Finding people to play with online for Retro games can be a challenge, especially when you're trying to connect for a specific game at a specific time. That's why a few of us have come together to create a solution!
We've launched a Discord server dedicated to helping retro gaming enthusiasts find matches and make new friends. Whether you're into classic platformers, fighters, or any other retro titles, our community is here to make matchmaking easier and more enjoyable for everyone. The more people that join, the more vibrant and active our community will become!
**How to Get Started:**
1. **Choose Your Game Roles:** Browse through our game roles and select the ones you're interested in. This will let others know which games you're up for playing and unlock dedicated channels and events for those titles.
2. **Get Involved:** You can mention others in the same game role to start a match whenever someone is available. Want to organize a game session? Assign yourself the host role and