes more risks, so we have decided to expand our Sentinel roster to maintain overall peace and order. We're proud to present two new members of our Sentinel team: @Miki, Aeon of Deez @Ari, Aeon of Discovery

They will undergo further training to get used to the ropes of being Sentinels and will then lead their own teams to handle different sections of the guild!

I would like to thank all our Sentries who applied and showed their interest in being a Senior Moderator. I'm no good with cheesy words so to be blunt: I hope to see improvements and looking forward to you becoming Sentinels in the future!

👑 Life Talks with Elistorians — An upcoming major event we hope to have on the regular is Life Talks with Elistorians where we discuss just about anything regarding life irl. Think of it as a touchpoint for all Elistorians so we no longer have to touch grass. Ha!

Our pilot episode will be hosted by @Cifer, @Daniel Shahar, and @Deru, Aeon of Purity, though I'd also just be part of the audience and listen in to these two teach us more about life and happiness.

If you're interested, check it out in: https://discord.com/events/438386639115649025/1117819025993498624

👑 Scams and Spams — It has come to our attention that the "steam scammers" and DM spammers have been on the rise again. If someone you don't know messages you about steam trade offers or are urging you to click on questionable links, please report them to us immediately in [⁠🎫╎guild-support] so we can take appropriate action against such malicious entities. Your safety is our priority!

If there is a rise in activity in Q2, we will open up 2 more Sentinel slots to accommodate.


As time passes, so will changes arrive!

If you are a fan of Fire Emblem, you might have noticed (or not!) that our previous logo was a modified version of the Crest of Flames. It had been our insignia since the founding of Elistoria and we have grown quite fond of it. But alas, there are just some things that are inevitable and must be dealt with before it becomes inexorable.

With the guild opening to the public, Kopirayt-kun has been looming around the corner. As days passed, it crept ever closer - and we do not want that. So to avoid beef with Intelligent Systems and Nintendo in the future, we have decided to use the last of our braincells to create an emblem of our own! 300 IQ move amirite

Inspired from the crimson Crest of Flames of old, we present the new face of Elistoria: the Mark of Eternal Fire!

An emblem that represents the ever-burning, indomitable will of all Elistorians. Our eternal resolve to endure and break through all onslaughts. If things are not meant to be, then we will defy destiny!

P.S. You might still see the old logo from time to time as it might still be used by subfactions within the guild. Yes, you may have your own insginias or standards especially if you lead a house!

January General Announcement!

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✧ Guild rules has been updated! Please read 'em in your free time. ✧

Summary of rules in 📜╎Royal Decrees also expanded for clarity.


• You can check the full document through link below, this is also linked in the summary.


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✧ For the newcomers, hello and welcome! ✧

• If you haven't yet, select an access role in 📜╎Royal Decrees to unlock the guild! More info on access roles below.


• Full and Lite access members, 💬╎The Slums is where we'll be. And for our Play members, head over to 💬╎RP Main Chat!

You can change your access role anytime, in case you get overwhelmed with Full, please switch to Lite or Play access!

• If you encounter any issues or if you have concerns, please reach out to us in 🎫╎Guild Support!

For any suggestions for the guild, check out 📥╎Suggestion Box!

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✧ How do I roleplay/where is the roleplay? ✧

• Looking for the roleplay section but don't know where to start?

Head over to 📋╎Mode Select to unlock the primary roleplay channels!

• Already have the roleplay role but don't know how to proceed?

Check out the 📑╎RP Handbook for everything you need to know about the roleplay, including instructions on character creation! Get in on the action in three easy steps!

📋╎Mode Select -> 📑╎Rules -> 📜╎Character Creation

• For all questions related to roleplay, yoink 'em all in ❓╎RP Questions.

You can ping the @RP Referee role anytime to notify the staff in case you require assistance or have questions!

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✧ Level 3! ✧

Ayo we've finally reached level 3, congratulations everyone! A big thank you to our boosters and supporters! Your perks and privileges are our love and affected uwu. Jk, check in 🏰╎Court Hall and be prioritized in everything!

• Check out our prestige roles in the 📚╎Guild Lore to join in on the shenanigans. Link below if it gets confusing.


• In case you want to invite your friends, loved ones, or would like to doom your enemies in this hellhole, you can use our public custom link for invites!



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