Hi, welcome!
We are a server created so you can find people to study 1-on-1 with . :)
You can check out our #find-a-study-partner section to post an ad so you can find people to do 25 min and 50 min poms, etc with. Or just to find people to hold each other accountable.
Join today and enjoy!
Italian Study Club è un server che riunisce studenti universitari e non per cooperare nello studio, offrire servizi di tutoraggio e trovare nuovi compagni di studio.
A MUN Discord Server dedicated to help provide a safe space for MUN Delegates to share information, give advice, and support other delegates. TGN further provides a space for Conference Organizers to
Hi this is MiniPoland:D Hi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is MiniPoland:DHi this is
1 + 1 = ?
if you know the answer of this equation, then you are welcome
a place for learning mathematics, geometry, algorithms and whatever related to it
we also try to have video tutorials per week
daily voice chat and sharing knowledge
and a lot more