This is a server based off of Hasbro’s show, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (G4!), and takes place nine years after the events of Season Nine of My Little Pony. Generation Five does not exist in this universe!~
Embark on an epic tale in the mythical land of Equestria, where Princess Twilight Sparkle, driven by a desire to enhance friendship, forges the powerful Elements of Unity. These artifacts, meant to strengthen the bonds between ponies, unexpectedly give rise to the malevolent Elements of Discord. As the benevolent Elements of Unity seek to elevate friendship to new heights, the dark forces of Umbra Obscura discover the Elements of Discourse during her banishment. Determined to plunge Equestria into chaos, she forms the Discordant Enclave, a group of corrupted ponies wielding the power , a group of corrupted ponies wielding the power of envy, mockery, betrayal, deceptive honesty, malevolent generosity, and chaotic isolation.